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Measuring competitiveness of Islamic banking industry in Malaysia from the perspective of knowledge management. International Journal of Industrial Management, 1. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2289-9286 (2015)

The influence of spiritual brand attributes towards the corporate brand image of Islamic banking institutions in Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 61. pp. 31-41. ISSN 0127-2713 (2021)

Development of the classical Islamic guarantee through fatwa in modern Islamic banking. International Journal of Business and Society, 19. pp. 368-384. ISSN 1511-6670 (2018)

Factors influence switching behavior of Islamic bank customers in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Finance, 2 (1). pp. 12-19. ISSN 2289-2117 (2013)

Factors influence switching behavior of Islamic bank customers in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Finance, 2 (1). pp. 12-19. ISSN 2289-2117 (2013)

The impact of bank-specific, market-specific and institutional governance factors on Islamic banks' cost of financial intermediation. Jurnal Muamalat, 8. pp. 53-76. ISSN 1985-6156 (2015)

Hubungan antara kadar pulangan nominal dengan permintaan deposit sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 38. pp. 3-27. ISSN 0127-1962 (2004)

Pengurusan pembiayaan perdagangan antarabangsa Islam dalam sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia. International Journal of Islamic Business, 2 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0127-662X (2017)

The theory of product innovation and its application in Islamic banking. Journal of Islamic Finance, 10 (2). pp. 112-123. ISSN 2289-2109 (2021)

Islamic banking and finance: between ideals and realities. Journal of Economics and Management, 15 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2462-1420 (2007)

Social and Economic Development Performance of Islamic Banks: Ideals and Reality. Journal of Business Innovation, 4 (2). pp. 98-105. ISSN E-ISSN 2600-836X (2019)

An admirable wife. e-Journal of Media & Society, 3: 4. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Research methods in communication research. e-Journal of Media & Society, 1: 10. ISSN 2682-9193 (2018)

The Role of Satisfaction as a Mediator on The Relationships Between Usage Intention and Word of Mouth of Islamic Bank Products and Their Determinants. Voice of Academia, 15 (1). pp. 39-51. ISSN 1958-5079 (2019)

A Comparison Between Malaysia and Indonesia in Islamic Banking Industry. Research Journal of Business and Management, 4 (3). pp. 276-286. ISSN 2148-6689 (2017)

The level of acceptance to be friend with LGBT. e-Journal of Media & Society, 1: 8. ISSN 2682-9193 (2018)

The Implementation of Islamic Banking System in Malaysia: Awareness among Banking Staff. International Postgraduate Business Journal, 5 (2). pp. 63-76. (2022)

Korean wave effect on Malaysian culture. e-Journal of Media & Society, 4: 3. ISSN 2682-9193 (2020)

Customer education in Islamic banking in Malaysia. Journal Of Critical Reviews, 7 (8). pp. 127-131. ISSN 2394-5125 (2020)

Measuring the factors of employees’ job satisfaction among lecturers in UiTM Melaka. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 3. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

City brand personality of Kuala Terengganu for image and reputation enhancement. e-Journal of Media & Society, 1: 1. ISSN 2682-9193 (2018)

Key Factors Influencing Credit Risk of Islamic Bank: A Malaysian Case. The Journal of Muamalat And Islamic Finance Research, 1 (1). pp. 65-80. ISSN 1923-075X (2004)

Pemakaian maslahah terhadap konsep nilai masa wang dalam sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Jurnal Fiqh, 6. pp. 87-106. ISSN 1823-089X (2009)

A Brief Comparative Analysis of Two Bilingual Dictionaries of Islamic Finance and Economy. Journal of Modern Languages, 31 (2). ISSN 1675-526X (2021)

The trustworthy of halal logo on imported food in Malaysia. e-Journal of Media & Society, 3: 11. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Evoke emotion through typography. Journal of Art and Design (REKA), 2. pp. 20-22. ISSN 2600-7878V (2020)

Islamic banking in Malaysia: framework, performance, and lessons. Journal Of Islamic Economics, 2 (2). pp. 67-78. ISSN 2462-1420 (1989)

Islamic banking in Malaysia: the changing landscape. Institutions and Economies, 9 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2232-1349 (2017)

Issues in transformation from conventional banking to Islamic banking. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6 (3S). pp. 220-224. ISSN 2146-4138 (2016)

History of the establishment and development of Islamic banking in Malaysia. International Journal Of Academic Research In Business & Social Sciences, 9 (6). pp. 305-315. ISSN 2222-6990 (2019)

Color psychology in advertising. Journal of Art and Design (REKA), 2. pp. 26-28. ISSN 2600-7878V (2020)

The influence of employer value proposition in talent demand towards talent shortage in the Malaysian Islamic banking institutions: a SEM approach. Management Science Letters, 9 (6). pp. 843-850. ISSN 1923-9343 (2019)

Color in packaging. Journal of Art and Design (REKA), 2. pp. 17-19. ISSN 2600-7878V (2020)

The acceptance towards sunnah food among Malaysian community. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 13. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Analisis Faktor dan Cabaran Pelaksanaan Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat Islam. EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences, 2 (1). pp. 75-86. ISSN 2289-9391 (2016)

Falsafah ekonomi dan instrumen muamalah dalam amalan perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Jurnal Usuluddin, 13. pp. 115-140. ISSN 0128-0708 (2001)

Istisna' in Islamic banking: concept and application. Jurnal Syariah, 10 (2). pp. 99-108. ISSN 0128-6730 (2002)

Qur'anic principles of Islamic banking. AFKAR: Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam, 4 (1). pp. 169-182. ISSN 2550-1755 (2003)

