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Jump to: 16S rRNA gene | 28S Region | ABCG8 gene mutation | ABGD | APOB gene | Acinetobacter baumannii | Acute Myeloid Leukemia | Acute myeloid leukaemia | Acute rejection | Adaptations | Adverse drug reaction | Adverse drug reactions | Aedes albopictus | Allele | Alzheimer’s disease | Amino acid metabolism | Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) | Analisis penjujukan genom | Analysis services | Analytical sensitivity | Animal Model | Animal model | Annealing | Antarctica | Anti-ageing | Antibiotic resistance | Antibiotic sensitivity | Antimicrobial Drugs | Antimicrobial resistance | Antioxidant | Antioxidant properties | Antituberculosis | Apolipoproteins | Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) | Atherosclerosis | AuNP/SPCE | Autolysin | BRCA1/2 gene | Bacteria genomic DNA | Bacterial Genomics | Bacterial annotation | Bacterial genomes | Bacterial pathogenicity | Bat | Betaherpesvirus | Bioinformatic | Bioinformatics | Biological processes | Biomarker | Biopsied murine | Biosafety | Biotic and Abiotic Stressors | Bisphenol A | Bisphenol-A | Bladder cancer | Blood group profiles | Body Fat | Body Mass Index (BMI) | Botanical | Brain | Brain metabolites | Breast Cancer | Breast cancer | Brucella melitensis | Brucellosis | Burkholderia gladioli | Burkholderia glumae | C YP2C 9 Frequency | CD antigens | CO1 gene | COVID-19 | CRC database | CRC repository | CRISPR/Cas9 | CRISPR/Cas9 technology | CSF | CYP2C9 | CYP2C9 Haplotypes | CYP2C9 genotyping | Cancer | Cancer-related nsSNPs | Canine parvovirus | Capillary Sequencing | Capillary sequencing | Capsid protein | Carbon utilization enzymes | Carcinogenesis | Causative agent | Cell Sorting | Cells | Centella asiatica | Cholesterol | Cholesterol levels | Chromosome | Cockroaches | Colorectal cancer | Commensals | Complex Genome | Complex diseases | Copy Number Variations (CNVs) | Copy number variation | Copy number variation (CNV) | Coronary artery disease | Covid-19 | Cytochrome P450 | Cytomegalovirus (CMV) | Cytotoxicity | D-galactose | DAMBE | DNA | DNA Damage | DNA damage | DNA extraction | DNA gyrase | DNA methylation | DNA sequence | Date palm | De Novo Assembly | Delta | Dengue | Diagnostic tool | Diarrhoea | Diet | Dosing protocol | Double-strand breaks | Draft genome | Drug discovery | Drug reaction | Drug resistance | ELSI | Embryology | Endogenous betaretrovirus | Endothelial Activation | Environmental diseases | Enzyme | Epigenetics | Epilepsy | Epilepsy genes | Ethics | Ethylene Plant Hormone | Ethylene Signalling to Plant | Evolution rate | Extrapulmonary | Extrapulmonary TB | FCGR3 Locus | FCGR3B | FH | FTO Gene Variant rs9939609 | FTO gene variant rs9939609 | Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) | Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) | Familial hypercholesterolaemia | Fargesin | Farnesoid-x Receptor | Felids | Ficus Deltoidea (FD) | Formalin fixed human placenta tissues | Full genome | Functional genomics | GISAID | Gamma radiation | Ganjia Sheep | Gastric biopsies | Gastric cancer | GenBank | Gene expression | Gene therapy | Genes | Genetic association study | Genetic determinants | Genetic diseases | Genetic makeup | Genetic polymorphism | Genetic relatedness | Genetic risk factors | Genetic test | Genetic test kit | Genetic testing | Genetic variation | Genetics | Genom virus | Genome | Genome DNA | Genome database | Genome editing | Genome research | Genome sequence | Genome sequence analysis | Genome sequencing | Genome surveillance | Genome-wide | Genome-wide analysis | Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) | Genomes | Genomewide | Genomic | Genomic DNA | Genomic evolution | Genomic sequencing | Genomic surveillance study | Genomic variants | Genomics | Genotype | Genotypes | Genotyping | Genotyping kit | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) | Ginger | Global methylation | Glycans | Glycoforms | Glycosylatiom | Grading score | Grapevine exudates | Gut microbiota | HA-MRSA Malaysia | HGP | HLA-B | HLA-B*15:02 | Haplotype | Health Transformation | Health precaution | Health transformation | Helicobacter pylori | Hepatic fibrosis | Hepatotoxicity | Heroin addiction | High-Fat Diet | Hot springs | Human Genetic | Human Genome | Human Variome Project (HVP) | Human genome | Hydrogen peroxide | Hyperleucocytosis | IR 4.0 | Iindigenous populations | Illumina GA IIx | Immune Response | Immune diseases | Immune responses | Immunotherapy | Incidence | Indigenous populations | Individualized therapy | Inflammation | Information technology | Integrative Pharmacogenomics Institute (iPROMISE) | Interethnic | Intergenerational | Irinotecan | Japanese medaka | Karyotype | Kelapa Sawit | Klebsiella pneumoniae | Kultur Tisu | LC/MS-QTOF | LDLR gene | LDLR gene mutation | Lansium domesticum | Lineage | Lipase enzyme | Local adaptation | Location | Long primer | Lymphoblastoid cell line | MAPK Pathway | MEGA X | MLST | MRSA | MRSH | MSSH | Macaca arctoides | Machine learning algorithms | Malay Archipelago | Malay Genome Project (MGP) | Malayan tiger | Malaysia | Malaysian population | Malaysian primates | Malaysian rice | Meiotic Recombination | Metabolic state | Metabolome | Metabolomics | Methicillin-resistant | Methylation | MicroRNA | MicroRNA (miRNA) | MicroRNAs | Microarray CGH Chromosome Karyotyping | Microorganisms | Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) | Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) | Mitogenome | Modified method of CPT | Molecular diagnosis | Monophyletic | Moringa oleifera | Morphology | Mosquito | MuHV-8 | Mucroheterogeneity | Multidrug Resistance (MDR) genes | Multidrug-resistant TB | Multiplelocus sequence typing | Mutasi gen | Mutation | Mutation breeding | Mutations | Mycobacterium | Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) | Mycobacterium tuberculosis | N-acetylglucosaminidase | NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) | NAT2 Polymorphism | NAT2 gene | NOS3 gene | NPM1 gene | Nasal carriers rates | Next-generation Sequencing | Next-generation sequencing (NGS) | Non structural protein | Novel CNVs | Novel genetic variants | Nutrients | Nutritional genomics | Obese | Obesity | Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins | Omicron | Omicron variant | Orang Asli | Orang Asli and Malays | Orang asli | Organic acids | Oryza sativa L. | PCR | PCR method | PCRs | PCSK9 gene | PFGE | Paedocypris progenetica | Paralogue ratio test-restriction enzyme digest variant ratio (PRT-REDVR) | Parasitaemia | Parasitic pathogens | Paternal marker | Pathogenic variants | Pathogenicity | Pathogen’s virulence | Penanda DNA | Peninsular Malaysia | Penyelidikan genom | Periodontitis | Peripheral blood mononuclear cell | Personalized medicine | Personalized nutrition | Pharmacogenetic | Pharmacogenetics | Pharmacogenomics | Pharmacogenomics testing | Pharmacokinetic | Pharmacological pathways | Phenomics | Phenotypic analysis | Phenytoin | Phylogenetic | Phylogenetics analysis | Phytochemicals | Piezo-assisted biopsy | Plant metabarcoding | Plasma proteins | Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) | Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) | Polymorphism | Population diversity | Population genetics | Postnatal trans fat diet | Postural stability | Practical | Precision Health | Precision health | Predict races | Predicting FH | Pregnancy | Preimplantation embryos | Premature atherosclerosis, | Prenatal exposure | Primary Health Care | Prognosis | Protein | Proteomic | Proteomics | Proteus mirabilis | Pseudomonas Mendocina | Pteropus vampyrus | Quadriplex PCR | RAPD | RBC antigens | RCMV ALL-03 | RNA Design | RNA Interference | RT-LAMP | RT-PCR | Race classification | Reactive oxygen | Research Talk | Rhodamine B olive oil | Rhodococcus | Rice genomics | SARS-CoV-2 | SCC | SCCmec | SCCmec type | SSR marker | STS marker | Saccharomyces Derevisiae | Salivary transcriptome | Secondary Metabolites | Sequence similarity | Sequencing | Sequenom MassARRAY | Short primer | Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) | Single molecule real‑time (SMRT) sequencing | Single nucleotide polymorphism | Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) | Small intestine | Somatic mutations | Southest Asia | Sporadic human infections | Staphylococcus Aureus | Staphylococcus aureus | Strength training | Streptococcus Agalactiae | Stress Responding Hormone | Surveillance program | Sustainable development goals | Systematic repository | T7SS | TCGA-My | TT genotype | Tacrolimus | Tetra-amplification mutation system (T-ARMS) | Theoretical | Theragnostics | Therapeutic effectiveness | Thermophilic bacteria | Tocotrienols | Traditional medicinal plant database | Training response | Transcription factor Gcn4p | Transgenerational | Transplant patients | Tree-based classifier | Tuberculosis | Tuberculosis meningitis | UGT1A1 | Ujian makmal | Underweight | Urothelial cell carcinoma | VKORCI | VKORCl | Variations | Vector Cloning | Vespidae | Vineyard soil | Virulence | Virulence and pathogenesis | Virulence genes | Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) | Warfarin | Warfarin therapy | Weight Management Program | Whole genome sequencing | Whole-genome deep sequencing | Whole-genome sequencing | Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae | Y-STR (DYS19) marker | Zebrafish | Zingiber officinale roscoe | differential pulse voltammetry | electrochemical sensor | familial hypercholesterolaemia | genetic testing | genome-wide | iPROMISE | mecA | mecA gene | miR-210 | mtDNA alterations | next generation sequencing | p53 | pathogenic variants | rRNA Gene Sequence | tRNL | xa gene | β-keto-adipate Pathway
Number of items at this level: 606.

16S rRNA gene

In silico study of the effectiveness of 16S rRNA gene as a universal genetic marker to identify closely related burkholderia spp. in panicle blight of rice. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 102-123. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

28S Region

Initial study of social vespid wasps by using molecular approach of 28s region. SERANGGA, 19 (1). pp. 51-61. ISSN 1394-5130 (2014)

ABCG8 gene mutation

Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia in a pair of identical twins: a case report and updated review. BMC Pediatrics, 19 (106). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2431 (2019)


In silico study of the effectiveness of 16S rRNA gene as a universal genetic marker to identify closely related burkholderia spp. in panicle blight of rice. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 102-123. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

APOB gene

Genetic spectrum of familial hypercholesterolaemia in the Malaysian community: identification of pathogenic gene variants using targeted next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)

Acinetobacter baumannii

Genomic adaptation in antimicrobial resistance: elucidating the route and effects in Acinetobacter baumannii. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2016)

The genome sequence of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from a septicemic patient in a local hospital in Malaysia. Genomics Data, 6. pp. 128-129. ISSN 2213-5960 (2015)

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Targeted RNAi of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway genes in acute myeloid leukemia cells. Sains Malaysiana, 42 (8). pp. 1131-1137. ISSN 2462-151X (2013)

Acute myeloid leukaemia

Hyperleucocytosis grading score and NPM1 gene mutation among patients with acute myeloid leukemia: Malaysian experience. Springer Nature, 13. pp. 33-40. ISSN 1865-5785 (2020)

Acute rejection

Tacrolimus pharmacogenetics: the influence of genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A5, MDRl and Pregnane X Receptor (PXR) in transplant patients. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)


A genome-wide characterization of copy number variations in native populations of Peninsular Malaysia. European journal of human genetics, 26. pp. 886-897. ISSN 1476-5438 (2018)

Adverse drug reaction

Precision medicine through genome. [Video] (2020)

Polymorphisms of UGT1A1*6, UGT1A1*27 & UGT1A1*28 in three major ethnic groups from Malaysia. The Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), 136 (2). pp. 249-259. ISSN 0971-5916 (2012)

Adverse drug reactions

Moving forward with precision medicine: detection of hypersensitivity to drug reactions using HLA-B*15:02 genetic test kit. [Video] (2017)

Aedes albopictus

Haplotype analysis of cytochrome oxidase (CO1) gene of aedes albopictus isolated from Tawau, Sabah: an Asian perspective. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2017)


Development of a PCR test for detection of warfarin resistance based on the polymorphism of VKORC1 genes. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2012)

Alzheimer’s disease

Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Alzheimer’s disease-related single nucleotide polymorphisms. BMC Medical Genetics, 14 (27). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2350 (2013)

