Items where Subject is "Study and Teaching"

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Group by: Creators | Item Type | Keywords
Jump to: Aesthetics | Air purifier | Alat bantuan mengajar | Alat mencanting | Anime characters | Anthropomorphism | Art and culture | Automotif design | Baking tool | Batik | Boat | Bottle openers | Braille key chain | Braille keychain | Braille reader | Bunga manggar | Character design | Chili plucking tool | Citarasa pengguna | Clothes box | Communication tools | Concept design | Congkak | Decoration | Decoration lamp | Design elements | Digital books | Dough roller | Electrical appliances | Emergency storage | Emotional design | Ergo-aesthetic framework | Ergonomic design | Ergonomics | Ergonomik | Evolusi kereta | Eyewear | Feet protector | Fire fighting equipment | Fire hose management | Fireproof suit | Floating lamp | Food container | Foot knob | Furniture Design | Furniture design | Furniture industry | Garbage collector | Gardening | Gaya tulisan | Hand protector | Hand wash pot | Hearing aid | Hermeneutic | Hiasan dan estetik | Home gardening | Identiti Melayu | Illustrasi / Fotografi | Implikasi produktiviti perabut | Indeks Kreativiti | Industri Reka Bentuk | Industri pembuatan perabot | Industri rekabentuk | Industrial design | Industry design | Interaction design | Islamic art element | Kinetic shoe | Kitchen Sinks | Knock-down | Konsep kereta sport | Konsep sofa ergonomik | Kreativiti | Labelling | Lawn mover | Learning Aids | Lite carrier tote | Litter trap | Malaysia food industry | Medicine storage | Membina ayat | Mirror | Modular 3D-printed joinery | Motif rekabentuk | Motorcycle tools | Nails clipper | Nilai estetika | Normative | Ontologi kereta | Packaging and labelling | Panel lakaran lukisan | Parking kiosk | Pembangunan rekabentuk | Pendidikan seni visual | Penggunaan warna | Perabot kayu getah | Perlabelan | Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | Pineapple cutter | Plug puller | Poduct design | Pot | Product Design | Product design | Product designs | Product life-cycle | Product manufacturing | Produk Malaysia | Produk kreatif | Produktiviti | Program latihan perabot | Proses reka bentuk | Prospek kerjaya | Proton Saga | Prototaip produk | Prototypes | Prototyping | Recorder | Recycle aluminium tin | Reflective | Reka bentuk automotif | Reka bentuk automottif | Reka bentuk industri | Reka bentuk konsep | Reka bentuk pembungkusan | Reka bentuk perabot | Reka bentuk perindustrian | Reka bentuk produk | Rekaan industri | Rekabentuk antropomorfik | Rekabentuk industri | Rekabentuk inovasi | Rekabentuk perabot | Rekabentuk produk | Rekacipta | Retro-futuristic design | Rolling stone | Rubbish trap | Seeding stick | Self-led project | Seni reka bentuk industri | Seni reka industri | Seni reka perindustrian | Seni tradisional | Sensory factors | Shoe cushion | Sifir | Small pot | Small submarine | Smart bus stop | Smart cart | Smoke detector alarm | Songket | Stimulasi kecerdasan | Sustainable furniture production | Sustainable product design | Susunan rekaletak | Teaching Aids | Teknologi kecerdasan buatan | Text-input display | Thermos | Tokoh ideation | Traditional games | Tree-cotton separator | Twilight armchair | UV water filter | Ujian Figural | Ukuran dan saiz | User Experience (UX) | Vibrator signal | Visual kreatif | Voice messages | Water pipe | Water purifier | Water reservoir | Watercraft | Webinar | Wheelchair | compost bin | furniture design | interactive digital products | nature-inspired idea | product design | seni reka bentuk industri | smart modern product | visual design
Number of items at this level: 408.


Educating the nation on industrial design. SIRIMLink, 2. pp. 15-17. (2018)

Air purifier

Smoke buster. [Image] (2008)

Alat bantuan mengajar

MASZLE. [Image] (2014)

Alat mencanting

Can-Tric. [Image] (2014)

Anime characters

Toshiba International Foundation (2021) grafik FSSR UiTM Kedah: wakil tunggal di Asia bagi kategori ‘art & culture'. [Phamplet]


Rekabentuk kenderaan: pemikiran rekabentuk ke arah inovasi. Jurnal Inspirasi Seni Intelektual (I.S.I). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2637-0115 (2019)

Art and culture

Toshiba International Foundation (2021) grafik FSSR UiTM Kedah: wakil tunggal di Asia bagi kategori ‘art & culture'. [Phamplet]

