Items where Subject is "Record Management"

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Jump to: ARMS | Academic staff | Ancient Malay | Ancient Malay civilisation | Annotation tools | Archive administration | Archive management | Archives | Arkib | Arkib Negara Malaysia | Arkib awam | Arkib digital | Artifak dan sarwa | Bencana banjir | Case management | Classification | Covid-19 | Digital Document Management System (DDMS) | Digital data | Digital libraries | Digital record | Digitisation | Digitised manuscripts | Digitization | Document Management | Document controller | Document imaging system | Document management | Documentary heritage | Documents management | Dokumentasi digital | E-Court Malaysia | E-Governement | E-Learning | E-Records | Education and training | Effective use | Electronic Government | Electronic Records Management (ERM) | Electronic Records Management System | Electronic government | Electronic health record (EHR) | Electronic health records | Electronic image processing system | Electronic record | Electronic record keeping | Electronic record management | Electronic records | Electronic records and information | Electronic records management | Electronic records management (ERM) | Event history | Faktor kelemahan pengurusan rekod | Flood | Floods | Framework | Function-Based Classification | Functional requirement | Historical documents | Ilmu pengetahuan | Information access | Information management | Inland Revenue Board | Institusi manuskrip | Jawi | Jawi script | Kearifan | Keintelektual | Kesusasteraan Melayu | Khazanah Melayu | Knowledge mapping | Knowledge quality | Knowledge translation | Koleksi digital | Koleksi perpustakaan | Kos tinggi | Kurator manuskrip | Level of awareness | Library | Life Cycle | Life cycle | Malay archipelago | Malay manuscript | Malay manuscript studies | Malay manuscripts | Malay manuscripts studies | Malay philology | Malaysian history | Managing records | Manuscript | Manuscript curator | Manuscripts | Manuskrip Melayu | Manuskrip Melayu Islam | Manuskrip Melayu lama | Manuskrip melayu | Medical Record | Medical manuscripts | Medical records | Metadata | Model | National Archives | National archival institutions | PEREHM Model | Pandemik | Pelan tindakan bencana rekod | Pemeliharaan bahan | Pemuliharaan | Pemuliharaan bahan | Pemuliharaan rekod | Penang library | Pendigitalan | Pendokumentasian | Pengajian Melayu | Pengarang agung | Pengurusan maklumat | Pengurusan rekod | Pengurusan rekod elektronik | Penyelidikan | Peradaban | Peradaban manusia | Perpustakaan KILTV | Philology | Preservation | Preservation metadata | Preservation model | Preservations | Primary data | Professional associations | Public agencies | Public agency | Raw materials | Record Management | Record keepers | Record keeping | Record management | Record-keeping | Records | Records and Information Management | Records management | Records management limitation | Records management method | Records retention schedules | Recovery | Rekod elektronik | Rekod penting | Rekod perubatan | Repository | Research data | Russian travellers | Sabah’s history | Sains dan matematik | Sastera Melayu | Sejarah bangsa | Seni halus tempatan | Sentimental dan sejarah | Soft System Methodology | Speedy judicial delivery | State library | Sumber pensejarahan | Tahap kesedaran | Tamadun | Tamadun Melayu | Tax evasion | Tax records management | Taxonomy | Transliterating and annotation tools | Transliteration tools | Tulisan Arab | Tulisan Jawi | Tulisan jawi | Tulisan tangan | UKDA | User evaluation | Warisan | Webinar | Writing materials | e-Records preservation
Number of items at this level: 233.


Archive Records Management System (ARMS): functional requirement. Record and Library Journal, 7 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2442-5168 (2021)

Academic staff

Practices of managing tax records keeping among the academic staff. International Journal of Business and Management, 2 (5). pp. 16-20. ISSN 2590-3721 (Unpublished) (2018)

Ancient Malay

Malaysia needs to claim rich history. [Newspaper] (2019)

Ancient Malay civilisation

Seeking the wisdom in Malay Manuscripts. [Newspaper] (2014)

Annotation tools

Malay philologists’ acceptance of an e-workspace to support teaching, learning and researching manuscripts. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 19 (3). pp. 67-83. ISSN 1394-6234 (2014)