Mekanisme I-CSR Sebagai Medium Kelestarian Kewangan Golongan Miskin Rentan. Journal of Islamic Philanthropy & Social Finance (JIPSF), 4 (2). pp. 53-72. ISSN 2590-3942 (2022)

A critical appraisal on the challenges of realizing maqasid al-shariah in Islamic banking and finance. Journal of Economics and Management, 15 (2). pp. 413-165. ISSN 1394-7681 (2007)

Cabaran pengaplikasian janji (WA'D) dalam kontrak perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Jurnal Syariah, 27 (2). pp. 233-260. ISSN 0127-1237 (2019)

The performance of Islamic banking in Malaysia. International Journal Academic Research In Business And Social Sciences, 11 (11). pp. 661-672. ISSN 2222-6990 (2021)

Islamic banking’s contribution to the Malaysian real economy. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 13 (1). pp. 6-25. ISSN 0128-1976 (2020)

Kualiti perkhidmatan dan kepuasan pelanggan dalam perbankan Islam. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 2 (1). pp. 151-170. ISSN 1823-075X (2005)

Wealth protection in the context of maqasid syariah: Malaysia's role in realizing the concept of economic jihad. Jurnal Hadhari, 2017. pp. 143-155. ISSN 1985-6830 (2017)

Visual communication in Queen Of Langkasuka (film). e-Journal of Media & Society, 1 (5): 11. (2017)

The rising of the LGBT in Malaysia. e-Journal of Media & Society, 3: 10. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

The Disclosure of Zakat by Islamic Banks (IBs) and Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) in Malaysia. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 20 (1). pp. 96-124. ISSN 1823-075X (2023)

The Principle of Tadarruj in Islamic Finance: A Conceptual Review. Journal of Islamic Finance, 10 (1). pp. 15-24. ISSN 2289-2109 (2021)

Analisis Kritikal Terhadap Kestabilan Kewangan Perbankan Islam Di Malaysia. Labuan E-Journal of Muamalat and Society (LJMS), 15. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1985-482X (2021)

Maqasid al-Shariah in Islamic Finance: Harmonizing Theory and Reality. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 18 (1). pp. 108-119. ISSN 1823-075X (2021)

Perbandingan antara hisbah dan majlis penasihat syariah sistem perbankan Islam. Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 5 (2011SE). pp. 41-51. ISSN 1985-7667 (2014)

Early marriage in Malaysia. e-Journal of Media & Society, 3: 3. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Islamic banking industry in fintech ecosystem: issues and challenges. FBM Insight, 5. pp. 6-9. ISSN 2716-599X (2022)

Will It Survive? Challenges Faced by Islamic Banking and Finance in Today's World. Journal Of Islamic Finance, 7 (1). pp. 58-67. ISSN 2289-2109 (2018)

The perception of parents toward quality of child centre in Malaysia. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 10. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Integrasi kadar pulangan dan kebolehgantian deposit perbankan Islam dengan deposit perbankan konvensional. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 44. pp. 11-21. ISSN 0126-1962 (2010)

Disciplinary misconduct among secondary school students. e-Journal of Media & Society, 3: 5. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

What drives house price in Malaysia? In search of an alternative pricing benchmark for Islamic home financing. Journal of the Malaysia Institute of Planners, 15 (4). pp. 21-34. ISSN 1675-6215 (2017)

Examining the Trend of the Research on Islamic Financial Literacy from 2016-2023: A Bibliometric Review. Journal Of Islamic Finance, 13 (1). pp. 70-90. ISSN 2289-2109 (2024)

Impak kecekapan kos terhadap risiko kecairan dalam institusi perbankan di Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 35. pp. 67-80. ISSN 2716-5906 (2012)

Impact of intellectual capital on the organizational performance of Islamic banking sector in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, 5 (2). pp. 75-83. ISSN 1946-052X (2013)

Pembiayaan perbankan Islam dan kadar pengeluaran negara: kes Malaysia. Akademika:Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan Asia Tenggara, 81 (3). pp. 59-63. ISSN 0126-5008 (2011)

Intention to Use Islamic Banking Products and Services: Evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Governance and Integrity (JGI), 6 (2). pp. 616-623. ISSN 2600-7479 (2023)

I have a dream: waqf market in addition to Islamic banking, takaful and the Islamic capital market. Journal of Wealth Management & Financial Planning, 5. pp. 47-53. ISSN 2289-6937 (2018)

Premarital sex among the muslim youth in Malaysia. e-Journal of Media & Society, 3: 8. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Zakat disclosure index by Islamic Banks and development financial institutions in Malaysia. International Journal of Banking and Finance, 19 (2). pp. 241-270. ISSN 2811-3799 (2024)

Akta perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam (APKI) 2013: Kesan Kepada Produk Perbankan Islam Dan Penyelesaian. Jurnal Muamalat, 8. pp. 149-166. ISSN 1985-6156 (2015)

Penentu deposit dalam sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 7 (2). pp. 65-71. ISSN 2180-2491 (2011)

Struktur pembiayaan dan risiko kecairan: analisis perbankan Islam domestik dan asing di Malaysia. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 51 (2). pp. 115-130. ISSN 0127-1962 (2017)

Consumers' loyalty toward Islamic banking system: does halal brand awareness mater? International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 24 (2). pp. 209-226. ISSN 2462-1420 (2016)

Pengaruh kewajipan agama dan literasi zakat terhadap gelagat pembayaran zakat simpanan secara terus melalui perbankan Islam. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 19 (2). pp. 136-154. ISSN 2948-5266 (2022)