Automotif design

Proton generasi baru: inovasi reka bentuk Malaysia. [Video] (2014)

Rekaan konsep kereta sports Malaysia oleh bekas pereka Proton, asas luaran dari Aston Martin DB10. [Website] (2021)

Baking tool

Multi purpose roller. [Image] (2010)


Perabot daripada batik dan songket. [Website]


Eco-boat. [Image] (2009)

Bottle openers

Twister. [Image] (2004)

Braille key chain

Cappie / Drawzz. [Image] (2011)

Braille keychain

Easy keys for blind. [Image] (2004)

Braille reader

C2 Reader. [Image] (2004)

Bunga manggar

Glow. [Image] (2010)

Character design

Toshiba International Foundation (2021) grafik FSSR UiTM Kedah: wakil tunggal di Asia bagi kategori ‘art & culture'. [Phamplet]

Chili plucking tool

Agricutter. [Image] (2009)

Citarasa pengguna

Pencirian rekabentuk konsep sofa ergonomik mengikut persepsi pengguna: kajian kes di Malaysia. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 3 (1): 2. pp. 31-44. ISSN 2289-4527 (2015)

Clothes box

Packaging box for clothes. [Image] (2009)

Communication tools

FA talk. [Image] (2004)

Concept design

Industrial design students showcase futuristic concept designs. [Website] (2016)


Congkak pelampung. [Image] (2010)


Wall switch casing. [Image] (2005)

Decoration lamp

Light moment. [Image] (2005)

Design elements

FLUX 2.0: sustainable furniture production with modular 3D printed joinery system. BIO Web of Conferences, 73: 05007. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2117-4458 (2023)

Digital books

DG book. [Image] (2000)

Dough roller

Multi purpose roller. [Image] (2010)

Electrical appliances

RC 100 electric rice cooker. [Image] (2005)

Emergency storage

SOS capsule. [Image] (2006)

Emotional design

Interaction design. [Website] (2023)

Ergo-aesthetic framework

FLUX 2.0: sustainable furniture production with modular 3D printed joinery system. BIO Web of Conferences, 73: 05007. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2117-4458 (2023)

Ergonomic design

Top Asia Pacific University (APU) Malaysia product design student project. [Video] (2020)


Peranan ergonomik dalam rekabentuk kerusi sekolah: kajian kes di sekitar Perlis, Kedah dan Pulau Pinang. Conference Proceeding: 1stInternational Conference on Creative Media, Design & Technology(REKA2014, 2014: 82. pp. 1-9. (2014)


Konsep dan peranan ergonomik dalam rekabentuk automobil: satu perspektif. In: Proceeding of Wacana Intelek UiTM Kedah 2005, 2005, Kedah. (In Press) (2005)

Evolusi kereta

Evolusi rekabentuk dan disebalik penghasilan rekabentuk kereta. [Website]


Polymath eyewear for the blind. [Image] (2008)

Feet protector

Feet protector in waters. [Image] (2008)

Fire fighting equipment

Mobile extinguisher. [Image] (2006)

Fire hose management

Hose organiser. [Image] (2006)

Fireproof suit

Emergency fireproof suit. [Image] (2008)

Floating lamp

Portable UV floating lamp. [Image] (2007)

Food container

Flexilayer. [Image] (2009)

Foot knob

Easy leg pipe. [Image] (2011)

Furniture Design

Islamic art element in modern furniture design based on three types of design thinking approaches. Pertanika Journal of Scholarly Research Reviews, 4 (2). pp. 49-55. ISSN 2462-2028 (2018)

Furniture design

Twilight armchair. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 12. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

Furnice. [Image] (2005)

Industrial design: furniture design for post Covid-19. [Video] (2020)

LEAF-I bus stop. [Image] (2004)

Collapsible stool. [Image] (2007)

FLUX 2.0: sustainable furniture production with modular 3D printed joinery system. BIO Web of Conferences, 73: 05007. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2117-4458 (2023)

Furniture industry

Industrial design: furniture design for post Covid-19. [Video] (2020)

Garbage collector

Drain garbage collector. [Image] (2009)


Flexipot. [Image] (2013)

Gaya tulisan

WRIBOD (Writing Board). [Image] (2014)

Hand protector

Smart H.P. [Image] (2008)

Hand wash pot

Nepenwash. [Image] (2010)

Hearing aid

Electronic Device for the Deaf (EDD). [Image] (2011)


Islamic art element in modern furniture design based on three types of design thinking approaches. Pertanika Journal of Scholarly Research Reviews, 4 (2). pp. 49-55. ISSN 2462-2028 (2018)