Amino acid metabolism

PHIR4.0: perturbed amino acid metabolism pathways in chronically anxious zebrafish (PP021). [Video] (2021)

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)

Pembinaan penanda molekul bagi kultur tisu kelapa sawit prolifik = Construction of molecule markers for prolific oil palm tissue culture. Sains Malaysiana, 47 (8). pp. 1701-1708. ISSN 2735-0118 (2018)

Analisis penjujukan genom

MOSTI sahkan tiada varian Mu di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Konsortium ditubuh tingkat penjujukan genom - KJ. [Newspaper] (2021)

Analysis services

iPROMISE 2018 booklet: accelerating research excellence. [Phamplet] (2018)

Analytical sensitivity

A quadriplex PCR assay for rapid detection of diarrhoeacausing parasitic protozoa from spiked stool samples. Tropical Biomedicine, 36 (2). pp. 348-356. ISSN 2521-9855 (2019)

Animal Model

Palm-based tototrienol-rich fraction (TRF) supplementation modulates cardiac sod1 expression, fxr target gene expression and tauro-conjugated bile acid levels in aleptinemic mice fed a high-fat diet. Research Square. pp. 1-20. ISSN 2693-5015 (2024)

Animal model

Oryziaslatipes (Japanese Medaka) as genetic model to study causative genes of epilepsy disease: an in-silico approach. Malaysian Applied Biology, 51 (4). pp. 75-86. ISSN 2462-151X (2022)


Development of a PCR test for detection of warfarin resistance based on the polymorphism of VKORC1 genes. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2012)


Statistical optimisation of phenol degradation and pathway identification through whole genome sequencing of the cold-adapted antarctic bacterium, rhodococcus sp. Strain AQ5-07. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (24). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1422-0067 (2020)


Standardised extracts of moringa oleifera and centella asiatica enhanced the antioxidant activity, learning and memory effects by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity in D-Galactose induced ageing rats. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 28 (1). pp. 293-310. ISSN 2231-8526 (2020)

Antibiotic resistance

Genome sequence of proteus mirabilis strain PR03, isolated from a local hospital in Malaysia. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 1 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Antibiotic sensitivity

Carriage patterns and susceptibility testing of staphylococcus aureus in healthy nasal carriers in UiTM. Biohealth Science Bulletin 2011, 3 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2550-147X (2011)

Antimicrobial Drugs

Draft genome sequence of streptococcus agalactiae PR06. American Society for Microbiology, 1 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Antimicrobial resistance

Genomic adaptation in antimicrobial resistance: elucidating the route and effects in Acinetobacter baumannii. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2016)


Standardised extracts of moringa oleifera and centella asiatica enhanced the antioxidant activity, learning and memory effects by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity in D-Galactose induced ageing rats. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 28 (1). pp. 293-310. ISSN 2231-8526 (2020)

Palm-based tototrienol-rich fraction (TRF) supplementation modulates cardiac sod1 expression, fxr target gene expression and tauro-conjugated bile acid levels in aleptinemic mice fed a high-fat diet. Research Square. pp. 1-20. ISSN 2693-5015 (2024)

Antioxidant properties

Ficus deltoidea suppresses endothelial activation, inflammation, monocytes adhesion and oxidative stress via NF-κB and eNOS pathways in stimulated human coronary artery endothelial cells. BMC Genomics, 20: 56. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2164 (2020)


PHIR 4.0: association of NAT2 polymorphism and antituberculosis induced hepatotoxicity..... (OP014). [Video] (2021)


The role of apolipoproteins in dengue infection: a review. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 20 (2). pp. 187-193. ISSN 2735-2285 (2021)

Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH)

Genome-wide analysis of copy number variation identifies candidate gene loci associated with the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. PLOS ONE, 9 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)


Ficus deltoidea suppresses endothelial activation, inflammation, monocytes adhesion and oxidative stress via NF-κB and eNOS pathways in stimulated human coronary artery endothelial cells. BMC Genomics, 20: 56. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2164 (2020)


Clinical performance of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification COVID-19 assay on gold-nanoparticle-modified screen-printed carbon electrode using differential pulse voltammetry. Sensors and Materials, 35 (10). pp. 4731-4750. ISSN 2435-0869 (2023)


Characterization of N-acetylglucosaminidase gene from aureus. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)

BRCA1/2 gene

Knowledge and awareness of genetic test available for risk of breast cancer among female students in UiTM. Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences, 1 (2). pp. 14-18. ISSN 2789-3219 (2021)

Bacteria genomic DNA

Carriage patterns and susceptibility testing of staphylococcus aureus in healthy nasal carriers in UiTM. Biohealth Science Bulletin 2011, 3 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2550-147X (2011)

Bacterial Genomics

iPROMISE 2018 booklet: accelerating research excellence. [Phamplet] (2018)

Bacterial annotation

Draft genome sequence of streptococcus agalactiae PR06. American Society for Microbiology, 1 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Bacterial genomes

Draft genome sequence of a clinical isolate of mycobacterium tuberculosis strain PR05. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 1 (3). pp. 1-2. ISSN 2169-8287 (2013)

Bacterial pathogenicity

Draft genome sequence of klebsiella pneumoniae isolate PR04. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 1 (4). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)


Computer Based Characterisation of Pteropus vampyrus Endogenous Betaretrovirus (PvEB) from bat genome project database. In: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE), 07-08 April 2014, Penang, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)


Complete genome sequence of rat cytomegalovirus strain ALL-03 (Malaysian strain). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 3 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2015)


Whole genome resequencing data and grain quality traits of the rice cultivar Mahsuri and its blast disease resistant mutant line, Mahsuri mutant. Data in Brief, 52. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2352-3409 (2024)


Dissecting the genomics structure of proteus mirabilis strain PR03 using whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)

Biological processes

PHIR4.0: transgenerational effects of heroin addiction: DNA methylation and... (PP018). [Video] (2021)


Salivary miRNA as a potential biomarker of susceptibility to periodontitis. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2021)

MicroRNA methylome signature and their functional roles in colorectal cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and chemoresistance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (13). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)

PHIR4.0: Cluster of Differentiation (CD) antigens as biomarkers for prognosis of... (PP002). [Video] (2021)

Biopsied murine

Gene expression of biopsied murine preimplantation embryos. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2015)


Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. [Website]

Biotic and Abiotic Stressors

Plant development, stress responses, and secondary metabolism under ethylene regulation. Plant Stress, 7. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2667-064X (2023)

Bisphenol A

Prenatal bisphenol a exposure and postnatal trans fat diet alter small intestinal morphology and its global DNA methylation in male Sprague-Dawley rats, leading to obesity development. Nutrients, 14 (12). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2072-6643 (2022)


Chromosomal microarray analysis on intergenerational effects of oligomeric proanthocyanidins against bisphenol-a induced brain deformities. International Virtual Conference on Nursing, 2021. pp. 930-939. ISSN 2413-0877 (2021)

Bladder cancer

Manipulation of p53 protein in bladder cancer treatment. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 20 (1). pp. 137-147. ISSN 2735-2285 (2021)

Blood group profiles

Genomic map of blood group alleles in Malaysian indigenous Orang Asli population from whole genome sequences. medRxiv. pp. 1-31. (Unpublished) (2021)

Body Fat

DNA damage and obesity among faculty of pharmacy students. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (18). pp. 52-59. ISSN 2636-9346 (2023)

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Development of PCE-based genotyping method for fat mass obesity-associated (FTO) gene polymorphism rs9939609. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), SI (2). pp. 51-54. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

Development of PCR-based genotyping method for Fat Mass Obesity-Associated (FTO) gene polymorphism RS9939609. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), 2 (SI). pp. 51-54. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

DNA damage and obesity among faculty of pharmacy students. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (18). pp. 52-59. ISSN 2636-9346 (2023)


Phenotypic and genetic analysis of M1V2 and M1V3 generation of ginger (Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) mutant lines. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2020)


Chromosomal microarray analysis on intergenerational effects of oligomeric proanthocyanidins against bisphenol-a induced brain deformities. International Virtual Conference on Nursing, 2021. pp. 930-939. ISSN 2413-0877 (2021)

Brain metabolites

PHIR4.0: perturbed amino acid metabolism pathways in chronically anxious zebrafish (PP021). [Video] (2021)

Breast Cancer

Knowledge and awareness of genetic test available for risk of breast cancer among female students in UiTM. Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences, 1 (2). pp. 14-18. ISSN 2789-3219 (2021)

Breast cancer

Mitochondrial DNA mutations in Malaysian female breast cancer patients. PLOS ONE, 15 (5). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1932-6203 (2020)

Brucella melitensis

Genomic epidemiology of sporadic human brucella melitensis cases in Malaysia through whole genome analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2023)

Phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics of brucella melitensis in human brucellosis: a review. Science Letters, 17 (1). pp. 105-120. ISSN 2682-8626 (2023)


Phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics of brucella melitensis in human brucellosis: a review. Science Letters, 17 (1). pp. 105-120. ISSN 2682-8626 (2023)

Burkholderia gladioli

In silico study of the effectiveness of 16S rRNA gene as a universal genetic marker to identify closely related burkholderia spp. in panicle blight of rice. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 102-123. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

Burkholderia glumae

In silico study of the effectiveness of 16S rRNA gene as a universal genetic marker to identify closely related burkholderia spp. in panicle blight of rice. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 102-123. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

C YP2C 9 Frequency

CYP2C9 polymorphism: prevalence in healthy and warfarin treated Malay and Chinese in Malaysia. Singapore Medical Journal, 50 (5). pp. 490-493. ISSN 2737-5935 (2009)

CD antigens

PHIR4.0: Cluster of Differentiation (CD) antigens as biomarkers for prognosis of... (PP002). [Video] (2021)

CO1 gene

Haplotype analysis of cytochrome oxidase (CO1) gene of aedes albopictus isolated from Tawau, Sabah: an Asian perspective. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2017)


Application and modification of RT-LAMP for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral genome. The Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (MJMHS), 19 (2). pp. 286-292. ISSN 2636-9346 (2023)

SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance in Malaysia: displacement of B.1.617.2 with AY lineages as the dominant delta variants and the introduction of omicron during the fourth epidemic wave. The International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 125. pp. 216-226. ISSN 1201-9712 (2022)

Clinical performance of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification COVID-19 assay on gold-nanoparticle-modified screen-printed carbon electrode using differential pulse voltammetry. Sensors and Materials, 35 (10). pp. 4731-4750. ISSN 2435-0869 (2023)

CRC database

TCGA-My: a systematic repository for systems biology of Malaysian colorectal cancer. Life, 12 (6): 772. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2075-1729 (2022)

CRC repository

TCGA-My: a systematic repository for systems biology of Malaysian colorectal cancer. Life, 12 (6): 772. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2075-1729 (2022)


Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. [Website]

CRISPR/Cas9 technology

Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. In: Workshop on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, 12th to 13th of July 2023, Faculty of Pharmacy UiTM Puncak Alam. (Submitted) (2023)


Genome sequencing and annotation of mycobacterium tuberculosis PR08 strain. Genomics Data, 7. pp. 119-120. ISSN 2213-5960 (2016)


A pharmacogenetic study of cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORCl). Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)

CYP2C9 Haplotypes

Unraveling of the genetic polymorphism for ultra-rapid metabolism of phenytoin. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)

CYP2C9 genotyping

Genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 in patients on warfarin therapy and the clinical relevance. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2007)


Recent advances in the role of microorganisms in cancer incidence: mechanisms and health precautions. Biomedical Research and Therapy, 8 (9). pp. 4525-4539. ISSN 2198-4093 (2021)

Cancer-related nsSNPs

Pathogenic nsSNPs that increase the risks of cancers among the Orang Asli and Malays. Scientifc Reports, 11: 16158. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2045-2322 (2021)

Canine parvovirus

Isolation and genetic characterization of canine parvovirus in a Malayan tiger. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2297-1769 (2021)

Capillary Sequencing

Development of PCE-based genotyping method for fat mass obesity-associated (FTO) gene polymorphism rs9939609. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), SI (2). pp. 51-54. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

Capillary sequencing

Development of PCR-based genotyping method for Fat Mass Obesity-Associated (FTO) gene polymorphism RS9939609. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), 2 (SI). pp. 51-54. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

Capsid protein

Isolation and genetic characterization of canine parvovirus in a Malayan tiger. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2297-1769 (2021)

Carbon utilization enzymes

Phenotypic and genomic survey on organic acid utilization profile of pseudomonas mendocina strain S5.2, a vineyard soil isolate. AMB Express, 7: 138. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2191-0855 (2017)