Pembangunan dan pengesahsahihan instrumen kredibiliti komunikator Islam menurut Al-Quran. e-Journal of Media & Society, 1: 4. ISSN 2682-9193 (2018)

Financing growth within the constraints of monetary policy and the economic environment: a case study of the Malaysian Islamic banks. The Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies (RIS), 1 (3). pp. 9-22. ISSN 2289-6821 (2014)

Potensi perbankan Islam sebagai medium baru perkembangan dakwah di Malaysia. Jurnal Usuluddin, 35. pp. 117-142. ISSN 0128-0708 (2012)

Krisis kewangan global: kestabilan dan karakteristik unik perbankan Islam. Jurnal Syariah, 22 (1). pp. 57-86. ISSN 0128-6730 (2014)

Perkembangan terkini enakmen wakaf di Malaysia: Adakah komprehensif. KANUN: Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 30 (2). pp. 363-383. ISSN 0128-2670 (2018)

Islamic banking and income inequality: the role of corporate social responsibility. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 54 (2). pp. 77-90. ISSN 0127-1962 (2020)

The influence factors and perceptions towards the student performance and the tendency to choose public relations course. e-Journal of Media & Society, 3: 1. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Using the theory of planned behavior and religion to assess customers behavioral intention to adopt Islamic banking services in Malaysia. Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 22 (2). pp. 36-45. ISSN 2289-6325 (2021)

Market concentration of Malaysia’s Islamic banking industry. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 45 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0127-1962 (2015)

Islamic banking implementation: supportive role of business service. Jurnal Pengurusan, 57. pp. 125-141. ISSN 0127-2713 (2019)

Does cost efficiency affect liquidity risk in banking? Evidence from selected OIC countries. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 51 (2). pp. 47-62. ISSN 0127-1962

Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Wasatiyyah dalam Tadbir Urus Syariah bagi Sistem Perbankan Islam di Malaysia. International Journal of West Asian Studies, 9 (1). pp. 12-24. ISSN 2180-4788 (2017)

Islamic banking profitability: roles played by internal and external banking factors. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 14 (1). pp. 23-38. ISSN 1823-075X (2017)

The level of acceptance towards arranged marriages. e-Journal of Media & Society, 4: 7. ISSN 2682-9193 (2020)

Islamic banking users are hunger for service quality. Journal of Islamic Economics Banking and Finance (JIEBF), 6 (2). pp. 79-94. ISSN 2070-4658 (2010)

Daya saing dan anjakan (Shift) dalam jenis kontrak pembiayaan perbankan Islam. Jurnal Syariah, 18 (1). pp. 123-236. ISSN 0128-6730 (2010)

The perceptions of women in late marriage. e-Journal of Media & Society, 4: 8. ISSN 2682-9193 (2020)

Bay‘ Al-Tawarruq and Its Application In Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 11 (1). ISSN 1823-075X (2014)

The level of awaraness of the society towards the environment and the level of action taken by the society to preserve the environment. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 9. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Pengoperasian kontrak tawarruq dalam sistem teras perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law, 8 (1). pp. 51-68. ISSN 0127-788X (2023)

Islamic social bank: an adaptation of Islamic banking? Jurnal Pengurusan, 46. pp. 43-52. ISSN 0127-2713 (2016)

Depression among university students. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 6. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Memperkasakan sistem teras perbankan Islam dengan kontrak syariah, blok rantai dan kontrak pintar: suatu kajian kualitatif. Jurnal Syariah, 31 (1). pp. 39-65. ISSN 0128-6730 (2023)

The relationship of students’ satisfaction and academic performance: a case study for pr degree students UiTM Alor Gajah Melaka. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 4. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

The concept of Islamic banking from the Islamic worldview. International Journal Academic Research In Business And Social Sciences, 8 (11). pp. 539-550. ISSN 2222-6990 (2018)

Purification of Non-Halal Income in Malaysian Islamic Banks: An Overview (Penyucian Pendapatan Tidak-Halal Di Bank-Bank Islam Malaysia: Satu Tinjauan). Journal of Islam In Asia, 14 (2). pp. 305-326. ISSN E-ISSN 2289-8077 (2017)

Social media indicate loneliness among teenagers. e-Journal of Media & Society, 4: 6. ISSN 2682-9193 (2020)

Malaysian’s concern toward Rohingya. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 5. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Applicability of Theory of Reasoned Action in Malaysian Islamic Banking Institutions. The Journal Of Muamalat And Islamic Finance Research, 2 (1). pp. 55-76. ISSN 1823-075X (2005)

Kesan dasar kewangan terhadap jenis kontrak pembiayaan perbankan Islam. Labuan E-Journal Of Muamalat And Society (LJMS), 7. pp. 60-70. ISSN 2672-7390 (2013)

Factor of drug rejections and stigma toward drug consumers and drugs. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 12. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Board of Directors, Shariah Committees and Sustainability Commitment of Islamic Banks in Malaysia. Management and Accounting Review, 20 (3). pp. 49-79. ISSN 2600-7975 (2021)

Approach application of statutes of limitations to Islamic banking: the case of Malaysia. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 17 (1). pp. 56-69. ISSN 1823-075X (2020)

Application of Ta'widh and Gharamah in Islamic banking in Malaysia. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 16 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1823-075X (2019)

Influence of gender portrayal in Disney cartoons on young female audiences. e-Journal of Media & Society, 4: 2. ISSN 2682-9193 (2020)

Pendekatan mahkamah dalam membuat keputusan terhadap produk perbankan Islam: analisis kes terpilih. Journal of Law & Governance, 2 (1). pp. 80-98. ISSN 2637-0743 (2019)