Hiasan dan estetik

Masa depan industri reka bentuk terus berkembang. [Newspaper] (2015)

Home gardening

Green pot. [Image] (2009)

Smart pot. [Image] (2009)

Mini home harvest. [Image] (2009)

Identiti Melayu

Perabot ‘dihasil’ daripada KUEH. [Website]

Illustrasi / Fotografi

Program latihan teknologi rekabentuk pembangunan dan pelabelan serta pembangunan jenama. In: Program Latihan Teknologi Rekabentuk Pembangunan Dan Pelabelan Serta Pembangunan Jenama, Shah Alam Selangor. (Unpublished) (2014)

Implikasi produktiviti perabut

Pencirian rekabentuk konsep sofa ergonomik mengikut persepsi pengguna: kajian kes di Malaysia. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 3 (1): 2. pp. 31-44. ISSN 2289-4527 (2015)

Indeks Kreativiti

Produk kreatif bertaraf dunia: belajar dari pengalaman negara Jepun, Korea dan Taiwan ROC. International Academic Research Journal of Social Science, 4 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2289-8441 (2018)

Industri Reka Bentuk

Masa depan industri reka bentuk terus berkembang. [Newspaper] (2015)

Industri pembuatan perabot

AWANI Rangers: rekabentuk perabot mahasiswa UTHM ke peringkat antarabangsa. [Video] (2018)

Industri rekabentuk

Drain garbage collector. [Image] (2009)

Industrial design

Educating the nation on industrial design. SIRIMLink, 2. pp. 15-17. (2018)

Plug in shoe. [Image] (2009)

Green pot. [Image] (2009)

Easy hot thermos. [Image] (2011)

Warisan Reform. [Image] (2010)

Smart pot. [Image] (2009)

Mini home harvest. [Image] (2009)

Can - pact. [Image] (2009)

3 in 1 safety device. [Image] (2008)

Multi purpose roller. [Image] (2010)

Pineapple cutter. [Image] (2010)

Smart H.P. [Image] (2008)

Smoke buster. [Image] (2008)

Glow plug puller and bookmark. [Image] (2011)

Nails clipper. [Image] (2008)

Leaking gas detector. [Image] (2008)

Rubbish trapper. [Image] (2009)

Eco-boat. [Image] (2009)

Electronic Device for the Deaf (EDD). [Image] (2011)

Congkak pelampung. [Image] (2010)

Feet protector in waters. [Image] (2008)

Cappie / Drawzz. [Image] (2011)

Smart seeding stick. [Image] (2010)

Smart sink. [Image] (2011)

Can - B. [Image] (2009)

Rolling Stone. [Image] (2010)

Industry design

Degree show product design (industrial design) 2021. [Video] (2021)

Interaction design

Interaction design. [Website] (2023)

Islamic art element

Islamic art element in modern furniture design based on three types of design thinking approaches. Pertanika Journal of Scholarly Research Reviews, 4 (2). pp. 49-55. ISSN 2462-2028 (2018)

Kinetic shoe

Plug in shoe. [Image] (2009)

Kitchen Sinks

Smart sink. [Image] (2011)


Pereka tempatan. reka: menjana inovasi, 1. pp. 15-17. (2008)

Konsep kereta sport

Rekaan konsep kereta sports Malaysia oleh bekas pereka Proton, asas luaran dari Aston Martin DB10. [Website] (2021)

Konsep sofa ergonomik

Pencirian rekabentuk konsep sofa ergonomik mengikut persepsi pengguna: kajian kes di Malaysia. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 3 (1): 2. pp. 31-44. ISSN 2289-4527 (2015)


Potensi teks ke imej dalam seni reka perindustrian. Galeri Seni Merbok UiTM Kedah: Edisi "Versatility". pp. 19-20. ISSN 2637-028X (2023)

Perabot daripada batik dan songket. [Website]


The design issue of local SME food and beverage product labelling and packaging: designers versus audience perspectives. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Melaka. (2022)

Lawn mover

Lawn rider. [Image] (2007)

Learning Aids

Analysis of product design in developing learning aids for dyslexic children. Voice of Academia, 18 (1). pp. 235-249. ISSN 2682-7840 (2022)

Lite carrier tote

Tools bag. [Image] (2006)

Litter trap

Rubbish trapper. [Image] (2009)

Malaysia food industry

The design issue of local SME food and beverage product labelling and packaging: designers versus audience perspectives. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Melaka. (2022)

Medicine storage

Medicine bottle. [Image] (2004)