Archive administration

Dasar pengurusan rekod kerajaan. Documentation. Arkib Negara Malaysia, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2010)

Archive management

The National Archive of Malaysia - its growth and development. In: Conference Inter-Regional Conference on Archival Development, 16-20 May 1995, Tunisia. (Submitted) (1995)


The National Archive of Malaysia - its growth and development. In: Conference Inter-Regional Conference on Archival Development, 16-20 May 1995, Tunisia. (Submitted) (1995)


Kesan pandemik coronavirus disease (Covid-19) terhadap arkib awam di Malaysia: suatu tinjauan awal. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED), 6 (37). pp. 29-36. ISSN 0128-1755 (2021)

Banjir: lebih 10 juta rekod pentadbiran, peribadi terjejas. [Newspaper] (2022)

Arkib Negara Malaysia

Kesan pandemik coronavirus disease (Covid-19) terhadap arkib awam di Malaysia: suatu tinjauan awal. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED), 6 (37). pp. 29-36. ISSN 0128-1755 (2021)

Arkib awam

Kesan pandemik coronavirus disease (Covid-19) terhadap arkib awam di Malaysia: suatu tinjauan awal. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED), 6 (37). pp. 29-36. ISSN 0128-1755 (2021)

Arkib digital

Khazanah kita di bumi asing. [Newspaper] (2021)

Artifak dan sarwa

Sumbangan manuskrip Melayu Lama kepada peradaban bangsa. In: Persidangan Antarabangsa Manuskrip Melayu Lama, 15-17 Oktober 2019, Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. (In Press) (2019)

Sumbangan manuskrip Melayu Lama kepada peradaban bangsa. PENDETA, 11 (2). pp. 7-17. ISSN 1823-6812 (2020)

Bencana banjir

Banjir: lebih 10 juta rekod pentadbiran, peribadi terjejas. [Newspaper] (2022)

Case management

Managing electronic records in Malaysian civil courts: a review of literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (8). pp. 909-919. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)


Records and information management: the requirement for functional classification. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 215-218. ISSN 2327-5960 (2005)


Kesan pandemik coronavirus disease (Covid-19) terhadap arkib awam di Malaysia: suatu tinjauan awal. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED), 6 (37). pp. 29-36. ISSN 0128-1755 (2021)

Digital Document Management System (DDMS)

Sistem Pengurusan Dokumen Digital (DDMS). [Website] (Unpublished)

Digital data

Managing the preservation of records for digital primary data: a case of Malaysia institution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 102-126. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)

Digital libraries

Exploring the needs of Malay manuscript studies community for an e-learning platform. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 16 (3). pp. 31-47. ISSN 1394-6234 (2011)

Malay philologists’ acceptance of an e-workspace to support teaching, learning and researching manuscripts. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 19 (3). pp. 67-83. ISSN 1394-6234 (2014)

Digital record

Electronic health records: planning the foundation for digital healthcare in Malaysia. Discussion Paper. Khazanah Research Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2021)


Late governor-general's manuscripts being digitised. [Newspaper] (2019)

Malaysia needs to claim rich history. [Newspaper] (2019)

Digitised manuscripts

Late governor-general's manuscripts being digitised. [Newspaper] (2019)


Digital union catalogue of Malay manuscripts at the National Library of Malaysia: the way forward. In: IFLA WLIC 2018: Transform Libraries, Transform, 24-30 August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (In Press) (2018)

Document Management

Petugas bantu pulih dokumen kerajaan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Document controller

Dasar pengurusan rekod kerajaan. Documentation. Arkib Negara Malaysia, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2010)

Document imaging system

Document imaging systems: key to electronic government in Malaysia. Journal of E-Government Studies and Best Practices, 2010: 813242. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2155-4137 (2010)

Document management

Document imaging systems: key to electronic government in Malaysia. Journal of E-Government Studies and Best Practices, 2010: 813242. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2155-4137 (2010)

Documentary heritage

Digital union catalogue of Malay manuscripts at the National Library of Malaysia: the way forward. In: IFLA WLIC 2018: Transform Libraries, Transform, 24-30 August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (In Press) (2018)

Documents management

Archives team deployed to salvage records. [Newspaper] (2022)