Customers' preference on Islamic banking products and services: the influence of knowledge, awareness and satisfiction. Management And Accounting Review, 12 (1). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2600-7975 (2013)

Pemakaian prinsip hibah dalam sistem kewangan Islam di Malaysia: tumpuan kepada industri perbankan Islam dan takaful. Jurnal Teknologi, 52 (1). pp. 69-81. ISSN 2180-3722 (2010)

Model of the antecedent and consequences of digital inclusion: a study among entreprenuership. e-Journal of Media & Society, 4: 5. ISSN 2682-9193 (2020)

The mediation of Islamic well-being affects on knowledge transfer for Malaysian Islamic banking employees. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 12 (2). pp. 132-149. ISSN 2225-8329 (2022)

Tahap kefahaman mahasiswa terhadap subjek asas perbankan Islam di UiTM Kampus Alor Gajah dan Kampus Mukah. Jurnal Maw’izah, 6. pp. 41-52. ISSN 2636-9354 (2023)

Conventional banking and Islamic banking: do the different philosophies lead to different financial outcomes? Journal of Wealth Management & Financial Planning, 4 (2017). pp. 3-14. ISSN 2289-6937 (2017)

Bank liquidity risk and capital structure: a conceptual review of theoretical and empirical research on Islamic banking perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 539-553. ISSN 2225-8329 (2021)

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Islamic Banking Performance in Malaysia. Advanced International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 3 (8). pp. 1-15. ISSN E-ISSN: 2682-8537 (2021)

Social networking sites in cyberspace community in Malaysia. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2 (2). ISSN ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Malaysians’ perception towards 10 promises in 100 days and public acceptance towards the new government (Pakatan Harapan). e-Journal of Media & Society, 4: 4. ISSN 2682-9193 (2020)

Drugs misuse among children: measuring the level of parents’ awareness on their children’s behavioural change. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 11. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Integrating Halal knowledge towards selection of Islamic banking product: the perspective of Muslim students. Jurnal Pengurusan Dan Penyelidikan Fatwa, 28 (1). pp. 32-44. ISSN 2232-1047 (2023)

The perception of gender stereotypes in today’s life. e-Journal of Media & Society, 2: 8. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

Mobile Money as an Effective Financial Tool in Underdeveloped Countries. Journal of Islamic Finance, 10 (1). pp. 2289-2109. ISSN 2289-2109 (2021)

A Study on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Perception Towards Islamic Banking Products. The Journal Of Muamalat And Islamic Finance Research, 2 (1). pp. 1-26. ISSN 1823-075X (2005)

Dual Agency Practices in Islamic Financial Institutions: A Fiqh Perspective. Jurnal Pengurusan Dan Penyelidikan Fatwa, 21 (1). ISSN 2232-1047 (2020)

Performance direction towards performance achievement: case on local Islamic banks in Malaysia. Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3 (9). pp. 889-893. ISSN 2301-3567 (2015)

Trade Minister: Malaysia seeking investment in hi-tech. Open Gov. (2021)

CSR and sustainability of Islamic banking: the bankers view. Jurnal Pengurusan, 45. pp. 73-81. ISSN 0127-2713 (2015)

Islamic banking – the case of Malaysia. Research Papers of Wrocklaw University of Economics. pp. 241-250. ISSN 1899-3192 (2014)

Size and returns to scale of the Islamic banking industry in Malaysia: foreign versus domestics banks. Journal of Economics and Management, 14 (2). pp. 147-175. ISSN 1394-7680 (2006)

Kawalan Inflasi, Pengurusan Risiko And Kitaran Ekonomi (Economic Cycle) Dalam Sistem Perbankan Islam Di Malaysia. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 6 (1). pp. 127-146. ISSN 1823-075X (2019)

Assessment of value-based principles on Islamic banking practices in Malaysia: an explorative study using bank's disclosure. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8 (3). pp. 429-452. ISSN 0127-9386 (2023)

High rate of unemployment among graduates in Malaysia. e-Journal of Media & Society, 3: 7. ISSN 2682-9193 (2019)

A Decade of Maqasid Shariah Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Management and Accounting Review, 21 (2). pp. 211-238. ISSN 2600-7975 (2022)

Mapping the field of Islamic banking and finance education: a bibliometric analysis and future research agenda. Journal of Education and Learning, 17 (4). pp. 710-718. ISSN 2089-9823 (2023)

The linkages effect of service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of automobile financing within the Malaysia Islamic banking industry. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 16 (2). pp. 31-47. ISSN 1823-075X (2019)

Kecekapan dalam institusi perbankan Islam: satu penjelasan lanjut. Jurnal Muamalat (10). ISSN 1985-6156 (2017)

Coping With the International Standards of Basel Committee on Core Principles on Effective Banking Supervision (BCBS): Analysis and Reform for Islamic Banking. International Journal Of Business And Society, 19 (3). pp. 385-399. ISSN 1511-6670 (2018)

A revisit to the practice of late payment charges by Islamic banks in Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 42. pp. 185-190. ISSN 2716-5906 (2015)

Mentoring approach in learning fundamentals of islamic banking. Journal of Contemporary Social Science Research, 3 (1). pp. 48-55. ISSN 0128-2697 (2019)

Discrimination against women in Malaysia. e-Journal of Media & Society, 4: 1. ISSN 2682-9193 (2020)

Sumbangan, cabaran dan potensi kewangan Islam dalam perdagangan antarabangsa. KANUN: Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 29 (2). pp. 336-350. ISSN 0128-2670 (2017)