Membina ayat

Preposition Visual Exercise. [Image] (2014)


Warisan Reform. [Image] (2010)

Modular 3D-printed joinery

FLUX 2.0: sustainable furniture production with modular 3D printed joinery system. BIO Web of Conferences, 73: 05007. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2117-4458 (2023)

Motif rekabentuk

Perabot ‘dihasil’ daripada KUEH. [Website]

Perabot daripada batik dan songket. [Website]

Motorcycle tools

Motorcycle tire emergency device. [Image] (2008)

Nails clipper

Nails clipper. [Image] (2008)

Nilai estetika

Peranan rekabentuk di dalam produk industri IKS. Manual. UiTM Cawangan Kedah, Merbok, Kedah. (Unpublished)


Islamic art element in modern furniture design based on three types of design thinking approaches. Pertanika Journal of Scholarly Research Reviews, 4 (2). pp. 49-55. ISSN 2462-2028 (2018)

Ontologi kereta

Rekabentuk kenderaan: pemikiran rekabentuk ke arah inovasi. Jurnal Inspirasi Seni Intelektual (I.S.I). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2637-0115 (2019)

Packaging and labelling

The design issue of local SME food and beverage product labelling and packaging: designers versus audience perspectives. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Melaka. (2022)

Panel lakaran lukisan

3T Panel. [Image] (2014)

Parking kiosk

Clezo parking kiosk. [Image] (2007)

Pembangunan rekabentuk

Pencirian rekabentuk konsep sofa ergonomik mengikut persepsi pengguna: kajian kes di Malaysia. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 3 (1): 2. pp. 31-44. ISSN 2289-4527 (2015)

Pendidikan seni visual

Smart Colour Wheel. [Image] (2014)

Penggunaan warna

ZEEZ "DO IT". [Image] (2014)

Perabot kayu getah

Pereka tempatan. reka: menjana inovasi, 1. pp. 15-17. (2008)


Program latihan teknologi rekabentuk pembangunan dan pelabelan serta pembangunan jenama. In: Program Latihan Teknologi Rekabentuk Pembangunan Dan Pelabelan Serta Pembangunan Jenama, Shah Alam Selangor. (Unpublished) (2014)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

3 in 1 safety device. [Image] (2008)

Pineapple cutter

Pineapple cutter. [Image] (2010)

Plug puller

Glow plug puller and bookmark. [Image] (2011)

Poduct design

Talk on sustainable product design. Jurutera (6). pp. 36-38. ISSN 0126-9909 (Unpublished) (2019)


Flexipot. [Image] (2013)

Product Design

Analysis of product design in developing learning aids for dyslexic children. Voice of Academia, 18 (1). pp. 235-249. ISSN 2682-7840 (2022)

Product design

Degree show product design (industrial design) 2021. [Video] (2021)

Medicine bottle. [Image] (2004)

Kekabu separator. [Image] (2007)

Roboscub. [Image] (2006)

Smart ablution. [Image] (2011)

MASZLE. [Image] (2014)

WRIBOD (Writing Board). [Image] (2014)

Plug in shoe. [Image] (2009)

Preposition Visual Exercise. [Image] (2014)

Green pot. [Image] (2009)

Wall switch casing. [Image] (2005)

Delphi. [Image] (2006)

Easy hot thermos. [Image] (2011)

Warisan Reform. [Image] (2010)

Walktricity. [Image] (2009)

Ironism. [Image] (2010)

Smart pot. [Image] (2009)

Birth egg. [Image] (2010)

Mini home harvest. [Image] (2009)

Can - pact. [Image] (2009)

3 in 1 safety device. [Image] (2008)

Multi purpose roller. [Image] (2010)

Pineapple cutter. [Image] (2010)

Shelving for potted plants. [Image] (2005)

Favelle - everything is push. [Image] (2011)

Attachable Book Chapters. [Image] (2014)

Hose organiser. [Image] (2006)

Smart H.P. [Image] (2008)

RC 100 electric rice cooker. [Image] (2005)

C2 Reader. [Image] (2004)

Smoke buster. [Image] (2008)

Glow plug puller and bookmark. [Image] (2011)

Nails clipper. [Image] (2008)

Gen-e. [Image] (2000)

Tools bag. [Image] (2006)

Mobile extinguisher. [Image] (2006)

ZEEZ "DO IT". [Image] (2014)

SOS capsule. [Image] (2006)

Peranan ergonomik dalam rekabentuk kerusi sekolah: kajian kes di sekitar Perlis, Kedah dan Pulau Pinang. Conference Proceeding: 1stInternational Conference on Creative Media, Design & Technology(REKA2014, 2014: 82. pp. 1-9. (2014)

