Giltter Laundry: laundry service

Giltter Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


In firm or organization, top management has important roles in setting quantifiable, measurable and achievable objectives. This is to make sure the top management of the company can achieve their objective efficiently. For “GLITTER LAUNDRY”, our strategy is urbanized as a guideline for daily operation of the company that stresses more on the frequent need to maximize profits in a just, reasonable manner. Apart from trying to earn a fair return on investment from our stockholders. Other than that, we are also looking forward to improve our share in the market size. In addition, we will try to provide our customers with the best and fastest service to make sure our customers really satisfied and happy with our company. In addition, to achieve our objective, we had determined our target market. Our company is located at campus zone or student zone, and residential area. Our target markets are the students of UiTMCS and UNIMAS. Why most of our customers are among the students? This is because they do not have much time to wash their clothes. Due to this, our company has a great opportunity corresponding to our objective to earn the greatest possible profit by increasing our service quality and offer a reasonable price to our customers especially to our regular customers. The marketing department is also to expand appropriate marketing strategies in order to ensure the transactions of the business are properly done. Another vital section in GLITTER LAUNDRY is the administration. The main objective of the administrative manager is to harmonize and converse the information of each of the company’s main division so that unit costs of production may be reduced and productivity be increased. Consequently, administrative manager plays important roles.

Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Additional Information: Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies
Keywords: Business proposal, Entrepreneurship, Dobi, Laundry
Taxonomy: By Subject > Entrepreneurship > Business Fundamentals
By Subject > Entrepreneurship > Business Planning
Local Content Hub: Subjects > Entrepreneurship
Depositing User: Nur Rohaya Razali
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2022 04:56
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2022 04:56
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