Warisan Art Gallery: art and handicraft product

Warisan Art Gallery: art and handicraft product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Fundamental of Entrepreneurship is the subject for part 6 students Diploma in Foodservice Management under Faculty Hotel and Tourism Management. All students will learn the business plan to obtain knowledge and exposure to some of the basic techniques and tools to be an entrepreneur in managing their business.
Our company is Warisan Art Gallery focus on painting art and handicraft product. While practice this project, we faced many challenges and we try to solve the problem. In chapter 1, we started about the company background includes the purpose we built this business and also the partnership background.
In chapter 2, we covers the aspect of administrative plan includes our vision, mission and objectives of our company. This chapter also introduces manpower and their task and responsibilities in this company.
Chapter 3 cover about marketing plan. We present the type of product that we selling by our company to the customers. In this chapter, we focus on the population growth in our business area and also about the others company competitor
For the last chapter is about the operational plan. We identifying the step-by- step processes from beginning we handle the product until we provide to the customer. The process had been illustrated by using a flow chart. Before preparing this chart, we identify all the activities involve in our company.
For the conclusion to achieve this business, we follow the fundamental concepts and practice of the entrepreneurship. We focus on theories and practices that relevant to our company.

Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Additional Information: Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management
Keywords: Business proposal, Entrepreneurship, Painting, Handicrafts
Taxonomy: By Subject > Entrepreneurship > Business Fundamentals
By Subject > Entrepreneurship > Business Planning
Local Content Hub: Subjects > Entrepreneurship
Depositing User: Nor Azimahwati Aris
Date Deposited: 20 Apr 2022 08:04
Last Modified: 20 Apr 2022 08:04
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