Recent advances in the role of microorganisms in cancer incidence: mechanisms and health precautions. Biomedical Research and Therapy, 8 (9). pp. 4525-4539. ISSN 2198-4093 (2021)

Causative agent

Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2015)

Cell Sorting

Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. In: Workshop on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, 12th to 13th of July 2023, Faculty of Pharmacy UiTM Puncak Alam. (Submitted) (2023)


PHIR4.0: fargesin protects RAW267.4 cells from cytotoxicity induced by hydrogen peroxide (PP035). [Video] (2021)

Centella asiatica

Standardised extracts of moringa oleifera and centella asiatica enhanced the antioxidant activity, learning and memory effects by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity in D-Galactose induced ageing rats. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 28 (1). pp. 293-310. ISSN 2231-8526 (2020)


The role of apolipoproteins in dengue infection: a review. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 20 (2). pp. 187-193. ISSN 2735-2285 (2021)

Cholesterol levels

The effects of genetic variants towards weight and biochemical changes in weight management program. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), SI (2). pp. 269-277. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)


Chromosome karyotype analysis of cultivate somatic cells of ganjia sheep. Science Letters, 10 (1). pp. 8-10. ISSN 2682-8626 (2016)


Detection of cagA and vacA genes of helicobacter pylori in gastric biopsies and cockroaches. Malaysian Applied Biology, 47 (5). pp. 277-282. ISSN 2462-151X (2018)

Colorectal cancer

TCGA-My: a systematic repository for systems biology of Malaysian colorectal cancer. Life, 12 (6): 772. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2075-1729 (2022)

MicroRNA methylome signature and their functional roles in colorectal cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and chemoresistance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (13). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)


High prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus haemolyticus isolated from commensals in healthy adults. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 17 (1). pp. 145-152. ISSN 2636-9346 (2021)

Complex Genome

PHIR4.0: Malaysian Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Genome Database (MyMTBG): a whole... (PP034). [Video] (2022)

Complex diseases

Live research webinar series 2.0: the right nutrients and drugs for you (the promises of precision health). [Video] (2020)

Copy Number Variations (CNVs)

A genome-wide characterization of copy number variations in native populations of Peninsular Malaysia. European journal of human genetics, 26. pp. 886-897. ISSN 1476-5438 (2018)

Copy number variation

Generation of epstein-barr virus immortalized-B lymphocytes cell line of orang asli. Journal of Genetics and Genome Research, 3 (2). ISSN 2378-3648 (2016)

Copy number variation (CNV)

A comparison of assays for accurate copy number measurement of the low-affinity fc gamma receptor genes FCGR3A and FCGR3B. PLOS ONE, 10 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1932-6203 (2015)

Genome-wide analysis of copy number variation identifies candidate gene loci associated with the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. PLOS ONE, 9 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Novel population specific autosomal copy number variation and its functional analysis amongst negritos from peninsular Malaysia. PLOS ONE, 9 (6). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Coronary artery disease

Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia in a pair of identical twins: a case report and updated review. BMC Pediatrics, 19 (106). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2431 (2019)


Congratulations Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Zaki Salleh and team from Integrative Pharmacogenomics Institute (iPROMISE) UiTM Kampus Puncak Alam, Selangor. [Image] (2021)

MOSTI sahkan tiada varian Mu di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

To detect Omicron faster, Health Ministry to boost genome sequencing capacity. [Newspaper] (2021)

Konsortium ditubuh tingkat penjujukan genom - KJ. [Newspaper] (2021)

Cytochrome P450

Unraveling of the genetic polymorphism for ultra-rapid metabolism of phenytoin. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Complete genome sequence of rat cytomegalovirus strain ALL-03 (Malaysian strain). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 3 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2015)


PHIR4.0: fargesin protects RAW267.4 cells from cytotoxicity induced by hydrogen peroxide (PP035). [Video] (2021)


Standardised extracts of moringa oleifera and centella asiatica enhanced the antioxidant activity, learning and memory effects by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity in D-Galactose induced ageing rats. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 28 (1). pp. 293-310. ISSN 2231-8526 (2020)


In silico study of the effectiveness of 16S rRNA gene as a universal genetic marker to identify closely related burkholderia spp. in panicle blight of rice. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 102-123. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)


Precision medicine through genome. [Video] (2020)

DNA Damage

DNA damage and obesity among faculty of pharmacy students. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (18). pp. 52-59. ISSN 2636-9346 (2023)

DNA damage

Chromosomal microarray analysis on intergenerational effects of oligomeric proanthocyanidins against bisphenol-a induced brain deformities. International Virtual Conference on Nursing, 2021. pp. 930-939. ISSN 2413-0877 (2021)

DNA extraction

Comparative evaluation of three different methods of genomic DNA extraction for Staphylococcus aureus. World Applied Sciences Journal, 21 (3). pp. 424-427. ISSN 1991-6426 (2013)

DNA gyrase

Quintuplex PCR to detect antibiotic resistance genes in streptococcus pneumoniae. Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences, 1 (1). pp. 22-28. ISSN 0127-984X (2016)

DNA methylation

PHIR4.0: transgenerational effects of heroin addiction: DNA methylation and... (PP018). [Video] (2021)

DNA sequence

Mining the DNA sequence for race classification. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2008)

Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2015)

Date palm

The efficiency of long primers compared to the short primer for RAPD technique in date palm. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

De Novo Assembly

Statistical optimisation of phenol degradation and pathway identification through whole genome sequencing of the cold-adapted antarctic bacterium, rhodococcus sp. Strain AQ5-07. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (24). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1422-0067 (2020)


SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance in Malaysia: displacement of B.1.617.2 with AY lineages as the dominant delta variants and the introduction of omicron during the fourth epidemic wave. The International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 125. pp. 216-226. ISSN 1201-9712 (2022)


The role of apolipoproteins in dengue infection: a review. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 20 (2). pp. 187-193. ISSN 2735-2285 (2021)

Diagnostic tool

A quadriplex PCR assay for rapid detection of diarrhoeacausing parasitic protozoa from spiked stool samples. Tropical Biomedicine, 36 (2). pp. 348-356. ISSN 2521-9855 (2019)


A quadriplex PCR assay for rapid detection of diarrhoeacausing parasitic protozoa from spiked stool samples. Tropical Biomedicine, 36 (2). pp. 348-356. ISSN 2521-9855 (2019)


The effects of genetic variants towards weight and biochemical changes in weight management program. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), SI (2). pp. 269-277. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

Dosing protocol

Genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 in patients on warfarin therapy and the clinical relevance. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2007)

Double-strand breaks

Meiotic recombination frequencies are affected by nutritional states in saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 98 (25). pp. 14524-14529. ISSN 0027-8424 (2001)

Draft genome

Genome sequence of proteus mirabilis strain PR03, isolated from a local hospital in Malaysia. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 1 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Drug discovery

Live research webinar series 2.0: dancing with zebrafish. [Video] (2020)

Drug reaction

Validation of a genetic test for detection of HLAB*1502. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)

Drug resistance

Diversified lineages and drug-resistance profiles of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in Malaysia. International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 8 (4). pp. 320-328. (2019)

PHIR4.0: novel variants denoting anti-tuberculosis drug resistance features... (OP017). [Video] (2021)

Draft genome sequences of local clinical isolates of drug-resistant and drug-sensitive mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10 (25). ISSN 2576-098X (2021)


A review of human genome project (HGP) from ethical perspectives. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4 (12). pp. 125-132. ISSN 2313-3724 (2017)


Live research webinar series 2.0: dancing with zebrafish. [Video] (2020)

Endogenous betaretrovirus

Computer Based Characterisation of Pteropus vampyrus Endogenous Betaretrovirus (PvEB) from bat genome project database. In: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE), 07-08 April 2014, Penang, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Endothelial Activation

Ficus deltoidea suppresses endothelial activation, inflammation, monocytes adhesion and oxidative stress via NF-κB and eNOS pathways in stimulated human coronary artery endothelial cells. BMC Genomics, 20: 56. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2164 (2020)

Environmental diseases

Live research webinar series 2.0: the right nutrients and drugs for you (the promises of precision health). [Video] (2020)


PHIR 4.0: association of NAT2 polymorphism and antituberculosis induced hepatotoxicity..... (OP014). [Video] (2021)

PHIR4.0: football players with NOS3 TT genotype has a stronger postural stability:... (PP010). [Video] (2021)


MicroRNA methylome signature and their functional roles in colorectal cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and chemoresistance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (13). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)


Oryziaslatipes (Japanese Medaka) as genetic model to study causative genes of epilepsy disease: an in-silico approach. Malaysian Applied Biology, 51 (4). pp. 75-86. ISSN 2462-151X (2022)

Epilepsy genes

Oryziaslatipes (Japanese Medaka) as genetic model to study causative genes of epilepsy disease: an in-silico approach. Malaysian Applied Biology, 51 (4). pp. 75-86. ISSN 2462-151X (2022)


Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. [Website]

Ethylene Plant Hormone

Plant development, stress responses, and secondary metabolism under ethylene regulation. Plant Stress, 7. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2667-064X (2023)

Ethylene Signalling to Plant

Plant development, stress responses, and secondary metabolism under ethylene regulation. Plant Stress, 7. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2667-064X (2023)

Evolution rate

Isolation and genetic characterization of canine parvovirus in a Malayan tiger. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2297-1769 (2021)


Genome sequencing and annotation of mycobacterium tuberculosis PR08 strain. Genomics Data, 7. pp. 119-120. ISSN 2213-5960 (2016)

Extrapulmonary TB

Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2015)

FCGR3 Locus

A comparison of assays for accurate copy number measurement of the low-affinity fc gamma receptor genes FCGR3A and FCGR3B. PLOS ONE, 10 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1932-6203 (2015)


Generation of epstein-barr virus immortalized-B lymphocytes cell line of orang asli. Journal of Genetics and Genome Research, 3 (2). ISSN 2378-3648 (2016)


Genetic spectrum of familial hypercholesterolaemia in the Malaysian community: identification of pathogenic gene variants using targeted next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)

FTO Gene Variant rs9939609

Development of PCE-based genotyping method for fat mass obesity-associated (FTO) gene polymorphism rs9939609. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), SI (2). pp. 51-54. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

FTO gene variant rs9939609

Development of PCR-based genotyping method for Fat Mass Obesity-Associated (FTO) gene polymorphism RS9939609. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), 2 (SI). pp. 51-54. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH)

Classifying familial hypercholesterolaemia: a tree-based machine learning approach. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12 (9). pp. 66-73. ISSN 2156-5570 (2021)

Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH)

Development of an Optimized Tetra-Amplification Refractory Mutation System PCR for Detection of 12 Pathogenic Familial Hypercholesterolemia Variants in the Asian Population. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 24 (2). pp. 120-130. ISSN 1943-7811 (2022)

Familial hypercholesterolaemia

Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia in a pair of identical twins: a case report and updated review. BMC Pediatrics, 19 (106). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2431 (2019)


PHIR4.0: fargesin protects RAW267.4 cells from cytotoxicity induced by hydrogen peroxide (PP035). [Video] (2021)

Farnesoid-x Receptor

Palm-based tototrienol-rich fraction (TRF) supplementation modulates cardiac sod1 expression, fxr target gene expression and tauro-conjugated bile acid levels in aleptinemic mice fed a high-fat diet. Research Square. pp. 1-20. ISSN 2693-5015 (2024)


Isolation and genetic characterization of canine parvovirus in a Malayan tiger. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2297-1769 (2021)

Ficus Deltoidea (FD)

Ficus deltoidea suppresses endothelial activation, inflammation, monocytes adhesion and oxidative stress via NF-κB and eNOS pathways in stimulated human coronary artery endothelial cells. BMC Genomics, 20: 56. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2164 (2020)

Formalin fixed human placenta tissues

Detection of miR-210 in formalin fixed human placental tissues using real time-PCR. Health Scope, 1. pp. 60-64. ISSN 2735-0649 (2020)

Full genome

Isolation and genetic characterization of canine parvovirus in a Malayan tiger. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2297-1769 (2021)

Functional genomics

Live research webinar series 2.0: dancing with zebrafish. [Video] (2020)


Konsortium ditubuh tingkat penjujukan genom - KJ. [Newspaper] (2021)

Gamma radiation

Phenotypic and genetic analysis of M1V2 and M1V3 generation of ginger (Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) mutant lines. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2020)

Ganjia Sheep

Chromosome karyotype analysis of cultivate somatic cells of ganjia sheep. Science Letters, 10 (1). pp. 8-10. ISSN 2682-8626 (2016)

Gastric biopsies

Detection of cagA and vacA genes of helicobacter pylori in gastric biopsies and cockroaches. Malaysian Applied Biology, 47 (5). pp. 277-282. ISSN 2462-151X (2018)