Smart Colour Wheel. [Image] (2014)

3T Panel. [Image] (2014)

Leaking gas detector. [Image] (2008)

TW hand (typing and writing hand). [Image] (2011)

Rubbish trapper. [Image] (2009)

Stabilo collapsible stool. [Image] (2007)

Wheelchair Bed. [Image] (2011)

Tera-Pad. [Image] (2014)

FA talk. [Image] (2004)

Eco-boat. [Image] (2009)

Electronic Device for the Deaf (EDD). [Image] (2011)

3(S) cooker. [Image] (2011)

Congkak pelampung. [Image] (2010)

Nepenwash. [Image] (2010)

Mr messenger. [Image] (2005)

Light moment. [Image] (2005)

Konda kondi. [Image] (2010)

Aquamood. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 13. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

Feet protector in waters. [Image] (2008)

Flexipot. [Image] (2013)

Easy keys for blind. [Image] (2004)

PRO-TECH (Professional Technique). [Image] (2014)

Cappie / Drawzz. [Image] (2011)

Hand helper. [Image] (2004)

Five stone. [Image] (2010)

Smart seeding stick. [Image] (2010)

Twister. [Image] (2004)

Vitran. [Image] (2004)

Smart sink. [Image] (2011)

DG book. [Image] (2000)

Top Asia Pacific University (APU) Malaysia product design student project. [Video] (2020)

Can - B. [Image] (2009)

Rolling Stone. [Image] (2010)

Vibeys (hearing impairments aid device). [Image] (2011)

ABLE (universal cutlery for disabled). [Image] (2011)

Easy leg pipe. [Image] (2011)

Product designs

Rekabentuk industri di Malaysia webinar. [Video] (2022)

Rennotech webinar series - Reneu: industrial design products. [Video] (2020)

Product life-cycle

Talk on sustainable product design. Jurutera (6). pp. 36-38. ISSN 0126-9909 (Unpublished) (2019)

Product manufacturing

Educating the nation on industrial design. SIRIMLink, 2. pp. 15-17. (2018)

Produk Malaysia

Masa depan industri reka bentuk terus berkembang. [Newspaper] (2015)

Produk kreatif

Produk kreatif bertaraf dunia: belajar dari pengalaman negara Jepun, Korea dan Taiwan ROC. International Academic Research Journal of Social Science, 4 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2289-8441 (2018)


Potensi teks ke imej dalam seni reka perindustrian. Galeri Seni Merbok UiTM Kedah: Edisi "Versatility". pp. 19-20. ISSN 2637-028X (2023)

Program latihan perabot

Kolaboratif PUSAKA, ITB tingkat reka bentuk perabot. [Newspaper] (2022)

Proses reka bentuk

Produk kreatif bertaraf dunia: belajar dari pengalaman negara Jepun, Korea dan Taiwan ROC. International Academic Research Journal of Social Science, 4 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2289-8441 (2018)

Prospek kerjaya

Rekabentuk industri di Malaysia webinar. [Video] (2022)

Proton Saga

Perekabentuk Proton disanjung kalangan industri, gembira mengajar di UPM. [Website]

Prototaip produk

Pelajar tahun akhir rekabentuk perindustrian UPM cipta 37 prototaip produk berasaskan perangi Covid-19. [Website]


Industrial design students showcase futuristic concept designs. [Website] (2016)


Interaction design. [Website] (2023)


Mr messenger. [Image] (2005)

Recycle aluminium tin

Can - pact. [Image] (2009)

Can - B. [Image] (2009)


Islamic art element in modern furniture design based on three types of design thinking approaches. Pertanika Journal of Scholarly Research Reviews, 4 (2). pp. 49-55. ISSN 2462-2028 (2018)

Reka bentuk automotif

Evolusi rekabentuk dan disebalik penghasilan rekabentuk kereta. [Website]

Reka bentuk automottif

Konsep dan peranan ergonomik dalam rekabentuk automobil: satu perspektif. In: Proceeding of Wacana Intelek UiTM Kedah 2005, 2005, Kedah. (In Press) (2005)

Reka bentuk industri

Rennotech webinar series - Reneu: industrial design products. [Video] (2020)

Tarik Upih. [Image] (2010)

Congkak. [Image] (2010)

Glow. [Image] (2010)

Reka bentuk konsep

Rekaan konsep kereta sports Malaysia oleh bekas pereka Proton, asas luaran dari Aston Martin DB10. [Website] (2021)

