PBS: include Sabah's traditional pattern in batik wear

PBS: include Sabah's traditional pattern in batik wear. [Newspaper] (2023)


KOTA KINABALU: Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) is hoping that the directive for federal civil servants to wear batik on Thursdays will include Sabah's traditional pattern.

Its Youth chief Christopher Mandut, in supporting the federal government's initiative, said: "We have more than 30 ethnic groups, with various interesting and meaningful traditional patterns in terms of customs and culture,"

He said every tribe in Sabah possessed its own distinct traditional pattern, which can be incorporated into Sabah batik to showcase the state's rich diversity.

Item Type: Newspaper
Keywords: Batik wear, Civil servants, Sabah's traditional patterned shirts, Batik design, Clothing
Taxonomy: By Niche > Batik > Marketing
Local Content Hub: Niche > Batik
Depositing User: Muslim Ismail @ Ahmad
Date Deposited: 18 Oct 2023 09:29
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2023 09:29
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