Sulap Do Taakanon: traditional food restaurant

Sulap Do Taakanon: traditional food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sulap Do Taakanon is the symbol of our company. Our name Sulap Do Taakanon is originated from one of the ethnic in Sabah which is Dusun. The meaning of our company name
is Sulap which means house or a place to stay, Taakanon which means eating. Overall it means a place to stay to eat. Originally our company decided to open a restaurant based on traditional food from all around Sabah. However, we decided to only produce one product in the beginning of our business and will accomplish our dreams in opening traditional food
restaurant in order to introduced Sabah more to the outsiders. Therefore we choose to produce our very first product which is Kelapa Susu that are basically fruit that symbolize villages and sort of traditional food but has been fusion or modernize in order to fit the consumer taste and demand.

Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Additional Information: Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Business proposal, Business management
Taxonomy: By Subject > Entrepreneurship > Business Fundamentals
By Subject > Entrepreneurship > Business Planning
Local Content Hub: Subjects > Entrepreneurship
Depositing User: Haryati Ramlee
Date Deposited: 30 Jun 2022 08:53
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2022 08:53
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