Reka bentuk pembungkusan

Program latihan teknologi rekabentuk pembangunan dan pelabelan serta pembangunan jenama. In: Program Latihan Teknologi Rekabentuk Pembangunan Dan Pelabelan Serta Pembangunan Jenama, Shah Alam Selangor. (Unpublished) (2014)

Reka bentuk perabot

AWANI Rangers: rekabentuk perabot mahasiswa UTHM ke peringkat antarabangsa. [Video] (2018)

Kolaboratif PUSAKA, ITB tingkat reka bentuk perabot. [Newspaper] (2022)

Perabot ‘dihasil’ daripada KUEH. [Website]

Pereka tempatan. reka: menjana inovasi, 1. pp. 15-17. (2008)

Reka bentuk perindustrian

Potensi teks ke imej dalam seni reka perindustrian. Galeri Seni Merbok UiTM Kedah: Edisi "Versatility". pp. 19-20. ISSN 2637-028X (2023)

Reka bentuk produk

Pelajar tahun akhir rekabentuk perindustrian UPM cipta 37 prototaip produk berasaskan perangi Covid-19. [Website]

Zainal Abidin, Shahriman Panduan asas pemikiran: reka bentuk produk. Penerbit UiTM, Shah Alam. ISBN 978-967-363-605-1 (2020)

Peranan rekabentuk di dalam produk industri IKS. Manual. UiTM Cawangan Kedah, Merbok, Kedah. (Unpublished)

Rekaan industri

Perekabentuk Proton disanjung kalangan industri, gembira mengajar di UPM. [Website]

Rekabentuk antropomorfik

Rekabentuk kenderaan: pemikiran rekabentuk ke arah inovasi. Jurnal Inspirasi Seni Intelektual (I.S.I). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2637-0115 (2019)

Rekabentuk industri

Lawn rider. [Image] (2007)

Forest fire aid. [Image] (2009)

Flexilayer. [Image] (2009)

GYNIC water reservoir. [Image] (2009)

Packaging box for clothes. [Image] (2009)

Portable UV floating lamp. [Image] (2007)

Agricutter. [Image] (2009)

Motorcycle tire emergency device. [Image] (2008)

Clezo parking kiosk. [Image] (2007)

Polymath eyewear for the blind. [Image] (2008)

Emergency fireproof suit. [Image] (2008)

Rekabentuk inovasi

Rekabentuk kenderaan: pemikiran rekabentuk ke arah inovasi. Jurnal Inspirasi Seni Intelektual (I.S.I). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2637-0115 (2019)

Rekabentuk perabot

Perabot daripada batik dan songket. [Website]

Rekabentuk produk

Tarik Upih. [Image] (2010)

Lawn rider. [Image] (2007)

Forest fire aid. [Image] (2009)

Flexilayer. [Image] (2009)

Drain garbage collector. [Image] (2009)

Can-Tric. [Image] (2014)

GYNIC water reservoir. [Image] (2009)

Packaging box for clothes. [Image] (2009)

Portable UV floating lamp. [Image] (2007)

Agricutter. [Image] (2009)

Motorcycle tire emergency device. [Image] (2008)

Congkak. [Image] (2010)

The design issue of local SME food and beverage product labelling and packaging: designers versus audience perspectives. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Melaka. (2022)

Clezo parking kiosk. [Image] (2007)

Polymath eyewear for the blind. [Image] (2008)

Emergency fireproof suit. [Image] (2008)

Glow. [Image] (2010)


Peranan rekabentuk di dalam produk industri IKS. Manual. UiTM Cawangan Kedah, Merbok, Kedah. (Unpublished)

Retro-futuristic design

Potensi teks ke imej dalam seni reka perindustrian. Galeri Seni Merbok UiTM Kedah: Edisi "Versatility". pp. 19-20. ISSN 2637-028X (2023)

Rolling stone

Rolling Stone. [Image] (2010)

Rubbish trap

Eco-boat. [Image] (2009)

Seeding stick

Smart seeding stick. [Image] (2010)

Self-led project

Industrial design students showcase futuristic concept designs. [Website] (2016)

Seni reka bentuk industri

Kolaboratif PUSAKA, ITB tingkat reka bentuk perabot. [Newspaper] (2022)

Proton generasi baru: inovasi reka bentuk Malaysia. [Video] (2014)

Rekabentuk industri di Malaysia webinar. [Video] (2022)

Medicine bottle. [Image] (2004)

Pencirian rekabentuk konsep sofa ergonomik mengikut persepsi pengguna: kajian kes di Malaysia. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 3 (1): 2. pp. 31-44. ISSN 2289-4527 (2015)