Book Section

Determinants of intention to use Islamic banking products among Malay Muslims: a case study in Johor Baharu. In: WCIT 2014 2nd World Conference On Islamic Thought & Civilization. Elsevier, Melaka, pp. 606-615. ISBN 978-967-5480-10-2 (2016)


Efficiency of Islamic banks in Malaysia: a comparison between local Islamic banks and foreign Islamic banks. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2019)

Personal finance planning the factors of acceptance of Islamic banking. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2010)

Consumer behavior of Islamic bank customers at Bank Rakyat Jelapang Branch, Ipoh, Malaysia. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2015)

Comparisons between Islamic banking products and conventional banking products: a study on personal loan Bank Rakyat and Maybank. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka. (2011)

Profit efficiency among Islamic banks in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2018)

Pembiayaan perdagangan dan perlaksanaannya dalam sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2013)

Determinants of credit risk of Islamic banking in a dual banking system: a case of selected Muslim countries. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2016)

Factors affecting selection of Islamic credit card offered by Islamic banks among HSBC Bank employees. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2022)

Perbezaan agama, tahap pendidikan dan umur terhadap kesedaran kepada produk dan perkhidmatan perbankan Islam dalam kalangan bukan Islam. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2015)

Factors influencing knowledge of Islamic banking products among muslim entrepreneurs. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2014)

A study on determinants of the intention to use Islamic banking products in Johor Bahru. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2014)

Performance of Islamic banks in comparison with conventional banks in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2010)

Examining factors influencing Muslim young generations decision to choose Islamic banking products. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2022)

A study on risk exposure in Islamic bank: a case study of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB). Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2010)

Relationship between banks characteristics and shubuhat: the case of Islamic banks in Malaysia. Degree thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia. (2012)

Measuring factors affecting customer loyalty on Islamic banking in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2015)

Comparative study on Islamic banking and conventional banking performance in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2020)

A case study on the factors that influence customer acceptance towards Islamic banking system in Malaysia. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2011)

Model amalan tanggungjawab sosial korporat Islam daripada perspektif institusi perbankan Islam. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2019)

Factors that influence the profitability of Islamic banking in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2021)

Corporate social responsibility of Islamic banks in Malaysia: a synthesis of Islamic and stakeholders' perspectives. Degree thesis, Loughborough University. (2005)

The concept of trust in the Islamic banking transactions. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2022)

Analysis on loan procedures between Islamic banking and conventional banking at Koperasi Permodalan Felda Berhad (KPF). Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2010)

Factors that influence the Wadiah and Mudharabah as Islamic banking products: case study CIMB Islamic Bank. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2012)

Factors influencing the preference of customers toward using the products and services of Islamic banking in Malaysia. Degree thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (2023)

An empirical analysis between Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (Islamic banking) and Public Bank (conventional banking). Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2013)

Factor that influences customers’ perception towards Islamic banking facilities. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2014)

A study on factors that influence students’ decision in using Islamic banking system. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2013)

The relationship between Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and performance of Islamic banking branches in Kedah from the perspective of Maqasid Al-Shariah. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2015)

The usage of Islamic banking products among customers at Bank Rakyat Jalan Hang Tuah Melaka. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2015)

The bindingness of mazhab in Islamic banking contracts in Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2018)

Non-Muslim reaction towards Islamic banking. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2014)

A comparative study on financial performance of conventional and Islamic bank: the case of Citibank Berhad and Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2010)

The acceptance of online waqf in Islamic banking institutions. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2014)

Moratorium in Malaysian Islamic banking sector during pandemic Covid 19. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2020)

A study on the factors influence growth of Islamic banking and finance products in Malaysia. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka. (2011)

Factors affecting customer preferences in Islamic banking products and services. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2014)

An Empirical Investigation into the Problems and Challenges Facing Islamic Banking in Malaysia. Degree thesis, Cardiff University's. (2014)

Islamic banking for the poor: the determinants of total Zakat collection from Islamic banking perspective. Masters thesis, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. (2014)

The factor that influences selection of Islamic banking among Non-Muslim in Melaka. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2011)

Customer’s adoption towards Islamic banking between Muslim and non-Muslim: a case study in Pasir Gudang, Malaysia. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2013)

Determinants that influence customer of Bank Rakyat in selecting Islamic banking. Degree thesis, UiTM Cawangan Melaka. (2011)

The determinants of behavioural intention towards using mobile banking of Islamic banking institutions moderated by demographic variables. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2022)

Determinants of price of financing in Islamic banking Malaysia. Masters thesis, (2016)


Agro jurnal seharum pandan. [Video] (2013)

Agrotek krim anti kulat dari ekstrak kulit rambutan. [Video] (2020)

Amalkan sistem perbankan Islam. [Video] (2020)

Durian sumber kekayaan baharu. [Video] (2018)

Ikon agro: impak perusahaan produk agro. [Video] (2018)

Ikon agro: potensi bisnes agro di Sabah. [Video] (2018)

Ikon agro: rajin dan usaha - bukti kejayaan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2019)

Islamic banking in Malaysia. [Video] (2021)

Misi D197 durian musang king. [Video] (2018)

Pertanian satu perniagaan. [Video] (2020)

Projek madu kelulut diusahakan banduan (metro tv). [Video] (2020)

Tanaman halia segar secara fertigasi. [Video] (2020)


The 11th Global Islamic Finance Awards celebrates outstanding market leaders in Islamic finance. [Website] (2021)

Bank perlu senaraikan anak syarikat perbankan Islam - Bursa Malaysia. [Website] (2023)

Malaysia intai peluang hantar graduan perbankan Islam berkhidmat di luar negara. [Website] (2019)

