CPH Enterprise: CPH smart dustbin pro max

CPH Enterprise: CPH smart dustbin pro max. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Brief Description of the Business and Product Concepts CPH Enterprise is a company that produce the latest version of smart dustbin. The latest smart dustbin that had been introduce by CPH Enterprise is CPH Smart Dustbin Pro Max. CPH Smart Dustbin Pro Max is basically a dustbin with several specific features that will help user in order to take care of their household. CPH Smart Dustbin Pro Max had comes with a few features such as pressless lid, air quality control, an alarm to alert users once the smart dustbin is full or when the trash produce unease smell. CPH Smart Dustbin Pro Max also comes with rechargeable battery with fast charging, auto refill plastic trash bag, and auto seal plastic trash bag.Target Market and Projections Although our product is suitable for all age, but our target customers are the household so it might be in between 25 years old to 65 years old. For those who already has family will be our target customers to buy CPH Smart Dustbin Pro Max because it is more convenience compared to existing dustbin. Other than that, people with income classification of M40 and T20 also will be our target customers.As for the beginning of the business, we will concentrate around the capital of each states in Malaysia. Marketing of the product will be made through media social such as Facebook and YouTube.

Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Additional Information: Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Business proposal, ENT 600, CPH Smart Dustbin Pro Max
Taxonomy: By Subject > Entrepreneurship > Business Fundamentals
By Subject > Entrepreneurship > Business Planning
Local Content Hub: Subjects > Entrepreneurship
Depositing User: Mohd Hafiz Kasirun
Date Deposited: 08 Jan 2021 23:58
Last Modified: 10 Jan 2021 23:45
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