Dokumentasi digital

Dokumentasi manuskrip Melayu dalam digital. [Newspaper] (2017)

E-Court Malaysia

Managing electronic records in Malaysian civil courts: a review of literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (8). pp. 909-919. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)


Preservation of Electronic Records Event History Metadata (PEREHM) in Malaysia Government Agencies: evaluation and validation. International journal of simulation: systems, science & technology, 17 (32): 32. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1473-804x (2016)


Exploring the needs of Malay manuscript studies community for an e-learning platform. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 16 (3). pp. 31-47. ISSN 1394-6234 (2011)


Preservation of Electronic Records Event History Metadata (PEREHM) in Malaysia Government Agencies: evaluation and validation. International journal of simulation: systems, science & technology, 17 (32): 32. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1473-804x (2016)

Education and training

A global search for universal models of education. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 12 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1394-6234 (2007)

Effective use

Evaluating the efects of electronic health records system adoption on the performance of Malaysian health care providers. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21: 75. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1472-6947 (Unpublished) (2021)

Electronic Government

Education and training needs in electronic records management: a case study of record keepers in the Malaysian Federal Ministries. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 11 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1394-6234 (2006)

Electronic Records Management (ERM)

Managing electronic records in Malaysian civil courts: a review of literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (8). pp. 909-919. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)

Electronic Records Management System

Archive Records Management System (ARMS): functional requirement. Record and Library Journal, 7 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2442-5168 (2021)

Electronic government

The challenges in preserving the electronic records metadata. International Journal of Information System and Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 2289-7615 (2015)

Document imaging systems: key to electronic government in Malaysia. Journal of E-Government Studies and Best Practices, 2010: 813242. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2155-4137 (2010)

Electronic health record (EHR)

Electronic health records: planning the foundation for digital healthcare in Malaysia. Discussion Paper. Khazanah Research Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2021)

Electronic health records

Evaluating the efects of electronic health records system adoption on the performance of Malaysian health care providers. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21: 75. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1472-6947 (Unpublished) (2021)

Electronic image processing system

Document imaging systems: key to electronic government in Malaysia. Journal of E-Government Studies and Best Practices, 2010: 813242. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2155-4137 (2010)

Electronic record

Electronic records management at the governance and administration division, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 9 (2). pp. 25-34. ISSN 2289-2192 (2020)

Archive Records Management System (ARMS): functional requirement. Record and Library Journal, 7 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2442-5168 (2021)

Electronic record keeping

The building blocks of electronic records and information management framework for Malaysia public agencies: contexts and approaches. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10 (3S). pp. 738-753. ISSN 1112-9867 (2018)

Preservation of Electronic Records Event History Metadata (PEREHM) in Malaysia Government Agencies: evaluation and validation. International journal of simulation: systems, science & technology, 17 (32): 32. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1473-804x (2016)

Education and training in electronic records management (ERM): the need for partnership building. In: Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice 2006 (A-LIEP 2006), 3 - 6 April 2006, School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University. (In Press) (2006)

Education and training needs in electronic records management: a case study of record keepers in the Malaysian Federal Ministries. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 11 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1394-6234 (2006)

Electronic record management

Sistem Pengurusan Dokumen Digital (DDMS). [Website] (Unpublished)

Electronic records

The challenges in preserving the electronic records metadata. International Journal of Information System and Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 2289-7615 (2015)

Electronic records and information

Electronic record and information management contexts for public agencies in Malaysia. In: SOFTAM Postgraduate Symposium, December 2016, FTSM, UKM, Bangi. (Submitted) (2016)

Electronic records management

A global search for universal models of education. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 12 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1394-6234 (2007)

Electronic records management at the governance and administration division, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 9 (2). pp. 25-34. ISSN 2289-2192 (2020)

Electronic records management (ERM)

Education and training in electronic records management (ERM): the need for partnership building. In: Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice 2006 (A-LIEP 2006), 3 - 6 April 2006, School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University. (In Press) (2006)

Event history

The challenges in preserving the electronic records metadata. International Journal of Information System and Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 2289-7615 (2015)

Faktor kelemahan pengurusan rekod

Pengurusan rekod elektronik di bahagian governan dan pentadbiran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 9 (2). pp. 25-34. ISSN 2289-2192 (2020)