Gastric cancer

PHIR4.0: Cluster of Differentiation (CD) antigens as biomarkers for prognosis of... (PP002). [Video] (2021)


The genome sequence of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from a septicemic patient in a local hospital in Malaysia. Genomics Data, 6. pp. 128-129. ISSN 2213-5960 (2015)

Gene expression

Gene expression of biopsied murine preimplantation embryos. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2015)

Gene therapy

Manipulation of p53 protein in bladder cancer treatment. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 20 (1). pp. 137-147. ISSN 2735-2285 (2021)


Live research webinar series 2.0: the right nutrients and drugs for you (the promises of precision health). [Video] (2020)

Genetic association study

A comparison of assays for accurate copy number measurement of the low-affinity fc gamma receptor genes FCGR3A and FCGR3B. PLOS ONE, 10 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1932-6203 (2015)

Genetic determinants

Draft genome sequence of klebsiella pneumoniae isolate PR04. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 1 (4). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Genetic diseases

Live research webinar series 2.0: the right nutrients and drugs for you (the promises of precision health). [Video] (2020)

Development of an Optimized Tetra-Amplification Refractory Mutation System PCR for Detection of 12 Pathogenic Familial Hypercholesterolemia Variants in the Asian Population. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 24 (2). pp. 120-130. ISSN 1943-7811 (2022)

Genetic makeup

PHIR4.0: perturbed amino acid metabolism pathways in chronically anxious zebrafish (PP021). [Video] (2021)

Genetic polymorphism

Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Alzheimer’s disease-related single nucleotide polymorphisms. BMC Medical Genetics, 14 (27). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2350 (2013)

CYP2C9 polymorphism: prevalence in healthy and warfarin treated Malay and Chinese in Malaysia. Singapore Medical Journal, 50 (5). pp. 490-493. ISSN 2737-5935 (2009)

Tacrolimus pharmacogenetics: the influence of genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A5, MDRl and Pregnane X Receptor (PXR) in transplant patients. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)

Polymorphisms of UGT1A1*6, UGT1A1*27 & UGT1A1*28 in three major ethnic groups from Malaysia. The Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), 136 (2). pp. 249-259. ISSN 0971-5916 (2012)

Genetic relatedness

Genomic epidemiology of sporadic human brucella melitensis cases in Malaysia through whole genome analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2023)

Genetic risk factors

Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Alzheimer’s disease-related single nucleotide polymorphisms. BMC Medical Genetics, 14 (27). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2350 (2013)

Genetic test

Knowledge and awareness of genetic test available for risk of breast cancer among female students in UiTM. Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences, 1 (2). pp. 14-18. ISSN 2789-3219 (2021)

Genetic test kit

Moving forward with precision medicine: detection of hypersensitivity to drug reactions using HLA-B*15:02 genetic test kit. [Video] (2017)

Genetic testing

Validation of a genetic test for detection of HLAB*1502. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)

Genetic variation

Live research webinar series 2.0: the right nutrients and drugs for you (the promises of precision health). [Video] (2020)


2022_iPROMISE. [Video] (2022)

The predictive ability of total genotype score and serum metabolite markers in power-based sports performance following different strength training intensities — a pilot study. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 31 (2). pp. 1087-1103. ISSN 2231-8526 (2022)

Genom virus

Konsortium ditubuh tingkat penjujukan genom - KJ. [Newspaper] (2021)


2022_iPROMISE. [Video] (2022)

Moving forward with precision medicine: detection of hypersensitivity to drug reactions using HLA-B*15:02 genetic test kit. [Video] (2017)

iPROMISE 2018 booklet: accelerating research excellence. [Phamplet] (2018)

Dissecting the genomics structure of proteus mirabilis strain PR03 using whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)

TCGA-My: a systematic repository for systems biology of Malaysian colorectal cancer. Life, 12 (6): 772. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2075-1729 (2022)

Genome sequencing and annotation of mycobacterium tuberculosis PR08 strain. Genomics Data, 7. pp. 119-120. ISSN 2213-5960 (2016)

Genome DNA

PHIR4.0: football players with NOS3 TT genotype has a stronger postural stability:... (PP010). [Video] (2021)

Genome database

Precision medicine through genome. [Video] (2020)

Genome editing

Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. [Website]

Genome research

Program Research Talk@IOS - The key to maintaining momentum and motivation in research. [Video] (2023)

Genome sequence

The genome sequence of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from a septicemic patient in a local hospital in Malaysia. Genomics Data, 6. pp. 128-129. ISSN 2213-5960 (2015)

Genomic map of blood group alleles in Malaysian indigenous Orang Asli population from whole genome sequences. medRxiv. pp. 1-31. (Unpublished) (2021)

Genome sequence analysis

To detect Omicron faster, Health Ministry to boost genome sequencing capacity. [Newspaper] (2021)

Genome sequencing

Draft genome sequence of a clinical isolate of mycobacterium tuberculosis strain PR05. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 1 (3). pp. 1-2. ISSN 2169-8287 (2013)

Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2015)

Genomic epidemiology of sporadic human brucella melitensis cases in Malaysia through whole genome analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2023)

Genome sequence of proteus mirabilis strain PR03, isolated from a local hospital in Malaysia. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 1 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Draft genome sequence of streptococcus agalactiae PR06. American Society for Microbiology, 1 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2015)

Systematic pharmacogenomics analysis of a Malay whole genome: proof of concept for personalized medicine. PLOS ONE, 8 (8): 0071554. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203 (2013)

Draft genome sequences of local clinical isolates of drug-resistant and drug-sensitive mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10 (25). ISSN 2576-098X (2021)

Draft genome sequence of klebsiella pneumoniae isolate PR04. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 1 (4). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Genome surveillance

Congratulations Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Zaki Salleh and team from Integrative Pharmacogenomics Institute (iPROMISE) UiTM Kampus Puncak Alam, Selangor. [Image] (2021)

SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance in Malaysia: displacement of B.1.617.2 with AY lineages as the dominant delta variants and the introduction of omicron during the fourth epidemic wave. The International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 125. pp. 216-226. ISSN 1201-9712 (2022)


A genome-wide characterization of copy number variations in native populations of Peninsular Malaysia. European journal of human genetics, 26. pp. 886-897. ISSN 1476-5438 (2018)

Genome-wide analysis

Genome-wide analysis of copy number variation identifies candidate gene loci associated with the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. PLOS ONE, 9 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS)

Pathogenic nsSNPs that increase the risks of cancers among the Orang Asli and Malays. Scientifc Reports, 11: 16158. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2045-2322 (2021)


Live research webinar series 2.0: from microbes to microbiome. [Video] (2020)


Meiotic recombination frequencies are affected by nutritional states in saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 98 (25). pp. 14524-14529. ISSN 0027-8424 (2001)


Comparative evaluation of three different methods of genomic DNA extraction for Staphylococcus aureus. World Applied Sciences Journal, 21 (3). pp. 424-427. ISSN 1991-6426 (2013)

Computer Based Characterisation of Pteropus vampyrus Endogenous Betaretrovirus (PvEB) from bat genome project database. In: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE), 07-08 April 2014, Penang, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Genomic DNA

Detection of miR-210 in formalin fixed human placental tissues using real time-PCR. Health Scope, 1. pp. 60-64. ISSN 2735-0649 (2020)

Quintuplex PCR to detect antibiotic resistance genes in streptococcus pneumoniae. Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences, 1 (1). pp. 22-28. ISSN 0127-984X (2016)

Genomic evolution

Genomic adaptation in antimicrobial resistance: elucidating the route and effects in Acinetobacter baumannii. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2016)

Genomic sequencing

Complete genome sequence of rat cytomegalovirus strain ALL-03 (Malaysian strain). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 3 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2015)

Genomic surveillance study

To detect Omicron faster, Health Ministry to boost genome sequencing capacity. [Newspaper] (2021)

Genomic variants

Analysis of five deep-sequenced trio-genomes of the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli and North Borneo populations. BMC Genomics, 20: 842. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2164 (2019)


The indigenous populations as the model by nature to understand human genomic-phenomics interactions. Quantitative Biology, 10 (1). pp. 35-43. ISSN 2095-4697 (2022)

The genome sequence of a type ST239 methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolate from a Malaysian hospital. Environmental Microbiome, 9. pp. 933-939. ISSN 2524-6372 (2014)

Personalized medicine beyond genomics: new technologies, global health diplomacy and anticipatory governance. Current pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, 7 (4). pp. 225-230. ISSN 1875-6913 (2009)


Detection of cagA and vacA genes of helicobacter pylori in gastric biopsies and cockroaches. Malaysian Applied Biology, 47 (5). pp. 277-282. ISSN 2462-151X (2018)


Plant development, stress responses, and secondary metabolism under ethylene regulation. Plant Stress, 7. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2667-064X (2023)

Live research webinar series 2.0: molecular diagnosis in clinical parasitology: a game changing approach. [Video] (2020)


Genetic diversity among methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in Malaysia (2002–2020). Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 7 (11). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2414-6366 (2022)

A pharmacogenetic study of cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORCl). Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)

The effects of genetic variants towards weight and biochemical changes in weight management program. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), SI (2). pp. 269-277. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

Genotyping kit

Validation of a genetic test for detection of HLAB*1502. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)

Gut microbiota in pregnant Malaysian women: a comparison between trimesters, body mass index and gestational diabetes status. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22: 152. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1471-2393 (2022)


Phenotypic and genetic analysis of M1V2 and M1V3 generation of ginger (Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) mutant lines. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2020)

Global methylation

Prenatal bisphenol a exposure and postnatal trans fat diet alter small intestinal morphology and its global DNA methylation in male Sprague-Dawley rats, leading to obesity development. Nutrients, 14 (12). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2072-6643 (2022)


Research webinar series 2.0: glycobiology from the SARS-CoV-2 Perspective. [Video] (2020)


Research webinar series 2.0: glycobiology from the SARS-CoV-2 Perspective. [Video] (2020)


Research webinar series 2.0: glycobiology from the SARS-CoV-2 Perspective. [Video] (2020)

Grading score

Hyperleucocytosis grading score and NPM1 gene mutation among patients with acute myeloid leukemia: Malaysian experience. Springer Nature, 13. pp. 33-40. ISSN 1865-5785 (2020)

Grapevine exudates

Phenotypic and genomic survey on organic acid utilization profile of pseudomonas mendocina strain S5.2, a vineyard soil isolate. AMB Express, 7: 138. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2191-0855 (2017)

Gut microbiota

Gut microbiota in pregnant Malaysian women: a comparison between trimesters, body mass index and gestational diabetes status. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22: 152. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1471-2393 (2022)

HA-MRSA Malaysia

The characterization of mecA Gene and SCCmec typing in clinical samples of MRSA. Science Letters, 13 (2). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2682-8626 (2019)


A review of human genome project (HGP) from ethical perspectives. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4 (12). pp. 125-132. ISSN 2313-3724 (2017)


Validation of a genetic test for detection of HLAB*1502. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)


Moving forward with precision medicine: detection of hypersensitivity to drug reactions using HLA-B*15:02 genetic test kit. [Video] (2017)

Precision medicine through genome. [Video] (2020)


Haplotype analysis of cytochrome oxidase (CO1) gene of aedes albopictus isolated from Tawau, Sabah: an Asian perspective. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2017)

Health Transformation

Precision health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Day 2). [Video] (2022)

Health precaution

Recent advances in the role of microorganisms in cancer incidence: mechanisms and health precautions. Biomedical Research and Therapy, 8 (9). pp. 4525-4539. ISSN 2198-4093 (2021)

Health transformation

Precision Health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Virtual Conference (Day 1). [Video] (2021)

Helicobacter pylori

Detection of cagA and vacA genes of helicobacter pylori in gastric biopsies and cockroaches. Malaysian Applied Biology, 47 (5). pp. 277-282. ISSN 2462-151X (2018)

Hepatic fibrosis

Genome-wide analysis of copy number variation identifies candidate gene loci associated with the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. PLOS ONE, 9 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)


PHIR 4.0: association of NAT2 polymorphism and antituberculosis induced hepatotoxicity..... (OP014). [Video] (2021)

Heroin addiction

PHIR4.0: transgenerational effects of heroin addiction: DNA methylation and... (PP018). [Video] (2021)

High-Fat Diet

Palm-based tototrienol-rich fraction (TRF) supplementation modulates cardiac sod1 expression, fxr target gene expression and tauro-conjugated bile acid levels in aleptinemic mice fed a high-fat diet. Research Square. pp. 1-20. ISSN 2693-5015 (2024)

Hot springs

Identification of lipase producing thermophilic bacteria from Malaysian hot springs. Journal of Microbiology Research, 13 (5). 001-005. ISSN 2241-9837 (2019)