Moody's jangka perbankan Islam Malaysia berkembang kepada dua angka pada 2022, 2023. [Website] (2022)

Perbankan Islam Malaysia berkembang pesat ketika dunia diancam pandemik. [Website] (2021)

Prof Dr Normah Omar dinobatkan wanita kedua paling berpengaruh dalam bidang kewangan Islam. [Website] (2019)

Perbankan Islam perlu lebih inovatif. [Website] (2018)

Perbankan Islam perlu nafas baharu. [Website] (2020)

Fitch Ratings unjur pertumbuhan perbankan Islam Malaysia atasi bank konvensional bagi jangka masa sederhana. [Website] (2024)

Cover story: 'Mara must be reviewed’. [Website] (2021)

Cover story: the way forward for MARA. [Website] (2021)

Jumlah aset perbankan Islam diunjur lepasi 50% menjelang 2026. [Website] (2024)

Cabaran, peluang perbankan Islam dalam dunia moden. [Website] (2024)

Gunakan istilah perbankan Islam yang betul untuk elak kekeliruan. [Website]

Kenaikan OPR: benarkah perbankan Islam menindas pelanggan. [Website]

Impak kenaikan OPR terhadap produk perbankan Islam. [Website] (2023)

Institusi perbankan Islam terus bantu permasalahan kewangan pelnggan PKS-AIBIM. [Website] (2023)


Projek Wakaf Dusun Ilmu, idea bijak UiTM jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pekebun kecil getah boleh tuntut IPG September mulai 1-31 Oktober 2020. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sekatan AS jejas reputasi minyak sawit Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

204 syarikat, pengusaha pelancongan gulung tikar sejak Mac. [Newspaper] (2020)

4 hari Citrawarna Keluarga Malaysia 2022 di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2022)

4,615 insiden keselamatan siber dilaporkan ke Pusat Bantuan Cyber999. [Newspaper] (2021)

7 aktiviti pelancongan utama dibenar di Langkawi. [Newspaper] (2021)

AEON Bank pacu pertumbuhan perbankan Islam negara. [Newspaper] (2024)

ATM siap siaga, fokus kepada ancaman siber. [Newspaper] (2021)

Agensi pelancongan lega umrah dibenarkan semula. [Newspaper] (2022)

Agricultural sector to receive slightly higher allocation. [Newspaper] (2019)

Agritech — pioneer industry to reap 5G benefits. [Newspaper] (2020)

AirAsia kemuka cadangan pulihkan sektor pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Angkara Covid-19, pengusaha tadika jadi peladang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Anwar: Malaysia's expertise in Islamic banking, halal industry complement Russia's growing interest. [Newspaper] (2024)

Aplikasi dan teknologi tidak digunakan sepenuhnya untuk CAC - penyelidik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bapa perbankan Islam Malaysia, Abdul Halim Ismail meninggal dunia. [Newspaper] (2024)

Belanjawan 2021 dijangka rancakkan kembali industri pelancongan negara. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bidang komunikasi massa masih relevan tapi perlu modifikasi. [Newspaper] (2019)

COVID-19 impact: Young blood needed in agriculture for continuity. [Newspaper] (2020)

Covid: Tourism frontliners to be prioritised for vaccination. [Newspaper] (2021)

Dakwaan perbankan Islam di Malaysia tekan pengguna tidak benar. [Newspaper] (2014)

Dasar Pelancongan Negara 2020-2030 jamin kelangsungan industri pelancongan Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Decision on reopening of Melaka tourism sector in Oct, says exco. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ekonomi digital Malaysia berkembang pesat. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ekonomi mula tunjuk tanda pemulihan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Engineer finds niche in kelulut farming. [Newspaper] (2020)

Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, UiTM student to speak on cyber security at NanoSec Conference 2019. [Newspaper] (2019)

Geran sokongan bantu pemulihan industri pelancongan diteruskan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Guna penerbangan ke Langkawi tak perlu kebenaran polis - Khairy. [Newspaper] (2021)

HDC, Kihi jalin kerjasama strategik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Harap semua bersatu hati gerakkan Dasar Pelancongan Negara 2020-2030 – Nancy. [Newspaper] (2020)

Hutang tak berbayar perbankan Islam Malaysia dijangka meningkat. [Newspaper] (2022)

IBE-UiTM, Bank Islam outcome-based training partnership. [Newspaper] (2021)

Inisiatif myDIGITAL. [Newspaper] (2021)

Institusi perbankan Islam tidak wajar bertindak seperti konvensional. [Newspaper] (2020)

Institut perbankan Islam berupaya bangunkan bakat kewangan global. [Newspaper] (2023)

IoT has huge potential in agriculture, says deputy minister. [Newspaper] (2019)

Islamic banking outlook remains promising on mature ecosystem in 2024. [Newspaper] (2023)

Isu Bukit Melaka: hanya tukar nama, bukan sejarah. [Newspaper] (2022)

Jangan gembira dahulu, Melaka belum 'buka pintu' pada pelancong. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kadar penginapan hotel JB, Muar meningkat. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kapal terbang laut tarikan terbaharu pelancongan Melaka 2021. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kepulauan Mersing tunggu 'lampu hijau' terima pengunjung. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kerjasama awam-swasta perkasa zon pelaburan pelancongan – Nancy. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kerugian hasil belanja pelancong di Malaysia cecah RM165 bilion. [Newspaper] (2021)

King congratulates Nur Athirah, Putera Aiman. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kuantan 188 sasar 350,000 pengunjung tahun ini. [Newspaper] (2021)