Petugas bantu pulih dokumen kerajaan. [Newspaper] (2022)


Archives team deployed to salvage records. [Newspaper] (2022)


Electronic record and information management contexts for public agencies in Malaysia. In: SOFTAM Postgraduate Symposium, December 2016, FTSM, UKM, Bangi. (Submitted) (2016)

Function-Based Classification

Records and information management: the requirement for functional classification. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 215-218. ISSN 2327-5960 (2005)

Functional requirement

Archive Records Management System (ARMS): functional requirement. Record and Library Journal, 7 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2442-5168 (2021)

Historical documents

Think tank and state library to gather data on Sabah’s history. [Newspaper] (2022)

Ilmu pengetahuan

Khazanah kita di bumi asing. [Newspaper] (2021)

Information access

Preservation of Electronic Records Event History Metadata (PEREHM) in Malaysia Government Agencies: evaluation and validation. International journal of simulation: systems, science & technology, 17 (32): 32. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1473-804x (2016)

Information management

The building blocks of electronic records and information management framework for Malaysia public agencies: contexts and approaches. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10 (3S). pp. 738-753. ISSN 1112-9867 (2018)

Electronic record and information management contexts for public agencies in Malaysia. In: SOFTAM Postgraduate Symposium, December 2016, FTSM, UKM, Bangi. (Submitted) (2016)

Evaluating the efects of electronic health records system adoption on the performance of Malaysian health care providers. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21: 75. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1472-6947 (Unpublished) (2021)

Pengurusan rekod elektronik di bahagian governan dan pentadbiran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 9 (2). pp. 25-34. ISSN 2289-2192 (2020)

Inland Revenue Board

Practices of managing tax records keeping among the academic staff. International Journal of Business and Management, 2 (5). pp. 16-20. ISSN 2590-3721 (Unpublished) (2018)

Institusi manuskrip

Kenali Hakim Tirmizi, pengarang tasawuf dan ahli hadis. [Newspaper] (2019)


Khazanah kita di bumi asing. [Newspaper] (2021)

Jawi script

Seeking the wisdom in Malay Manuscripts. [Newspaper] (2014)


Manuskrip Melayu Islam sebagai warisan kearifan tempatan: isu dan prospek masa depan. E-Proceedings Of The International Conference On Da’wah And Islamic Management (IC-DAIM 2021). pp. 1-37. ISSN 2821-3270 (2021)


Manuskrip Melayu Islam sebagai warisan kearifan tempatan: isu dan prospek masa depan. E-Proceedings Of The International Conference On Da’wah And Islamic Management (IC-DAIM 2021). pp. 1-37. ISSN 2821-3270 (2021)

Kesusasteraan Melayu

Kelainan warna dakwat, serlah keunikan manuskrip lama. [Newspaper] (2021)

Khazanah Melayu

RM100j beli manuskrip. [Newspaper] (2014)

Knowledge mapping

Developing the record management and filing structure in the organization using knowledge mapping technique. Jurnal PPM, 8. pp. 9-16. ISSN 1823-6308 (2014)

Knowledge quality

Evaluating the efects of electronic health records system adoption on the performance of Malaysian health care providers. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21: 75. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1472-6947 (Unpublished) (2021)

Knowledge translation

Developing the record management and filing structure in the organization using knowledge mapping technique. Jurnal PPM, 8. pp. 9-16. ISSN 1823-6308 (2014)

Koleksi digital

Miliki semula manuskrip Melayu berharga di Belanda. [Newspaper] (2018)

Koleksi perpustakaan

10,000 koleksi Penang Library. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan bahan di Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya (PUM): langkah-langkah penambahbaikan. Kekal Abadi, 26 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0127-2578 (2008)

Kos tinggi

RM100j beli manuskrip. [Newspaper] (2014)

Kurator manuskrip

Kenali Hakim Tirmizi, pengarang tasawuf dan ahli hadis. [Newspaper] (2019)

Level of awareness

Electronic records management at the governance and administration division, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 9 (2). pp. 25-34. ISSN 2289-2192 (2020)


Think tank and state library to gather data on Sabah’s history. [Newspaper] (2022)

Life Cycle

Records and information management: the requirement for functional classification. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 215-218. ISSN 2327-5960 (2005)