Human Genetic

A review of human genome project (HGP) from ethical perspectives. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4 (12). pp. 125-132. ISSN 2313-3724 (2017)

Human Genome

Live research webinar series 2.0: UiTM human genome project. [Video] (2020)

Precision health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Day 2). [Video] (2022)

Human Variome Project (HVP)

A survey of Malay genome project (MGP) from Malaysian perspectives. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10 (6S). pp. 2372-2390. ISSN 1112-9867 (2018)

Human genome

Precision Health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Virtual Conference (Day 1). [Video] (2021)

Hydrogen peroxide

PHIR4.0: fargesin protects RAW267.4 cells from cytotoxicity induced by hydrogen peroxide (PP035). [Video] (2021)


Hyperleucocytosis grading score and NPM1 gene mutation among patients with acute myeloid leukemia: Malaysian experience. Springer Nature, 13. pp. 33-40. ISSN 1865-5785 (2020)

IR 4.0

Precision health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Day 2). [Video] (2022)

Iindigenous populations

The indigenous populations as the model by nature to understand human genomic-phenomics interactions. Quantitative Biology, 10 (1). pp. 35-43. ISSN 2095-4697 (2022)

Illumina GA IIx

The genome sequence of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from a septicemic patient in a local hospital in Malaysia. Genomics Data, 6. pp. 128-129. ISSN 2213-5960 (2015)

Immune Response

Targeted RNAi of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway genes in acute myeloid leukemia cells. Sains Malaysiana, 42 (8). pp. 1131-1137. ISSN 2462-151X (2013)

Immune diseases

A comparison of assays for accurate copy number measurement of the low-affinity fc gamma receptor genes FCGR3A and FCGR3B. PLOS ONE, 10 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1932-6203 (2015)

Immune responses

A genome-wide characterization of copy number variations in native populations of Peninsular Malaysia. European journal of human genetics, 26. pp. 886-897. ISSN 1476-5438 (2018)


PHIR4.0: Cluster of Differentiation (CD) antigens as biomarkers for prognosis of... (PP002). [Video] (2021)


Recent advances in the role of microorganisms in cancer incidence: mechanisms and health precautions. Biomedical Research and Therapy, 8 (9). pp. 4525-4539. ISSN 2198-4093 (2021)

Indigenous populations

Analysis of five deep-sequenced trio-genomes of the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli and North Borneo populations. BMC Genomics, 20: 842. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2164 (2019)

A genome-wide characterization of copy number variations in native populations of Peninsular Malaysia. European journal of human genetics, 26. pp. 886-897. ISSN 1476-5438 (2018)

Novel population specific autosomal copy number variation and its functional analysis amongst negritos from peninsular Malaysia. PLOS ONE, 9 (6). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Individualized therapy

A pharmacogenetic study of cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORCl). Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)


Ficus deltoidea suppresses endothelial activation, inflammation, monocytes adhesion and oxidative stress via NF-κB and eNOS pathways in stimulated human coronary artery endothelial cells. BMC Genomics, 20: 56. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2164 (2020)

Information technology

A bibliometric study of traditional medicinal plant database research, 2001 – 2021. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11 (2). pp. 214-223. ISSN 2226-6348 (2022)

Integrative Pharmacogenomics Institute (iPROMISE)

iPROMISE 2018 booklet: accelerating research excellence. [Phamplet] (2018)


Polymorphisms of UGT1A1*6, UGT1A1*27 & UGT1A1*28 in three major ethnic groups from Malaysia. The Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), 136 (2). pp. 249-259. ISSN 0971-5916 (2012)


Chromosomal microarray analysis on intergenerational effects of oligomeric proanthocyanidins against bisphenol-a induced brain deformities. International Virtual Conference on Nursing, 2021. pp. 930-939. ISSN 2413-0877 (2021)


Polymorphisms of UGT1A1*6, UGT1A1*27 & UGT1A1*28 in three major ethnic groups from Malaysia. The Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), 136 (2). pp. 249-259. ISSN 0971-5916 (2012)

Japanese medaka

Oryziaslatipes (Japanese Medaka) as genetic model to study causative genes of epilepsy disease: an in-silico approach. Malaysian Applied Biology, 51 (4). pp. 75-86. ISSN 2462-151X (2022)


Chromosome karyotype analysis of cultivate somatic cells of ganjia sheep. Science Letters, 10 (1). pp. 8-10. ISSN 2682-8626 (2016)

Kelapa Sawit

Pembinaan penanda molekul bagi kultur tisu kelapa sawit prolifik = Construction of molecule markers for prolific oil palm tissue culture. Sains Malaysiana, 47 (8). pp. 1701-1708. ISSN 2735-0118 (2018)

Klebsiella pneumoniae

Draft genome sequence of klebsiella pneumoniae isolate PR04. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 1 (4). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Kultur Tisu

Pembinaan penanda molekul bagi kultur tisu kelapa sawit prolifik = Construction of molecule markers for prolific oil palm tissue culture. Sains Malaysiana, 47 (8). pp. 1701-1708. ISSN 2735-0118 (2018)


Mass spectrometry profiles for identification of lansium domesticum corr. ethanolic leaf extracts harvested from two different locations in Malaysia. Science Letters, 16 (2). pp. 51-63. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

LDLR gene

Genetic spectrum of familial hypercholesterolaemia in the Malaysian community: identification of pathogenic gene variants using targeted next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)

LDLR gene mutation

Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia in a pair of identical twins: a case report and updated review. BMC Pediatrics, 19 (106). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2431 (2019)

Lansium domesticum

Mass spectrometry profiles for identification of lansium domesticum corr. ethanolic leaf extracts harvested from two different locations in Malaysia. Science Letters, 16 (2). pp. 51-63. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)


Diversified lineages and drug-resistance profiles of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in Malaysia. International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 8 (4). pp. 320-328. (2019)

Lipase enzyme

Identification of lipase producing thermophilic bacteria from Malaysian hot springs. Journal of Microbiology Research, 13 (5). 001-005. ISSN 2241-9837 (2019)

Local adaptation

Novel population specific autosomal copy number variation and its functional analysis amongst negritos from peninsular Malaysia. PLOS ONE, 9 (6). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)


Mass spectrometry profiles for identification of lansium domesticum corr. ethanolic leaf extracts harvested from two different locations in Malaysia. Science Letters, 16 (2). pp. 51-63. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

Long primer

The efficiency of long primers compared to the short primer for RAPD technique in date palm. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

Lymphoblastoid cell line

Generation of epstein-barr virus immortalized-B lymphocytes cell line of orang asli. Journal of Genetics and Genome Research, 3 (2). ISSN 2378-3648 (2016)

MAPK Pathway

Targeted RNAi of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway genes in acute myeloid leukemia cells. Sains Malaysiana, 42 (8). pp. 1131-1137. ISSN 2462-151X (2013)


In silico study of the effectiveness of 16S rRNA gene as a universal genetic marker to identify closely related burkholderia spp. in panicle blight of rice. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 102-123. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)


Genetic diversity among methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in Malaysia (2002–2020). Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 7 (11). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2414-6366 (2022)


Genetic diversity among methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in Malaysia (2002–2020). Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 7 (11). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2414-6366 (2022)

The characterization of mecA Gene and SCCmec typing in clinical samples of MRSA. Science Letters, 13 (2). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2682-8626 (2019)

The genome sequence of a type ST239 methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolate from a Malaysian hospital. Environmental Microbiome, 9. pp. 933-939. ISSN 2524-6372 (2014)


High prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus haemolyticus isolated from commensals in healthy adults. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 17 (1). pp. 145-152. ISSN 2636-9346 (2021)


High prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus haemolyticus isolated from commensals in healthy adults. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 17 (1). pp. 145-152. ISSN 2636-9346 (2021)

Macaca arctoides

Diet composition of the wild stump-tailed macaque (macaca arctoides) in Perlis state park, Peninsular Malaysia, using a chloroplast tRNL DNA metabarcoding approach: a preliminary study. Animals, 10 (12). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2076-2615 (2020)

Machine learning algorithms

Classifying familial hypercholesterolaemia: a tree-based machine learning approach. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12 (9). pp. 66-73. ISSN 2156-5570 (2021)

Malay Archipelago

A survey of Malay genome project (MGP) from Malaysian perspectives. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10 (6S). pp. 2372-2390. ISSN 1112-9867 (2018)

Malay Genome Project (MGP)

A survey of Malay genome project (MGP) from Malaysian perspectives. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10 (6S). pp. 2372-2390. ISSN 1112-9867 (2018)

Malayan tiger

Isolation and genetic characterization of canine parvovirus in a Malayan tiger. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2297-1769 (2021)


The genome sequence of a type ST239 methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolate from a Malaysian hospital. Environmental Microbiome, 9. pp. 933-939. ISSN 2524-6372 (2014)

SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance in Malaysia: displacement of B.1.617.2 with AY lineages as the dominant delta variants and the introduction of omicron during the fourth epidemic wave. The International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 125. pp. 216-226. ISSN 1201-9712 (2022)

Malaysian population

Mitochondrial DNA mutations in Malaysian female breast cancer patients. PLOS ONE, 15 (5). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1932-6203 (2020)

Malaysian primates

Diet composition of the wild stump-tailed macaque (macaca arctoides) in Perlis state park, Peninsular Malaysia, using a chloroplast tRNL DNA metabarcoding approach: a preliminary study. Animals, 10 (12). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2076-2615 (2020)

Malaysian rice

Identification of bacterial leaf blight resistance genes in Malaysian local rice varieties. Genetics and Molecular Research, 19 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1676-5680 (2020)

Meiotic Recombination

Meiotic recombination frequencies are affected by nutritional states in saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 98 (25). pp. 14524-14529. ISSN 0027-8424 (2001)

Metabolic state

Meiotic recombination frequencies are affected by nutritional states in saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 98 (25). pp. 14524-14529. ISSN 0027-8424 (2001)


TCGA-My: a systematic repository for systems biology of Malaysian colorectal cancer. Life, 12 (6): 772. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2075-1729 (2022)


Live research webinar series 2.0: dancing with zebrafish. [Video] (2020)

Live research webinar series 2.0: from microbes to microbiome. [Video] (2020)

Live research webinar series 2.0: the frontier in metabolomics: discovery of markers. [Video] (2020)

The predictive ability of total genotype score and serum metabolite markers in power-based sports performance following different strength training intensities — a pilot study. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 31 (2). pp. 1087-1103. ISSN 2231-8526 (2022)

Faculty of Pharmacy UI and Prof. Teh Lay Kek from UiTM Malaysia discussed metabolic concept to help diognose diseases. [Website]


Comparative evaluation of three different methods of genomic DNA extraction for Staphylococcus aureus. World Applied Sciences Journal, 21 (3). pp. 424-427. ISSN 1991-6426 (2013)


MicroRNA methylome signature and their functional roles in colorectal cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and chemoresistance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (13). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)


MicroRNA methylome signature and their functional roles in colorectal cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and chemoresistance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (13). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)

MicroRNA (miRNA)

Salivary miRNA as a potential biomarker of susceptibility to periodontitis. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2021)


Detection of miR-210 in formalin fixed human placental tissues using real time-PCR. Health Scope, 1. pp. 60-64. ISSN 2735-0649 (2020)

Microarray CGH Chromosome Karyotyping

Chromosomal microarray analysis on intergenerational effects of oligomeric proanthocyanidins against bisphenol-a induced brain deformities. International Virtual Conference on Nursing, 2021. pp. 930-939. ISSN 2413-0877 (2021)


Recent advances in the role of microorganisms in cancer incidence: mechanisms and health precautions. Biomedical Research and Therapy, 8 (9). pp. 4525-4539. ISSN 2198-4093 (2021)

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC)

Genomic adaptation in antimicrobial resistance: elucidating the route and effects in Acinetobacter baumannii. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2016)

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)

Mitochondrial DNA mutations in Malaysian female breast cancer patients. PLOS ONE, 15 (5). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1932-6203 (2020)


Characterization of the first mitogenomes of the smallest fish in the world, Paedocypris progenetica, from peat swamp of Peninsular Malaysia, Selangor, and Perak. Genomics & Informatics, 20 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2234-0742 (2022)

Modified method of CPT

Generation of epstein-barr virus immortalized-B lymphocytes cell line of orang asli. Journal of Genetics and Genome Research, 3 (2). ISSN 2378-3648 (2016)

Molecular diagnosis

Carriage patterns and susceptibility testing of staphylococcus aureus in healthy nasal carriers in UiTM. Biohealth Science Bulletin 2011, 3 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2550-147X (2011)


Initial study of social vespid wasps by using molecular approach of 28s region. SERANGGA, 19 (1). pp. 51-61. ISSN 1394-5130 (2014)

