Tourism business preparedness towards crisis in Sabah costal distination: a preliminary study

Tourism business preparedness towards crisis in Sabah costal distination: a preliminary study. BIMP-EAGA Journal for Sustainable Tourism Development, 7 (1). pp. 28-37. ISSN 2232-10603 (2018)


This paper outlines the preliminary findings that highlight an approach to assist coastal tourism businesses that faces crisis management in the tourism industry. The study focused on Weston and Klias River in Beaufort, notes on how crisis management is of growing importance issues in the particular area where the nature of crises being identified. A structured interviewed being conducted with the local tourism business operators. Although the impact of crises cannot be ended but what these operators can do is to reduce the impact of the crises by government and private sectors. The findings conclude that storm, earthquake, sea level rising, technological failure (aircraft crashes, power blackout, computer irregularity), and environmental degradation / pollution (mangrove, coral reef, water resources), and were most discussed by the local tourism business operators. Even though such incidents caused pressures but at the same time this situations helps the local tourism business operators to have a better understanding on such phenomena. This research will be contributed to the knowledge and awareness on disaster preparedness of the tourism industry since the industry is a large and unique collection of industry sectors with special needs in disaster planning and recovery.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Tourism Business, Coastal tourism, Tourism destinations, Preparedness, Resilience, Crisis management
Taxonomy: By Subject > Hotel & Tourism Management > Tourism Management
Local Content Hub: Subjects > Hotel & Tourism Management
Depositing User: Mohamad Ismail
Date Deposited: 27 Apr 2022 04:42
Last Modified: 27 Apr 2022 04:42
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