Life cycle

Development of a generic model for the preservation of primary research data based digital resources life cycle. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 39-62. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)

Malay archipelago

Fresh eyes on ancient Malay medical knowledge. [Newspaper] (2018)

Malay manuscript

Digital union catalogue of Malay manuscripts at the National Library of Malaysia: the way forward. In: IFLA WLIC 2018: Transform Libraries, Transform, 24-30 August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (In Press) (2018)

Malay manuscript studies

Malay philologists’ acceptance of an e-workspace to support teaching, learning and researching manuscripts. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 19 (3). pp. 67-83. ISSN 1394-6234 (2014)

Malay manuscripts

National library to display ancient Malay manuscript. [Newspaper] (2020)

Heritage: Malay manuscripts: our national treasures. [Newspaper] (2014)

Malaysia needs to claim rich history. [Newspaper] (2019)

Seeking the wisdom in Malay Manuscripts. [Newspaper] (2014)

Ancient Malay manuscripts available at the click of a mouse. [Newspaper] (2021)

Fresh eyes on ancient Malay medical knowledge. [Newspaper] (2018)

On the trail of Malay manuscripts. [Newspaper] (2017)

Russians wrote of old Malay world. [Newspaper] (2020)

Malay manuscripts: rich heritage worth cherishing. [Newspaper] (2014)

Malay manuscripts studies

Exploring the needs of Malay manuscript studies community for an e-learning platform. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 16 (3). pp. 31-47. ISSN 1394-6234 (2011)

Malay philology

Malay philologists’ acceptance of an e-workspace to support teaching, learning and researching manuscripts. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 19 (3). pp. 67-83. ISSN 1394-6234 (2014)

Malaysian history

Late governor-general's manuscripts being digitised. [Newspaper] (2019)

Managing records

The need for records management & records retention schedule in an organization. Kekal Abadi, 31 (1). pp. 5-10. ISSN 0127-2578 (2013)


Seeking the wisdom in Malay Manuscripts. [Newspaper] (2014)

Russians wrote of old Malay world. [Newspaper] (2020)

Malay ingenuity in the local materials for the production of Malay manuscripts. In: International Conference of Malay Manuscripts, 10-12 October 2017, Kuala Lumpur. (In Press) (2017)

Manuscript curator

Ancient Malay manuscripts available at the click of a mouse. [Newspaper] (2021)


Late governor-general's manuscripts being digitised. [Newspaper] (2019)

Manuskrip Melayu

Nikmati manuskrip Melayu lama dengan satu klik. [Newspaper] (2018)

Tinggalkan kerjaya akauntan demi kaji manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2017)

Webinar beri ruang generasi muda kenali manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Manuskrip sains dan matematik tamadun Melayu abad ke-17 ditemui. [Newspaper] (2020)

RM100j beli manuskrip. [Newspaper] (2014)

Dokumentasi manuskrip Melayu dalam digital. [Newspaper] (2017)

Kedah digitalkan manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2017)

Belanda kecilkan pengajian Melayu, pindahkan koleksi manuskrip. [Newspaper] (2017)

Miliki semula manuskrip Melayu berharga di Belanda. [Newspaper] (2018)

Khazanah kita di bumi asing. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kelainan warna dakwat, serlah keunikan manuskrip lama. [Newspaper] (2021)

Manuskrip Melayu Islam

Manuskrip Melayu Islam sebagai warisan kearifan tempatan: isu dan prospek masa depan. E-Proceedings Of The International Conference On Da’wah And Islamic Management (IC-DAIM 2021). pp. 1-37. ISSN 2821-3270 (2021)

Manuskrip Melayu lama

Sumbangan manuskrip Melayu Lama kepada peradaban bangsa. In: Persidangan Antarabangsa Manuskrip Melayu Lama, 15-17 Oktober 2019, Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. (In Press) (2019)

Sumbangan manuskrip Melayu Lama kepada peradaban bangsa. PENDETA, 11 (2). pp. 7-17. ISSN 1823-6812 (2020)

Manuskrip melayu

Jadikan manuskrip Melayu sumber pensejarahan utama. [Newspaper] (2022)