Moringa oleifera

Standardised extracts of moringa oleifera and centella asiatica enhanced the antioxidant activity, learning and memory effects by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity in D-Galactose induced ageing rats. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 28 (1). pp. 293-310. ISSN 2231-8526 (2020)


Prenatal bisphenol a exposure and postnatal trans fat diet alter small intestinal morphology and its global DNA methylation in male Sprague-Dawley rats, leading to obesity development. Nutrients, 14 (12). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2072-6643 (2022)


Haplotype analysis of cytochrome oxidase (CO1) gene of aedes albopictus isolated from Tawau, Sabah: an Asian perspective. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2017)


Complete genome sequence of rat cytomegalovirus strain ALL-03 (Malaysian strain). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 3 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2015)


Research webinar series 2.0: glycobiology from the SARS-CoV-2 Perspective. [Video] (2020)

Multidrug Resistance (MDR) genes

The genome sequence of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from a septicemic patient in a local hospital in Malaysia. Genomics Data, 6. pp. 128-129. ISSN 2213-5960 (2015)

Multidrug-resistant TB

Diversified lineages and drug-resistance profiles of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in Malaysia. International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 8 (4). pp. 320-328. (2019)

Multiplelocus sequence typing

Phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics of brucella melitensis in human brucellosis: a review. Science Letters, 17 (1). pp. 105-120. ISSN 2682-8626 (2023)

Mutasi gen

Konsortium ditubuh tingkat penjujukan genom - KJ. [Newspaper] (2021)


Hyperleucocytosis grading score and NPM1 gene mutation among patients with acute myeloid leukemia: Malaysian experience. Springer Nature, 13. pp. 33-40. ISSN 1865-5785 (2020)

PHIR4.0: Cluster of Differentiation (CD) antigens as biomarkers for prognosis of... (PP002). [Video] (2021)

Mutation breeding

Phenotypic and genetic analysis of M1V2 and M1V3 generation of ginger (Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) mutant lines. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2020)


Genomic adaptation in antimicrobial resistance: elucidating the route and effects in Acinetobacter baumannii. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2016)


PHIR4.0: Malaysian Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Genome Database (MyMTBG): a whole... (PP034). [Video] (2022)

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB)

Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2015)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Diversified lineages and drug-resistance profiles of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in Malaysia. International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 8 (4). pp. 320-328. (2019)

Draft genome sequence of a clinical isolate of mycobacterium tuberculosis strain PR05. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 1 (3). pp. 1-2. ISSN 2169-8287 (2013)

Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2015)

Genome sequencing and annotation of mycobacterium tuberculosis PR08 strain. Genomics Data, 7. pp. 119-120. ISSN 2213-5960 (2016)

PHIR4.0: novel variants denoting anti-tuberculosis drug resistance features... (OP017). [Video] (2021)

Draft genome sequences of local clinical isolates of drug-resistant and drug-sensitive mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10 (25). ISSN 2576-098X (2021)


Characterization of N-acetylglucosaminidase gene from aureus. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)

NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)

Genome-wide analysis of copy number variation identifies candidate gene loci associated with the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. PLOS ONE, 9 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

NAT2 Polymorphism

PHIR 4.0: association of NAT2 polymorphism and antituberculosis induced hepatotoxicity..... (OP014). [Video] (2021)

NAT2 gene

PHIR 4.0: association of NAT2 polymorphism and antituberculosis induced hepatotoxicity..... (OP014). [Video] (2021)

NOS3 gene

PHIR4.0: football players with NOS3 TT genotype has a stronger postural stability:... (PP010). [Video] (2021)

NPM1 gene

Hyperleucocytosis grading score and NPM1 gene mutation among patients with acute myeloid leukemia: Malaysian experience. Springer Nature, 13. pp. 33-40. ISSN 1865-5785 (2020)

Nasal carriers rates

Carriage patterns and susceptibility testing of staphylococcus aureus in healthy nasal carriers in UiTM. Biohealth Science Bulletin 2011, 3 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2550-147X (2011)

Next-generation Sequencing

Statistical optimisation of phenol degradation and pathway identification through whole genome sequencing of the cold-adapted antarctic bacterium, rhodococcus sp. Strain AQ5-07. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (24). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1422-0067 (2020)

Next-generation sequencing (NGS)

Salivary miRNA as a potential biomarker of susceptibility to periodontitis. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2021)

Whole genome resequencing data and grain quality traits of the rice cultivar Mahsuri and its blast disease resistant mutant line, Mahsuri mutant. Data in Brief, 52. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2352-3409 (2024)

Mitochondrial DNA mutations in Malaysian female breast cancer patients. PLOS ONE, 15 (5). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1932-6203 (2020)

Non structural protein

Isolation and genetic characterization of canine parvovirus in a Malayan tiger. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2297-1769 (2021)

Novel CNVs

Novel population specific autosomal copy number variation and its functional analysis amongst negritos from peninsular Malaysia. PLOS ONE, 9 (6). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Novel genetic variants

Precision Health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Virtual Conference (Day 1). [Video] (2021)


Toward precision nutrition: a cross-sectional study on the genetic risks of nutrients deficiencies and eating behaviors among the Orang Asli and Malays. Precision Medical Sciences, 11 (4). pp. 146-154. ISSN 2642-2514 (2022)

Nutritional genomics

Precision Health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Virtual Conference (Day 1). [Video] (2021)


Gut microbiota in pregnant Malaysian women: a comparison between trimesters, body mass index and gestational diabetes status. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22: 152. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1471-2393 (2022)


Development of PCE-based genotyping method for fat mass obesity-associated (FTO) gene polymorphism rs9939609. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), SI (2). pp. 51-54. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

Toward precision nutrition: a cross-sectional study on the genetic risks of nutrients deficiencies and eating behaviors among the Orang Asli and Malays. Precision Medical Sciences, 11 (4). pp. 146-154. ISSN 2642-2514 (2022)

The effects of genetic variants towards weight and biochemical changes in weight management program. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), SI (2). pp. 269-277. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

Development of PCR-based genotyping method for Fat Mass Obesity-Associated (FTO) gene polymorphism RS9939609. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), 2 (SI). pp. 51-54. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

DNA damage and obesity among faculty of pharmacy students. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (18). pp. 52-59. ISSN 2636-9346 (2023)

Prenatal bisphenol a exposure and postnatal trans fat diet alter small intestinal morphology and its global DNA methylation in male Sprague-Dawley rats, leading to obesity development. Nutrients, 14 (12). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2072-6643 (2022)

Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins

Chromosomal microarray analysis on intergenerational effects of oligomeric proanthocyanidins against bisphenol-a induced brain deformities. International Virtual Conference on Nursing, 2021. pp. 930-939. ISSN 2413-0877 (2021)


SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance in Malaysia: displacement of B.1.617.2 with AY lineages as the dominant delta variants and the introduction of omicron during the fourth epidemic wave. The International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 125. pp. 216-226. ISSN 1201-9712 (2022)

Omicron variant

To detect Omicron faster, Health Ministry to boost genome sequencing capacity. [Newspaper] (2021)

Orang Asli

A genome-wide characterization of copy number variations in native populations of Peninsular Malaysia. European journal of human genetics, 26. pp. 886-897. ISSN 1476-5438 (2018)

Genomic map of blood group alleles in Malaysian indigenous Orang Asli population from whole genome sequences. medRxiv. pp. 1-31. (Unpublished) (2021)

Phylogenetic and population genetic study using dys19 for orang asli in Taman Negara Pahang: preliminary findings. Malaysian Applied Biology, 44 (1). pp. 173-175. ISSN 2462-151X (2015)

Orang Asli and Malays

Pathogenic nsSNPs that increase the risks of cancers among the Orang Asli and Malays. Scientifc Reports, 11: 16158. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2045-2322 (2021)

Orang asli

The indigenous populations as the model by nature to understand human genomic-phenomics interactions. Quantitative Biology, 10 (1). pp. 35-43. ISSN 2095-4697 (2022)

Organic acids

Phenotypic and genomic survey on organic acid utilization profile of pseudomonas mendocina strain S5.2, a vineyard soil isolate. AMB Express, 7: 138. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2191-0855 (2017)

Oryza sativa L.

Whole genome resequencing data and grain quality traits of the rice cultivar Mahsuri and its blast disease resistant mutant line, Mahsuri mutant. Data in Brief, 52. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2352-3409 (2024)


Quintuplex PCR to detect antibiotic resistance genes in streptococcus pneumoniae. Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences, 1 (1). pp. 22-28. ISSN 0127-984X (2016)

PCR method

Development of a PCR test for detection of warfarin resistance based on the polymorphism of VKORC1 genes. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2012)


Quintuplex PCR to detect antibiotic resistance genes in streptococcus pneumoniae. Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences, 1 (1). pp. 22-28. ISSN 0127-984X (2016)

PCSK9 gene

Genetic spectrum of familial hypercholesterolaemia in the Malaysian community: identification of pathogenic gene variants using targeted next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)


Genetic diversity among methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in Malaysia (2002–2020). Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 7 (11). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2414-6366 (2022)

Paedocypris progenetica

Characterization of the first mitogenomes of the smallest fish in the world, Paedocypris progenetica, from peat swamp of Peninsular Malaysia, Selangor, and Perak. Genomics & Informatics, 20 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2234-0742 (2022)

Paralogue ratio test-restriction enzyme digest variant ratio (PRT-REDVR)

A comparison of assays for accurate copy number measurement of the low-affinity fc gamma receptor genes FCGR3A and FCGR3B. PLOS ONE, 10 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1932-6203 (2015)

Generation of epstein-barr virus immortalized-B lymphocytes cell line of orang asli. Journal of Genetics and Genome Research, 3 (2). ISSN 2378-3648 (2016)


Live research webinar series 2.0: molecular diagnosis in clinical parasitology: a game changing approach. [Video] (2020)

Parasitic pathogens

A quadriplex PCR assay for rapid detection of diarrhoeacausing parasitic protozoa from spiked stool samples. Tropical Biomedicine, 36 (2). pp. 348-356. ISSN 2521-9855 (2019)

Paternal marker

Phylogenetic and population genetic study using dys19 for orang asli in Taman Negara Pahang: preliminary findings. Malaysian Applied Biology, 44 (1). pp. 173-175. ISSN 2462-151X (2015)

Pathogenic variants

Pathogenic nsSNPs that increase the risks of cancers among the Orang Asli and Malays. Scientifc Reports, 11: 16158. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2045-2322 (2021)

Development of an Optimized Tetra-Amplification Refractory Mutation System PCR for Detection of 12 Pathogenic Familial Hypercholesterolemia Variants in the Asian Population. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 24 (2). pp. 120-130. ISSN 1943-7811 (2022)


Dissecting the genomics structure of proteus mirabilis strain PR03 using whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)

Pathogen’s virulence

Draft genome sequences of local clinical isolates of drug-resistant and drug-sensitive mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10 (25). ISSN 2576-098X (2021)

Penanda DNA

Pembinaan penanda molekul bagi kultur tisu kelapa sawit prolifik = Construction of molecule markers for prolific oil palm tissue culture. Sains Malaysiana, 47 (8). pp. 1701-1708. ISSN 2735-0118 (2018)

Peninsular Malaysia

A survey of Malay genome project (MGP) from Malaysian perspectives. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10 (6S). pp. 2372-2390. ISSN 1112-9867 (2018)

Characterization of the first mitogenomes of the smallest fish in the world, Paedocypris progenetica, from peat swamp of Peninsular Malaysia, Selangor, and Perak. Genomics & Informatics, 20 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2234-0742 (2022)

Penyelidikan genom

MOSTI sahkan tiada varian Mu di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)


Salivary miRNA as a potential biomarker of susceptibility to periodontitis. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2021)

Peripheral blood mononuclear cell

Generation of epstein-barr virus immortalized-B lymphocytes cell line of orang asli. Journal of Genetics and Genome Research, 3 (2). ISSN 2378-3648 (2016)

Personalized medicine

Systematic pharmacogenomics analysis of a Malay whole genome: proof of concept for personalized medicine. PLOS ONE, 8 (8): 0071554. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203 (2013)

Personalized nutrition

Toward precision nutrition: a cross-sectional study on the genetic risks of nutrients deficiencies and eating behaviors among the Orang Asli and Malays. Precision Medical Sciences, 11 (4). pp. 146-154. ISSN 2642-2514 (2022)


Personalized medicine beyond genomics: new technologies, global health diplomacy and anticipatory governance. Current pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, 7 (4). pp. 225-230. ISSN 1875-6913 (2009)


A pharmacogenetic study of cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORCl). Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)