Kekabu separator. [Image] (2007)

Roboscub. [Image] (2006)

Smart ablution. [Image] (2011)

MASZLE. [Image] (2014)

WRIBOD (Writing Board). [Image] (2014)

Preposition Visual Exercise. [Image] (2014)

Twilight armchair. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 12. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

Wall switch casing. [Image] (2005)

Delphi. [Image] (2006)

Furnice. [Image] (2005)

Walktricity. [Image] (2009)

Ironism. [Image] (2010)

Birth egg. [Image] (2010)

Shelving for potted plants. [Image] (2005)

Favelle - everything is push. [Image] (2011)

Can-Tric. [Image] (2014)

Attachable Book Chapters. [Image] (2014)

Hose organiser. [Image] (2006)

RC 100 electric rice cooker. [Image] (2005)

C2 Reader. [Image] (2004)

Gen-e. [Image] (2000)

Tools bag. [Image] (2006)

Mobile extinguisher. [Image] (2006)

ZEEZ "DO IT". [Image] (2014)

SOS capsule. [Image] (2006)

Peranan ergonomik dalam rekabentuk kerusi sekolah: kajian kes di sekitar Perlis, Kedah dan Pulau Pinang. Conference Proceeding: 1stInternational Conference on Creative Media, Design & Technology(REKA2014, 2014: 82. pp. 1-9. (2014)

Smart Colour Wheel. [Image] (2014)

Abacate. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 16. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

3T Panel. [Image] (2014)

TW hand (typing and writing hand). [Image] (2011)

Stabilo collapsible stool. [Image] (2007)

Wheelchair Bed. [Image] (2011)

“Echo Bin” hydroponic compost bin. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 9. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

Tera-Pad. [Image] (2014)

FA talk. [Image] (2004)

3(S) cooker. [Image] (2011)

Nepenwash. [Image] (2010)

Mr messenger. [Image] (2005)

Light moment. [Image] (2005)

Konda kondi. [Image] (2010)

Aquamood. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 13. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

Flexipot. [Image] (2013)

Easy keys for blind. [Image] (2004)

PRO-TECH (Professional Technique). [Image] (2014)

Hand helper. [Image] (2004)

Five stone. [Image] (2010)

Twister. [Image] (2004)

Vitran. [Image] (2004)

LEAF-I bus stop. [Image] (2004)

DG book. [Image] (2000)

Top Asia Pacific University (APU) Malaysia product design student project. [Video] (2020)

Collapsible stool. [Image] (2007)

Vibeys (hearing impairments aid device). [Image] (2011)

ABLE (universal cutlery for disabled). [Image] (2011)

Seni reka industri

AWANI Rangers: rekabentuk perabot mahasiswa UTHM ke peringkat antarabangsa. [Video] (2018)

Perabot ‘dihasil’ daripada KUEH. [Website]

Produk kreatif bertaraf dunia: belajar dari pengalaman negara Jepun, Korea dan Taiwan ROC. International Academic Research Journal of Social Science, 4 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2289-8441 (2018)

Pelajar tahun akhir rekabentuk perindustrian UPM cipta 37 prototaip produk berasaskan perangi Covid-19. [Website]

Pereka tempatan. reka: menjana inovasi, 1. pp. 15-17. (2008)

Toshiba International Foundation (2021) grafik FSSR UiTM Kedah: wakil tunggal di Asia bagi kategori ‘art & culture'. [Phamplet]

Zainal Abidin, Shahriman Panduan asas pemikiran: reka bentuk produk. Penerbit UiTM, Shah Alam. ISBN 978-967-363-605-1 (2020)

Peranan rekabentuk di dalam produk industri IKS. Manual. UiTM Cawangan Kedah, Merbok, Kedah. (Unpublished)

Konsep dan peranan ergonomik dalam rekabentuk automobil: satu perspektif. In: Proceeding of Wacana Intelek UiTM Kedah 2005, 2005, Kedah. (In Press) (2005)

Seni reka perindustrian

Masa depan industri reka bentuk terus berkembang. [Newspaper] (2015)

Seni tradisional

Perabot daripada batik dan songket. [Website]

Sensory factors

FLUX 2.0: sustainable furniture production with modular 3D printed joinery system. BIO Web of Conferences, 73: 05007. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2117-4458 (2023)

Shoe cushion

Walktricity. [Image] (2009)


ZEEZ "DO IT". [Image] (2014)

Small pot

Green pot. [Image] (2009)

Smart pot. [Image] (2009)

Small submarine

Roboscub. [Image] (2006)