Medical Record

Electronic health records: planning the foundation for digital healthcare in Malaysia. Discussion Paper. Khazanah Research Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2021)

Medical manuscripts

Fresh eyes on ancient Malay medical knowledge. [Newspaper] (2018)

Medical records

Evaluating the efects of electronic health records system adoption on the performance of Malaysian health care providers. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21: 75. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1472-6947 (Unpublished) (2021)


Preservation of Electronic Records Event History Metadata (PEREHM) in Malaysia Government Agencies: evaluation and validation. International journal of simulation: systems, science & technology, 17 (32): 32. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1473-804x (2016)


Electronic record and information management contexts for public agencies in Malaysia. In: SOFTAM Postgraduate Symposium, December 2016, FTSM, UKM, Bangi. (Submitted) (2016)

National Archives

Archives team deployed to salvage records. [Newspaper] (2022)

Petugas bantu pulih dokumen kerajaan. [Newspaper] (2022)

National archival institutions

A global search for universal models of education. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 12 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1394-6234 (2007)


Preservation of Electronic Records Event History Metadata (PEREHM) in Malaysia Government Agencies: evaluation and validation. International journal of simulation: systems, science & technology, 17 (32): 32. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1473-804x (2016)


Kesan pandemik coronavirus disease (Covid-19) terhadap arkib awam di Malaysia: suatu tinjauan awal. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED), 6 (37). pp. 29-36. ISSN 0128-1755 (2021)

Pelan tindakan bencana rekod

10 juta rekod, dokumen terjejas akibat banjir. [Website] (2018)

Pemeliharaan bahan

Pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan bahan di Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya (PUM): langkah-langkah penambahbaikan. Kekal Abadi, 26 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0127-2578 (2008)


Banjir: lebih 10 juta rekod pentadbiran, peribadi terjejas. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pemuliharaan bahan

Pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan bahan di Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya (PUM): langkah-langkah penambahbaikan. Kekal Abadi, 26 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0127-2578 (2008)

Pemuliharaan rekod

10 juta rekod, dokumen terjejas akibat banjir. [Website] (2018)

Penang library

10,000 koleksi Penang Library. [Newspaper] (2021)


Nikmati manuskrip Melayu lama dengan satu klik. [Newspaper] (2018)

Miliki semula manuskrip Melayu berharga di Belanda. [Newspaper] (2018)


Jadikan manuskrip Melayu sumber pensejarahan utama. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pengajian Melayu

Belanda kecilkan pengajian Melayu, pindahkan koleksi manuskrip. [Newspaper] (2017)

Pengarang agung

Kenali Hakim Tirmizi, pengarang tasawuf dan ahli hadis. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pengurusan maklumat

Dasar pengurusan rekod kerajaan. Documentation. Arkib Negara Malaysia, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2010)

Jadikan manuskrip Melayu sumber pensejarahan utama. [Newspaper] (2022)

Banjir: lebih 10 juta rekod pentadbiran, peribadi terjejas. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pengurusan rekod

10 juta rekod, dokumen terjejas akibat banjir. [Website] (2018)

Dasar pengurusan rekod kerajaan. Documentation. Arkib Negara Malaysia, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2010)

Pengurusan rekod perubatan di hospital. [Website]

Pengurusan rekod elektronik

Pengurusan rekod elektronik di bahagian governan dan pentadbiran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 9 (2). pp. 25-34. ISSN 2289-2192 (2020)


Kedah digitalkan manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2017)

Kenali Hakim Tirmizi, pengarang tasawuf dan ahli hadis. [Newspaper] (2019)


Sumbangan manuskrip Melayu Lama kepada peradaban bangsa. In: Persidangan Antarabangsa Manuskrip Melayu Lama, 15-17 Oktober 2019, Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. (In Press) (2019)

Sumbangan manuskrip Melayu Lama kepada peradaban bangsa. PENDETA, 11 (2). pp. 7-17. ISSN 1823-6812 (2020)

Peradaban manusia

Tinggalkan kerjaya akauntan demi kaji manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2017)

Perpustakaan KILTV

Belanda kecilkan pengajian Melayu, pindahkan koleksi manuskrip. [Newspaper] (2017)


Exploring the needs of Malay manuscript studies community for an e-learning platform. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 16 (3). pp. 31-47. ISSN 1394-6234 (2011)


