Opportunities and constraints of virtual reality application in international and domestic car companies of Malaysia

Opportunities and constraints of virtual reality application in international and domestic car companies of Malaysia. In: UKSim 14th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. IEEE Xplore, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 273-277. ISBN 978-0-7695-4682-7 (2012)


Virtual Reality (VR) is one of the technologies that provides new opportunity to improve productivity and enhances quality of manufacturing. Automotive industry is considered as initial group to use and utilise VR technologies. This research investigates benefits and barriers regarding the use of VR. Six automotive companies in Malaysia were selected as case studies. A total number of 240 questionnaires were distributed between these six automotive industry and 153 people responded to the questionnaires. Based on the questionnaires, this research analyses, and identifies the opportunities of VR in the industry and its constraints. From the statistical analysis, it was found that ‘reducing reworks’and ‘improving quality of manufacturing’ are the two most common advantages of using VR technology. ‘Lack of knowledge’, ‘lack of trained people’ and ‘time to get proficient’ are three major barriers of adopting with new technology such as VR.

Item Type: Book Section
Keywords: Virtual reality, Automotive, Manufacturing
Taxonomy: By Subject > College of Engineering > Mechanical Engineering > Automotive
By Subject > College of Engineering > Mechanical Engineering > Manufacturing
Local Content Hub: Subjects > College of Engineering
Depositing User: Mohd Fadhli Samsudin
Date Deposited: 29 Jun 2022 07:33
Last Modified: 29 Jun 2022 07:33
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