LADA raih anugerah emas PATA 2021 kategori artikel warisan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Langkawi sedia terima pelancong mulai 16 September - LADA. [Newspaper] (2021)

Legoland yakin sektor pelancongan akan pulih. [Newspaper] (2021)

MAH hails move to reopen tourism industry. [Newspaper] (2021)

MARDI lancar empat kit kesan pencemaran dalam produk pertanian. [Newspaper] (2020)

MATA harap pekerja pelancongan diberi keutamaan vaksin. [Newspaper] (2021)

MOTAC bincang benarkan pelancongan antara negeri. [Newspaper] (2021)

MPOB bags gold, silver awards for innovations at ITEX 2020. [Newspaper] (2020)

MPOB cipta pengesan ulat bungkus pertama di dunia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Malaysia dijangka terima pelaburan lebih tinggi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia diunjur kekal terajui pasaran perbankan Islam rantau ini. [Newspaper] (2023)

Malaysia kaji semula pendekatan terhadap pertanian - Mustapa. [Newspaper] (2020)

Malaysia to prioritise experiential tourism to attract foreign visitors. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysian Inbound Tourism Association: Open borders to vaccinated tourists to revive tourism industry. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysian e-commerce industry continues to flourish, says Commerce.Asia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Masjid cangkerang, tarikan baru Melaka. [Newspaper] (2021)

Matta Fair to make a comeback after two-year hiatus. [Newspaper] (2021)

Matta: aid for tourism industry crucial during total lockdown. [Newspaper] (2021)

Melaka Zoo ticket sales breach RM800k. [Newspaper] (2021)

Melaka harap HSR diteruskan untuk rancakkan ekonomi, pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Melaka rangka kerjasama pelancongan dua hala dengan negeri lain. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ministry planning tourism bubble in main destinations in Malaysia besides Langkawi, says minister. [Newspaper] (2021)

More demand for palm oil from easing Covid-19 lockdowns, resumption of activities: MPOB. [Newspaper] (2020)

Muzium bukan lagi pilihan destinasi pelancongan terakhir. [Newspaper] (2021)

PKP 2.0: Industri perhotelan Negeri Sembilan dijangka rugi RM10 juta. [Newspaper] (2021)

PKPB: Sabah keluar garis panduan, SOP untuk sektor pelancongan, perhotelan. [Newspaper] (2020)

PM: Malaysia-Thailand VTL latest initiative to revive tourism industry. [Newspaper] (2022)

Padang Besar Pavilion rancakkan ekonomi Perlis. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pelancong Kedah ke Genting Highlands ikut SOP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pembukaan semula sempadan bolehkan pelancong perubatan kembali ke Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pendigitalan, komitmen kerajaan perkukuh perbankan Islam. [Newspaper] (2019)

Penggabungan mega tingkat tumpuan terhadap perbankan Islam Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2014)

Penggiat industri pelancongan, kebudayaan perlu buat persediaan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pengusaha rumah inap, chalet di Johor terima bantuan RM1,000. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perbankan Islam bukan sekadar produk. [Newspaper] (2018)

Perbankan Islam dan perbankan konvensional: Apa bezanya? [Newspaper] (2021)

Perbankan Islam di Malaysia atasi prestasi bank konvensional. [Newspaper] (2023)

Perbankan Islam unik. [Newspaper] (2024)

Permitted hotel premises need to reapply for operating permission letter via Miti’s CIMS. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pesta Kaamatan, Gawai tersenarai dalam perancangan cuti Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pulau Rusukan Besar dianugerah sijil premis penginapan pelancong. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rakyat tempatan digalak bekerja di sektor pembinaan, pertanian dan perladangan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ransomware still a huge cyber threat in 2021. [Newspaper] (2021)

SCIB unit secures RM48mln Islamic banking facilities from Affin Islamic Bank. [Newspaper] (2024)

SKMM bangunkan 742 menara telekomunikasi di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2021)

SOP relaxation will help revive tourism sector. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sarawak sedia rancakkan semula industri pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sektor perhotelan bakal 'sakit' lagi ekoran gelombang baharu COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Selaras industri hospitaliti secara berkesan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Semakin ramai milenial dan Gen Z pilih perbankan Islam. [Newspaper] (2024)

Serba Dinamik establishes New Space Economy Nexus, plans space division in 3Q. [Newspaper] (2021)

Simplifying taxes, curtailing shadow economy are keys to reviving the economy, says tax expert. [Newspaper] (2021)

Syarikat bawa rombongan Alor Setar-Genting Highlands patuh SOP gelembung pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

#TECH: Digitalisation no longer an option for businesses. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tahap kebersihan, pematuhan SOP penting bina keyakinan pelancong - Tourism Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tasik Kenyir's raft houses must be registered with Ketengah tourism division. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tawar 6 penerbangan harian ke Langkawi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Temenggor Lake reopens today. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tingkat sumbangan perbankan Islam. [Newspaper] (2017)

Tourism Malaysia D-G: Good hygiene, Covid-19 SOP compliance important to restore tourist confidence. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tourism sector in dire need of govt’s tax relief, financial aid. [Newspaper] (2021)

UMK soars to greater heights. [Newspaper] (2020)

UiTM Bags Four Medals Using Cloud Technology in the Malaysia 2020 Hackathon. [Newspaper] (2020)

UiTM Collaborates with the National University of Uzbekistan for Virtual Conference on Computational Models and Technologies. [Newspaper] (2020)

UiTM Malaysia and UNESA Indonesia initiate the Trans-Border Research Collaboration. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM Perak Collaborates with Malaysian Industry Partners. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM Signs MOU with Fusionex on AI and Big Data Analytics. [Newspaper] (2020)