Preservation of Electronic Records Event History Metadata (PEREHM) in Malaysia Government Agencies: evaluation and validation. International journal of simulation: systems, science & technology, 17 (32): 32. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1473-804x (2016)

Managing the preservation of records for digital primary data: a case of Malaysia institution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 102-126. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)

Preservation metadata

The challenges in preserving the electronic records metadata. International Journal of Information System and Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 2289-7615 (2015)

Preservation model

Development of a generic model for the preservation of primary research data based digital resources life cycle. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 39-62. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)


Digital union catalogue of Malay manuscripts at the National Library of Malaysia: the way forward. In: IFLA WLIC 2018: Transform Libraries, Transform, 24-30 August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (In Press) (2018)

Primary data

Managing the preservation of records for digital primary data: a case of Malaysia institution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 102-126. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)

Professional associations

A global search for universal models of education. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 12 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1394-6234 (2007)

Public agencies

The building blocks of electronic records and information management framework for Malaysia public agencies: contexts and approaches. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10 (3S). pp. 738-753. ISSN 1112-9867 (2018)

Public agency

Electronic record and information management contexts for public agencies in Malaysia. In: SOFTAM Postgraduate Symposium, December 2016, FTSM, UKM, Bangi. (Submitted) (2016)

Raw materials

Malay ingenuity in the local materials for the production of Malay manuscripts. In: International Conference of Malay Manuscripts, 10-12 October 2017, Kuala Lumpur. (In Press) (2017)

Record Management

Petugas bantu pulih dokumen kerajaan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Record keepers

Education and training needs in electronic records management: a case study of record keepers in the Malaysian Federal Ministries. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 11 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1394-6234 (2006)

A global search for universal models of education. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 12 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1394-6234 (2007)

Record keeping

Archive Records Management System (ARMS): functional requirement. Record and Library Journal, 7 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2442-5168 (2021)

Record management

Sistem Pengurusan Dokumen Digital (DDMS). [Website] (Unpublished)

Archive Records Management System (ARMS): functional requirement. Record and Library Journal, 7 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2442-5168 (2021)


Education and training needs in electronic records management: a case study of record keepers in the Malaysian Federal Ministries. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 11 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1394-6234 (2006)

A global search for universal models of education. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 12 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1394-6234 (2007)


Electronic record and information management contexts for public agencies in Malaysia. In: SOFTAM Postgraduate Symposium, December 2016, FTSM, UKM, Bangi. (Submitted) (2016)

The National Archive of Malaysia - its growth and development. In: Conference Inter-Regional Conference on Archival Development, 16-20 May 1995, Tunisia. (Submitted) (1995)

Petugas bantu pulih dokumen kerajaan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Records and Information Management

Records and information management: the requirement for functional classification. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 215-218. ISSN 2327-5960 (2005)

Records management

The building blocks of electronic records and information management framework for Malaysia public agencies: contexts and approaches. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10 (3S). pp. 738-753. ISSN 1112-9867 (2018)

Electronic record and information management contexts for public agencies in Malaysia. In: SOFTAM Postgraduate Symposium, December 2016, FTSM, UKM, Bangi. (Submitted) (2016)

The National Archive of Malaysia - its growth and development. In: Conference Inter-Regional Conference on Archival Development, 16-20 May 1995, Tunisia. (Submitted) (1995)

Developing the record management and filing structure in the organization using knowledge mapping technique. Jurnal PPM, 8. pp. 9-16. ISSN 1823-6308 (2014)

Records management limitation

Electronic records management at the governance and administration division, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 9 (2). pp. 25-34. ISSN 2289-2192 (2020)

Records management method

The need for records management & records retention schedule in an organization. Kekal Abadi, 31 (1). pp. 5-10. ISSN 0127-2578 (2013)

Records retention schedules

The need for records management & records retention schedule in an organization. Kekal Abadi, 31 (1). pp. 5-10. ISSN 0127-2578 (2013)


Archives team deployed to salvage records. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rekod elektronik

Pengurusan rekod elektronik di bahagian governan dan pentadbiran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 9 (2). pp. 25-34. ISSN 2289-2192 (2020)