Smart bus stop

LEAF-I bus stop. [Image] (2004)

Smart cart

Top Asia Pacific University (APU) Malaysia product design student project. [Video] (2020)

Smoke detector alarm

Forest fire aid. [Image] (2009)


Perabot daripada batik dan songket. [Website]

Stimulasi kecerdasan

Tera-Pad. [Image] (2014)

Sustainable furniture production

FLUX 2.0: sustainable furniture production with modular 3D printed joinery system. BIO Web of Conferences, 73: 05007. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2117-4458 (2023)

Sustainable product design

Talk on sustainable product design. Jurutera (6). pp. 36-38. ISSN 0126-9909 (Unpublished) (2019)

Susunan rekaletak

Program latihan teknologi rekabentuk pembangunan dan pelabelan serta pembangunan jenama. In: Program Latihan Teknologi Rekabentuk Pembangunan Dan Pelabelan Serta Pembangunan Jenama, Shah Alam Selangor. (Unpublished) (2014)

Teaching Aids

Analysis of product design in developing learning aids for dyslexic children. Voice of Academia, 18 (1). pp. 235-249. ISSN 2682-7840 (2022)

Teknologi kecerdasan buatan

Potensi teks ke imej dalam seni reka perindustrian. Galeri Seni Merbok UiTM Kedah: Edisi "Versatility". pp. 19-20. ISSN 2637-028X (2023)

Text-input display

Gen-e. [Image] (2000)


Easy hot thermos. [Image] (2011)

Tokoh ideation

Perekabentuk Proton disanjung kalangan industri, gembira mengajar di UPM. [Website]

Traditional games

Congkak. [Image] (2010)

Tree-cotton separator

Kekabu separator. [Image] (2007)

Twilight armchair

Twilight armchair. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 12. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

UV water filter

Portable UV floating lamp. [Image] (2007)

Ujian Figural

Produk kreatif bertaraf dunia: belajar dari pengalaman negara Jepun, Korea dan Taiwan ROC. International Academic Research Journal of Social Science, 4 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2289-8441 (2018)

Ukuran dan saiz

PRO-TECH (Professional Technique). [Image] (2014)

User Experience (UX)

Interaction design. [Website] (2023)

Vibrator signal

Vitran. [Image] (2004)

Visual kreatif

Potensi teks ke imej dalam seni reka perindustrian. Galeri Seni Merbok UiTM Kedah: Edisi "Versatility". pp. 19-20. ISSN 2637-028X (2023)

Voice messages

Mr messenger. [Image] (2005)

Water pipe

Easy leg pipe. [Image] (2011)

Water purifier

Delphi. [Image] (2006)

Water reservoir

GYNIC water reservoir. [Image] (2009)


Roboscub. [Image] (2006)


Industrial design: furniture design for post Covid-19. [Video] (2020)


Wheelchair Bed. [Image] (2011)

compost bin

“Echo Bin” hydroponic compost bin. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 9. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

furniture design

Abacate. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 16. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

interactive digital products

Interaction design. [Website] (2023)

nature-inspired idea

Abacate. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 16. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

product design

Snippet Malaysia Automotive Institute Design Centre (MAIDC). [Video] (2017)

Agrokit education. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 5. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

Interface Design Principles For Malaysian Interactive Science Courseware. 2nd International Conference on Creative Media, Design & Technology (REKA2016), 2016: 5. pp. 1-12. (2016)

“Echo Bin” hydroponic compost bin. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 9. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

Eco-inclined fashion products; expressing the green quality through design lines. 2nd International Conference on Creative Media, Design & Technology (REKA2016), 2016: 62. pp. 1-16. (2016)

Tugal Canggih. [Image] (2012)

seni reka bentuk industri

Snippet Malaysia Automotive Institute Design Centre (MAIDC). [Video] (2017)

Agrokit education. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 5. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

Interface Design Principles For Malaysian Interactive Science Courseware. 2nd International Conference on Creative Media, Design & Technology (REKA2016), 2016: 5. pp. 1-12. (2016)

Eco-inclined fashion products; expressing the green quality through design lines. 2nd International Conference on Creative Media, Design & Technology (REKA2016), 2016: 62. pp. 1-16. (2016)

Tugal Canggih. [Image] (2012)

Easy leg pipe. [Image] (2011)

smart modern product

Aquamood. In: MINDAREKA CCA 2024 : Visual Abstract Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 13. ISBN 9789672948254 (2024)

visual design

Interaction design. [Website] (2023)

This list was generated on Sat Mar 15 03:15:03 2025 +08.