Unraveling of the genetic polymorphism for ultra-rapid metabolism of phenytoin. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)

Tacrolimus pharmacogenetics: the influence of genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A5, MDRl and Pregnane X Receptor (PXR) in transplant patients. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)


Precision Health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Virtual Conference (Day 1). [Video] (2021)

Precision health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Day 2). [Video] (2022)

Systematic pharmacogenomics analysis of a Malay whole genome: proof of concept for personalized medicine. PLOS ONE, 8 (8): 0071554. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203 (2013)

Faculty of Pharmacy UI and Prof. Teh Lay Kek from UiTM Malaysia discussed metabolic concept to help diognose diseases. [Website]

Genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 in patients on warfarin therapy and the clinical relevance. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2007)

Pharmacogenomics testing

CYP2C9 polymorphism: prevalence in healthy and warfarin treated Malay and Chinese in Malaysia. Singapore Medical Journal, 50 (5). pp. 490-493. ISSN 2737-5935 (2009)


Live research webinar series 2.0: the frontier in metabolomics: discovery of markers. [Video] (2020)

Pharmacological pathways

Systematic pharmacogenomics analysis of a Malay whole genome: proof of concept for personalized medicine. PLOS ONE, 8 (8): 0071554. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203 (2013)


The indigenous populations as the model by nature to understand human genomic-phenomics interactions. Quantitative Biology, 10 (1). pp. 35-43. ISSN 2095-4697 (2022)

Phenotypic analysis

Carriage patterns and susceptibility testing of staphylococcus aureus in healthy nasal carriers in UiTM. Biohealth Science Bulletin 2011, 3 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2550-147X (2011)


Unraveling of the genetic polymorphism for ultra-rapid metabolism of phenytoin. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)


Phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics of brucella melitensis in human brucellosis: a review. Science Letters, 17 (1). pp. 105-120. ISSN 2682-8626 (2023)

Phylogenetic and population genetic study using dys19 for orang asli in Taman Negara Pahang: preliminary findings. Malaysian Applied Biology, 44 (1). pp. 173-175. ISSN 2462-151X (2015)

Phylogenetics analysis

Genomic epidemiology of sporadic human brucella melitensis cases in Malaysia through whole genome analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2023)


Mass spectrometry profiles for identification of lansium domesticum corr. ethanolic leaf extracts harvested from two different locations in Malaysia. Science Letters, 16 (2). pp. 51-63. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

Piezo-assisted biopsy

Gene expression of biopsied murine preimplantation embryos. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2015)

Plant metabarcoding

Diet composition of the wild stump-tailed macaque (macaca arctoides) in Perlis state park, Peninsular Malaysia, using a chloroplast tRNL DNA metabarcoding approach: a preliminary study. Animals, 10 (12). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2076-2615 (2020)

Plasma proteins

Research webinar series 2.0: glycobiology from the SARS-CoV-2 Perspective. [Video] (2020)

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Validation of a genetic test for detection of HLAB*1502. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)

Identification of lipase producing thermophilic bacteria from Malaysian hot springs. Journal of Microbiology Research, 13 (5). 001-005. ISSN 2241-9837 (2019)

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Alzheimer’s disease-related single nucleotide polymorphisms. BMC Medical Genetics, 14 (27). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2350 (2013)

Detection of cagA and vacA genes of helicobacter pylori in gastric biopsies and cockroaches. Malaysian Applied Biology, 47 (5). pp. 277-282. ISSN 2462-151X (2018)


The efficiency of long primers compared to the short primer for RAPD technique in date palm. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

Development of a PCR test for detection of warfarin resistance based on the polymorphism of VKORC1 genes. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2012)

Population diversity

Analysis of five deep-sequenced trio-genomes of the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli and North Borneo populations. BMC Genomics, 20: 842. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2164 (2019)

Population genetics

Unraveling of the genetic polymorphism for ultra-rapid metabolism of phenytoin. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)

Postnatal trans fat diet

Prenatal bisphenol a exposure and postnatal trans fat diet alter small intestinal morphology and its global DNA methylation in male Sprague-Dawley rats, leading to obesity development. Nutrients, 14 (12). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2072-6643 (2022)

Postural stability

PHIR4.0: football players with NOS3 TT genotype has a stronger postural stability:... (PP010). [Video] (2021)


Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. In: Workshop on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, 12th to 13th of July 2023, Faculty of Pharmacy UiTM Puncak Alam. (Submitted) (2023)

Precision Health

Precision health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Day 2). [Video] (2022)

Precision health

Precision Health in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Virtual Conference (Day 1). [Video] (2021)

iPROMISE 2018 booklet: accelerating research excellence. [Phamplet] (2018)

Faculty of Pharmacy UI and Prof. Teh Lay Kek from UiTM Malaysia discussed metabolic concept to help diognose diseases. [Website]

Predict races

Mining the DNA sequence for race classification. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2008)

Predicting FH

Classifying familial hypercholesterolaemia: a tree-based machine learning approach. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12 (9). pp. 66-73. ISSN 2156-5570 (2021)


Gut microbiota in pregnant Malaysian women: a comparison between trimesters, body mass index and gestational diabetes status. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22: 152. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1471-2393 (2022)

Preimplantation embryos

Gene expression of biopsied murine preimplantation embryos. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2015)

Premature atherosclerosis,

Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia in a pair of identical twins: a case report and updated review. BMC Pediatrics, 19 (106). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2431 (2019)

Prenatal exposure

Prenatal bisphenol a exposure and postnatal trans fat diet alter small intestinal morphology and its global DNA methylation in male Sprague-Dawley rats, leading to obesity development. Nutrients, 14 (12). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2072-6643 (2022)

Primary Health Care

Personalized medicine beyond genomics: new technologies, global health diplomacy and anticipatory governance. Current pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, 7 (4). pp. 225-230. ISSN 1875-6913 (2009)


PHIR4.0: Cluster of Differentiation (CD) antigens as biomarkers for prognosis of... (PP002). [Video] (2021)


Characterization of N-acetylglucosaminidase gene from aureus. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)


Live research webinar series 2.0: from microbes to microbiome. [Video] (2020)


Live research webinar series 2.0: dancing with zebrafish. [Video] (2020)

Proteus mirabilis

Dissecting the genomics structure of proteus mirabilis strain PR03 using whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)

Genome sequence of proteus mirabilis strain PR03, isolated from a local hospital in Malaysia. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 1 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Pseudomonas Mendocina

Phenotypic and genomic survey on organic acid utilization profile of pseudomonas mendocina strain S5.2, a vineyard soil isolate. AMB Express, 7: 138. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2191-0855 (2017)

Pteropus vampyrus

Computer Based Characterisation of Pteropus vampyrus Endogenous Betaretrovirus (PvEB) from bat genome project database. In: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE), 07-08 April 2014, Penang, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Quadriplex PCR

A quadriplex PCR assay for rapid detection of diarrhoeacausing parasitic protozoa from spiked stool samples. Tropical Biomedicine, 36 (2). pp. 348-356. ISSN 2521-9855 (2019)


The efficiency of long primers compared to the short primer for RAPD technique in date palm. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

RBC antigens

Genomic map of blood group alleles in Malaysian indigenous Orang Asli population from whole genome sequences. medRxiv. pp. 1-31. (Unpublished) (2021)


Complete genome sequence of rat cytomegalovirus strain ALL-03 (Malaysian strain). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 3 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2015)

RNA Design

Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. In: Workshop on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, 12th to 13th of July 2023, Faculty of Pharmacy UiTM Puncak Alam. (Submitted) (2023)

RNA Interference

Targeted RNAi of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway genes in acute myeloid leukemia cells. Sains Malaysiana, 42 (8). pp. 1131-1137. ISSN 2462-151X (2013)


Application and modification of RT-LAMP for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral genome. The Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (MJMHS), 19 (2). pp. 286-292. ISSN 2636-9346 (2023)

Clinical performance of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification COVID-19 assay on gold-nanoparticle-modified screen-printed carbon electrode using differential pulse voltammetry. Sensors and Materials, 35 (10). pp. 4731-4750. ISSN 2435-0869 (2023)


Application and modification of RT-LAMP for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral genome. The Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (MJMHS), 19 (2). pp. 286-292. ISSN 2636-9346 (2023)

Detection of miR-210 in formalin fixed human placental tissues using real time-PCR. Health Scope, 1. pp. 60-64. ISSN 2735-0649 (2020)

Clinical performance of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification COVID-19 assay on gold-nanoparticle-modified screen-printed carbon electrode using differential pulse voltammetry. Sensors and Materials, 35 (10). pp. 4731-4750. ISSN 2435-0869 (2023)

Race classification

Mining the DNA sequence for race classification. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2008)

Reactive oxygen

PHIR4.0: fargesin protects RAW267.4 cells from cytotoxicity induced by hydrogen peroxide (PP035). [Video] (2021)

Research Talk

Program Research Talk@IOS - The key to maintaining momentum and motivation in research. [Video] (2023)

Rhodamine B olive oil

Identification of lipase producing thermophilic bacteria from Malaysian hot springs. Journal of Microbiology Research, 13 (5). 001-005. ISSN 2241-9837 (2019)


Statistical optimisation of phenol degradation and pathway identification through whole genome sequencing of the cold-adapted antarctic bacterium, rhodococcus sp. Strain AQ5-07. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (24). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1422-0067 (2020)

Rice genomics

Whole genome resequencing data and grain quality traits of the rice cultivar Mahsuri and its blast disease resistant mutant line, Mahsuri mutant. Data in Brief, 52. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2352-3409 (2024)


Live research webinar series 2.0: from microbes to microbiome. [Video] (2020)

MOSTI sahkan tiada varian Mu di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Application and modification of RT-LAMP for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral genome. The Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (MJMHS), 19 (2). pp. 286-292. ISSN 2636-9346 (2023)

SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance in Malaysia: displacement of B.1.617.2 with AY lineages as the dominant delta variants and the introduction of omicron during the fourth epidemic wave. The International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 125. pp. 216-226. ISSN 1201-9712 (2022)


Genetic diversity among methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in Malaysia (2002–2020). Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 7 (11). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2414-6366 (2022)


High prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus haemolyticus isolated from commensals in healthy adults. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 17 (1). pp. 145-152. ISSN 2636-9346 (2021)

SCCmec type

The characterization of mecA Gene and SCCmec typing in clinical samples of MRSA. Science Letters, 13 (2). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2682-8626 (2019)

SSR marker

Identification of bacterial leaf blight resistance genes in Malaysian local rice varieties. Genetics and Molecular Research, 19 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1676-5680 (2020)

STS marker

Identification of bacterial leaf blight resistance genes in Malaysian local rice varieties. Genetics and Molecular Research, 19 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1676-5680 (2020)

Saccharomyces Derevisiae

Meiotic recombination frequencies are affected by nutritional states in saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 98 (25). pp. 14524-14529. ISSN 0027-8424 (2001)

Salivary transcriptome

Salivary miRNA as a potential biomarker of susceptibility to periodontitis. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2021)

Secondary Metabolites

Plant development, stress responses, and secondary metabolism under ethylene regulation. Plant Stress, 7. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2667-064X (2023)

Sequence similarity

Characterization of N-acetylglucosaminidase gene from aureus. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)


Unraveling of the genetic polymorphism for ultra-rapid metabolism of phenytoin. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)

Sequenom MassARRAY

A comparison of assays for accurate copy number measurement of the low-affinity fc gamma receptor genes FCGR3A and FCGR3B. PLOS ONE, 10 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1932-6203 (2015)

Short primer

The efficiency of long primers compared to the short primer for RAPD technique in date palm. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP)

Pathogenic nsSNPs that increase the risks of cancers among the Orang Asli and Malays. Scientifc Reports, 11: 16158. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2045-2322 (2021)

Single molecule real‑time (SMRT) sequencing

Phenotypic and genomic survey on organic acid utilization profile of pseudomonas mendocina strain S5.2, a vineyard soil isolate. AMB Express, 7: 138. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2191-0855 (2017)

Single nucleotide polymorphism

Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Alzheimer’s disease-related single nucleotide polymorphisms. BMC Medical Genetics, 14 (27). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2350 (2013)

The predictive ability of total genotype score and serum metabolite markers in power-based sports performance following different strength training intensities — a pilot study. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 31 (2). pp. 1087-1103. ISSN 2231-8526 (2022)

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

Whole genome resequencing data and grain quality traits of the rice cultivar Mahsuri and its blast disease resistant mutant line, Mahsuri mutant. Data in Brief, 52. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2352-3409 (2024)

Small intestine

Prenatal bisphenol a exposure and postnatal trans fat diet alter small intestinal morphology and its global DNA methylation in male Sprague-Dawley rats, leading to obesity development. Nutrients, 14 (12). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2072-6643 (2022)