Rekod penting

Banjir: lebih 10 juta rekod pentadbiran, peribadi terjejas. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rekod perubatan

Pengurusan rekod perubatan di hospital. [Website]


Think tank and state library to gather data on Sabah’s history. [Newspaper] (2022)

Research data

Development of a generic model for the preservation of primary research data based digital resources life cycle. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 39-62. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)

Managing the preservation of records for digital primary data: a case of Malaysia institution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 102-126. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)

Russian travellers

Russians wrote of old Malay world. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sabah’s history

Think tank and state library to gather data on Sabah’s history. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sains dan matematik

Manuskrip sains dan matematik tamadun Melayu abad ke-17 ditemui. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sastera Melayu

Nikmati manuskrip Melayu lama dengan satu klik. [Newspaper] (2018)

Sejarah bangsa

Webinar beri ruang generasi muda kenali manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Seni halus tempatan

Tinggalkan kerjaya akauntan demi kaji manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2017)

Sentimental dan sejarah

10,000 koleksi Penang Library. [Newspaper] (2021)

Soft System Methodology

Exploring the needs of Malay manuscript studies community for an e-learning platform. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 16 (3). pp. 31-47. ISSN 1394-6234 (2011)

Speedy judicial delivery

Managing electronic records in Malaysian civil courts: a review of literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (8). pp. 909-919. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)

State library

Think tank and state library to gather data on Sabah’s history. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sumber pensejarahan

Jadikan manuskrip Melayu sumber pensejarahan utama. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tahap kesedaran

Pengurusan rekod elektronik di bahagian governan dan pentadbiran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 9 (2). pp. 25-34. ISSN 2289-2192 (2020)


Tinggalkan kerjaya akauntan demi kaji manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2017)

Tamadun Melayu

Manuskrip sains dan matematik tamadun Melayu abad ke-17 ditemui. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tax evasion

Practices of managing tax records keeping among the academic staff. International Journal of Business and Management, 2 (5). pp. 16-20. ISSN 2590-3721 (Unpublished) (2018)

Tax records management

Practices of managing tax records keeping among the academic staff. International Journal of Business and Management, 2 (5). pp. 16-20. ISSN 2590-3721 (Unpublished) (2018)


Developing the record management and filing structure in the organization using knowledge mapping technique. Jurnal PPM, 8. pp. 9-16. ISSN 1823-6308 (2014)

Transliterating and annotation tools

Exploring the needs of Malay manuscript studies community for an e-learning platform. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 16 (3). pp. 31-47. ISSN 1394-6234 (2011)

Transliteration tools

Malay philologists’ acceptance of an e-workspace to support teaching, learning and researching manuscripts. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 19 (3). pp. 67-83. ISSN 1394-6234 (2014)

Tulisan Arab

Kelainan warna dakwat, serlah keunikan manuskrip lama. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tulisan Jawi

Kelainan warna dakwat, serlah keunikan manuskrip lama. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tulisan jawi

Tinggalkan kerjaya akauntan demi kaji manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2017)

Webinar beri ruang generasi muda kenali manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Manuskrip sains dan matematik tamadun Melayu abad ke-17 ditemui. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tulisan tangan

Kelainan warna dakwat, serlah keunikan manuskrip lama. [Newspaper] (2021)


Development of a generic model for the preservation of primary research data based digital resources life cycle. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 39-62. ISSN 2222-6990 (2017)

User evaluation

Malay philologists’ acceptance of an e-workspace to support teaching, learning and researching manuscripts. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 19 (3). pp. 67-83. ISSN 1394-6234 (2014)


Manuskrip Melayu Islam sebagai warisan kearifan tempatan: isu dan prospek masa depan. E-Proceedings Of The International Conference On Da’wah And Islamic Management (IC-DAIM 2021). pp. 1-37. ISSN 2821-3270 (2021)


Webinar beri ruang generasi muda kenali manuskrip Melayu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Writing materials

Malay ingenuity in the local materials for the production of Malay manuscripts. In: International Conference of Malay Manuscripts, 10-12 October 2017, Kuala Lumpur. (In Press) (2017)

e-Records preservation

The challenges in preserving the electronic records metadata. International Journal of Information System and Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 2289-7615 (2015)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 15:08:22 2025 +08.