Somatic mutations

Mitochondrial DNA mutations in Malaysian female breast cancer patients. PLOS ONE, 15 (5). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1932-6203 (2020)

Southest Asia

A survey of Malay genome project (MGP) from Malaysian perspectives. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10 (6S). pp. 2372-2390. ISSN 1112-9867 (2018)

Sporadic human infections

Genomic epidemiology of sporadic human brucella melitensis cases in Malaysia through whole genome analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2023)

Staphylococcus Aureus

Characterization of N-acetylglucosaminidase gene from aureus. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)

The genome sequence of a type ST239 methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolate from a Malaysian hospital. Environmental Microbiome, 9. pp. 933-939. ISSN 2524-6372 (2014)

Staphylococcus aureus

Comparative evaluation of three different methods of genomic DNA extraction for Staphylococcus aureus. World Applied Sciences Journal, 21 (3). pp. 424-427. ISSN 1991-6426 (2013)

The characterization of mecA Gene and SCCmec typing in clinical samples of MRSA. Science Letters, 13 (2). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2682-8626 (2019)

Carriage patterns and susceptibility testing of staphylococcus aureus in healthy nasal carriers in UiTM. Biohealth Science Bulletin 2011, 3 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2550-147X (2011)

Strength training

The predictive ability of total genotype score and serum metabolite markers in power-based sports performance following different strength training intensities — a pilot study. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 31 (2). pp. 1087-1103. ISSN 2231-8526 (2022)

Streptococcus Agalactiae

Draft genome sequence of streptococcus agalactiae PR06. American Society for Microbiology, 1 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Stress Responding Hormone

Plant development, stress responses, and secondary metabolism under ethylene regulation. Plant Stress, 7. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2667-064X (2023)

Surveillance program

Congratulations Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Zaki Salleh and team from Integrative Pharmacogenomics Institute (iPROMISE) UiTM Kampus Puncak Alam, Selangor. [Image] (2021)

Sustainable development goals

A bibliometric study of traditional medicinal plant database research, 2001 – 2021. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11 (2). pp. 214-223. ISSN 2226-6348 (2022)

Systematic repository

TCGA-My: a systematic repository for systems biology of Malaysian colorectal cancer. Life, 12 (6): 772. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2075-1729 (2022)


Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2015)


TCGA-My: a systematic repository for systems biology of Malaysian colorectal cancer. Life, 12 (6): 772. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2075-1729 (2022)

TT genotype

PHIR4.0: football players with NOS3 TT genotype has a stronger postural stability:... (PP010). [Video] (2021)


Tacrolimus pharmacogenetics: the influence of genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A5, MDRl and Pregnane X Receptor (PXR) in transplant patients. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)

Tetra-amplification mutation system (T-ARMS)

Development of an Optimized Tetra-Amplification Refractory Mutation System PCR for Detection of 12 Pathogenic Familial Hypercholesterolemia Variants in the Asian Population. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 24 (2). pp. 120-130. ISSN 1943-7811 (2022)


Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. In: Workshop on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, 12th to 13th of July 2023, Faculty of Pharmacy UiTM Puncak Alam. (Submitted) (2023)


Personalized medicine beyond genomics: new technologies, global health diplomacy and anticipatory governance. Current pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, 7 (4). pp. 225-230. ISSN 1875-6913 (2009)

Therapeutic effectiveness

Genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 in patients on warfarin therapy and the clinical relevance. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2007)

Thermophilic bacteria

Identification of lipase producing thermophilic bacteria from Malaysian hot springs. Journal of Microbiology Research, 13 (5). 001-005. ISSN 2241-9837 (2019)


Palm-based tototrienol-rich fraction (TRF) supplementation modulates cardiac sod1 expression, fxr target gene expression and tauro-conjugated bile acid levels in aleptinemic mice fed a high-fat diet. Research Square. pp. 1-20. ISSN 2693-5015 (2024)

Traditional medicinal plant database

A bibliometric study of traditional medicinal plant database research, 2001 – 2021. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11 (2). pp. 214-223. ISSN 2226-6348 (2022)

Training response

The predictive ability of total genotype score and serum metabolite markers in power-based sports performance following different strength training intensities — a pilot study. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 31 (2). pp. 1087-1103. ISSN 2231-8526 (2022)

Transcription factor Gcn4p

Meiotic recombination frequencies are affected by nutritional states in saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 98 (25). pp. 14524-14529. ISSN 0027-8424 (2001)


PHIR4.0: transgenerational effects of heroin addiction: DNA methylation and... (PP018). [Video] (2021)

Transplant patients

Tacrolimus pharmacogenetics: the influence of genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A5, MDRl and Pregnane X Receptor (PXR) in transplant patients. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam. (Unpublished) (2010)

Tree-based classifier

Classifying familial hypercholesterolaemia: a tree-based machine learning approach. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12 (9). pp. 66-73. ISSN 2156-5570 (2021)


PHIR4.0: Malaysian Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Genome Database (MyMTBG): a whole... (PP034). [Video] (2022)

PHIR4.0: novel variants denoting anti-tuberculosis drug resistance features... (OP017). [Video] (2021)

Draft genome sequences of local clinical isolates of drug-resistant and drug-sensitive mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10 (25). ISSN 2576-098X (2021)

Tuberculosis meningitis

Draft genome sequence of a clinical isolate of mycobacterium tuberculosis strain PR05. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 1 (3). pp. 1-2. ISSN 2169-8287 (2013)


Polymorphisms of UGT1A1*6, UGT1A1*27 & UGT1A1*28 in three major ethnic groups from Malaysia. The Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), 136 (2). pp. 249-259. ISSN 0971-5916 (2012)

Ujian makmal

MOSTI sahkan tiada varian Mu di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)


Gut microbiota in pregnant Malaysian women: a comparison between trimesters, body mass index and gestational diabetes status. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22: 152. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1471-2393 (2022)

Urothelial cell carcinoma

Manipulation of p53 protein in bladder cancer treatment. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 20 (1). pp. 137-147. ISSN 2735-2285 (2021)


Development of a PCR test for detection of warfarin resistance based on the polymorphism of VKORC1 genes. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2012)


A pharmacogenetic study of cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORCl). Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2011)


Systematic pharmacogenomics analysis of a Malay whole genome: proof of concept for personalized medicine. PLOS ONE, 8 (8): 0071554. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203 (2013)

Vector Cloning

Hands-on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing workshop. In: Workshop on CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, 12th to 13th of July 2023, Faculty of Pharmacy UiTM Puncak Alam. (Submitted) (2023)


Initial study of social vespid wasps by using molecular approach of 28s region. SERANGGA, 19 (1). pp. 51-61. ISSN 1394-5130 (2014)

Vineyard soil

Phenotypic and genomic survey on organic acid utilization profile of pseudomonas mendocina strain S5.2, a vineyard soil isolate. AMB Express, 7: 138. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2191-0855 (2017)


Dissecting the genomics structure of proteus mirabilis strain PR03 using whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)

Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA. (2015)

Virulence and pathogenesis

Understanding the genomic information of mycobacterium tuberculosis causing whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2015)

Virulence genes

Draft genome sequence of streptococcus agalactiae PR06. American Society for Microbiology, 1 (3). ISSN 2576-098X (2013)

Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)

DNA damage and obesity among faculty of pharmacy students. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (18). pp. 52-59. ISSN 2636-9346 (2023)


CYP2C9 polymorphism: prevalence in healthy and warfarin treated Malay and Chinese in Malaysia. Singapore Medical Journal, 50 (5). pp. 490-493. ISSN 2737-5935 (2009)

Warfarin therapy

Development of a PCR test for detection of warfarin resistance based on the polymorphism of VKORC1 genes. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2012)

Genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 in patients on warfarin therapy and the clinical relevance. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Puncak Alam. (Unpublished) (2007)

Weight Management Program

The effects of genetic variants towards weight and biochemical changes in weight management program. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), SI (2). pp. 269-277. ISSN 2289-392X (2023)

Whole genome sequencing

Dissecting the genomics structure of proteus mirabilis strain PR03 using whole genome sequencing approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Shah Alam. (2014)

Phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics of brucella melitensis in human brucellosis: a review. Science Letters, 17 (1). pp. 105-120. ISSN 2682-8626 (2023)

Whole-genome deep sequencing

Analysis of five deep-sequenced trio-genomes of the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli and North Borneo populations. BMC Genomics, 20: 842. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2164 (2019)

Whole-genome sequencing

Diversified lineages and drug-resistance profiles of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in Malaysia. International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 8 (4). pp. 320-328. (2019)

Toward precision nutrition: a cross-sectional study on the genetic risks of nutrients deficiencies and eating behaviors among the Orang Asli and Malays. Precision Medical Sciences, 11 (4). pp. 146-154. ISSN 2642-2514 (2022)

Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae

Identification of bacterial leaf blight resistance genes in Malaysian local rice varieties. Genetics and Molecular Research, 19 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1676-5680 (2020)

Y-STR (DYS19) marker

Phylogenetic and population genetic study using dys19 for orang asli in Taman Negara Pahang: preliminary findings. Malaysian Applied Biology, 44 (1). pp. 173-175. ISSN 2462-151X (2015)


PHIR4.0: perturbed amino acid metabolism pathways in chronically anxious zebrafish (PP021). [Video] (2021)

Oryziaslatipes (Japanese Medaka) as genetic model to study causative genes of epilepsy disease: an in-silico approach. Malaysian Applied Biology, 51 (4). pp. 75-86. ISSN 2462-151X (2022)

Zingiber officinale roscoe

Phenotypic and genetic analysis of M1V2 and M1V3 generation of ginger (Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) mutant lines. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2020)

differential pulse voltammetry

Clinical performance of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification COVID-19 assay on gold-nanoparticle-modified screen-printed carbon electrode using differential pulse voltammetry. Sensors and Materials, 35 (10). pp. 4731-4750. ISSN 2435-0869 (2023)

electrochemical sensor

Clinical performance of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification COVID-19 assay on gold-nanoparticle-modified screen-printed carbon electrode using differential pulse voltammetry. Sensors and Materials, 35 (10). pp. 4731-4750. ISSN 2435-0869 (2023)

familial hypercholesterolaemia

Genetic spectrum of familial hypercholesterolaemia in the Malaysian community: identification of pathogenic gene variants using targeted next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)

genetic testing

Genetic spectrum of familial hypercholesterolaemia in the Malaysian community: identification of pathogenic gene variants using targeted next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)


In silico study of the effectiveness of 16S rRNA gene as a universal genetic marker to identify closely related burkholderia spp. in panicle blight of rice. Science Letters, 16 (1). pp. 102-123. ISSN 2682-8626 (2022)


2022_iPROMISE. [Video] (2022)

Live research webinar series 2.0: UiTM human genome project. [Video] (2020)


High prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus haemolyticus isolated from commensals in healthy adults. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 17 (1). pp. 145-152. ISSN 2636-9346 (2021)

mecA gene

The characterization of mecA Gene and SCCmec typing in clinical samples of MRSA. Science Letters, 13 (2). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2682-8626 (2019)


Detection of miR-210 in formalin fixed human placental tissues using real time-PCR. Health Scope, 1. pp. 60-64. ISSN 2735-0649 (2020)

mtDNA alterations

Mitochondrial DNA mutations in Malaysian female breast cancer patients. PLOS ONE, 15 (5). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1932-6203 (2020)

next generation sequencing

Genetic spectrum of familial hypercholesterolaemia in the Malaysian community: identification of pathogenic gene variants using targeted next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)


Manipulation of p53 protein in bladder cancer treatment. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 20 (1). pp. 137-147. ISSN 2735-2285 (2021)

pathogenic variants

Genetic spectrum of familial hypercholesterolaemia in the Malaysian community: identification of pathogenic gene variants using targeted next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1422-0067 (2022)

rRNA Gene Sequence

Live research webinar series 2.0: molecular diagnosis in clinical parasitology: a game changing approach. [Video] (2020)


Diet composition of the wild stump-tailed macaque (macaca arctoides) in Perlis state park, Peninsular Malaysia, using a chloroplast tRNL DNA metabarcoding approach: a preliminary study. Animals, 10 (12). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2076-2615 (2020)

xa gene

Identification of bacterial leaf blight resistance genes in Malaysian local rice varieties. Genetics and Molecular Research, 19 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1676-5680 (2020)

β-keto-adipate Pathway

Statistical optimisation of phenol degradation and pathway identification through whole genome sequencing of the cold-adapted antarctic bacterium, rhodococcus sp. Strain AQ5-07. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (24). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1422-0067 (2020)

This list was generated on Sat May 18 22:02:39 2024 +08.