UiTM buka bidaan nombor plat kenderaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

UiTM director an influential figure in Islamic finance. [Newspaper] (2019)

UiTM discusses challenges of halal supply chain sustainability post Covid 19. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM experts on Data Analytics at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh (ITS) Nopember, Indonesia. [Newspaper] (2020)

UiTM makes its mark with two large scale solar PV plants. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM signs MOU with Malaysian Public Sector Retirement Fund. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM student listed among top 10 young talents at Monstar Awards 2020. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM’s Computer Science Graduate Runs an Online Business Backed by the Power of Social Media. [Newspaper] (2021)

Universiti Teknologi MARA makes history as world’s first varsity offering SAS Academy for Data Science in Malaysia: UiTM Pioneering Big Data and Analytics. [Newspaper] (2018)

Vaksin COVID-19 beri harapan sempadan negara dibuka, rancakkan pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Visualizing Data to Empower Individuals. [Newspaper] (2021)

The little farm that could. [Newspaper] (2020)

SCIB berjaya peroleh jaminan kredit perbankan Islam RM70 juta daripada SME Bank. [Newspaper] (2024)

Tourism Malaysia, UiTM to collaborate on exchange programmes. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pertanian pintar guna teknologi IoT. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perbankan syariah perlu telus, bebas. [Newspaper] (2018)

Perbankan Islam bantu rancak ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2018)

263 penggiat pelancongan Taman Negara Pahang dibantu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Galak tanaman impak tinggi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Digitalisasi pelancongan melestarikan industri, negara. [Newspaper] (2021)

Let's be responsible travellers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perbankan Islam tawar pelbagai khidmat ringankan beban mangsa banjir. [Newspaper] (2024)

LPP galak ahli tanam durian. [Newspaper] (2020)

3 teras Pelan Tindakan Keusahawanan IPT 2021-2025. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia tumpu tarik pelancong Eropah Timur. [Newspaper] (2021)

Program gelembung perjalanan beri sinar industri pelancongan - Nancy. [Newspaper] (2021)

Gearing up for a new wave of automation post-pandemic. [Newspaper] (2021)

Hotel, resort mula terima kedatangan pelancong asing. [Newspaper] (2022)

Perbankan Islam tiru perbankan konvensional? [Newspaper] (2022)

Enam sektor permintaan tinggi peluang pekerjaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

TH lantik GM baharu Movenpick Hotel KLIA. [Newspaper] (2021)

Monitor, guide travellers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pelancong positif Covid-19 selepas pulang dari Genting Highlands. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia a global leader in Islamic banking. [Newspaper] (2019)

Sabah peroleh pelaburan RM10 bilion. [Newspaper] (2021)

Package 1 of Kampung Laut heritage village redevelopment handed over to MOTAC. [Newspaper] (2021)

Banda Hilir sepi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pengusaha pelancong Melaka dapat 'nyawa'. [Newspaper] (2022)

Industrial Revolution 4.0 can help boost construction industry. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ladang kelapa sawit TDM aplikasi teknologi GIS dan UAV. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sektor pelancongan perlu titik berat aspek keselamatan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Ketibaan pelancong asing ke Malaysia susut 83.4 peratus. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sedia terima pendaki, pengunjung. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tak perlu pergi jauh, Putrajaya ada pantai menarik. [Newspaper] (2022)

MBOT jadi penggerak pupuk bakat bidang teknologi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penggiat industri kreatif bantu perkasa industri seni, budaya. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perlu kreatif gamit pelancong pasca COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Projek madu kelulut diusahakan banduan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Islamic banking's challenges and goals. [Newspaper] (2016)

Malaysia’s Islamic banking on right track, says expert. [Newspaper] (2018)

Restoration works can help return Tasik Chini as popular tourist spot. [Newspaper] (2021)

Brands use social media to stay in touch with people. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bin Zayed bawa masuk RM100 bilion pelaburan ke Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Gelembung perjalanan pulih industri penerbangan - Kapten Izham. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pensijilan MSPO tingkat pendapatan pengusaha sawit. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pulau Mabul 'rindu' pelancong. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia's Islamic banking to outperform conventional banks: Fitch. [Newspaper] (2023)

Making our own goods for global market is the way to go. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tech, transport companies will gain the most in autonomous vehicle industry. [Newspaper] (2021)

Lebih 1,000 pelancong luar dijangka masuk Malaysia esok. [Newspaper] (2022)

MATA gesa kerajaan benarkan individu lengkap dua dos vaksin rentas negeri. [Newspaper] (2021)

MATA saran tutup segera pintu masuk negara. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia catat kenaikan 300%. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penuhi permintaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Percepat proses digital. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perkenalkan semula program subsidi upah: MyBHA. [Newspaper] (2021)

'Mutiara' di sebalik belantara. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tingkat kesedaran kawal masa penggunaan skrin digital di kala pandemik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penggiat industri pelancongan jangan panik. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pelancongan pintar perkasa kelestarian industri. [Newspaper] (2021)

CCTV pantau Kuantan Art Street elak vandalisme. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pahang sasar 8 juta pelancong tahun ini. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pulau Tioman memanggil... [Newspaper] (2021)

`This Is Pahang' bakal rancakkan sektor pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tourism Pahang sasar pasaran baharu pelancong. [Newspaper] (2020)

Early financial education for the benefit of youth. [Newspaper] (2021)

Jakim introduces new diploma programmes on Islamic tourism. [Newspaper] (2021)

Innovation is needed in Islamic banking. [Newspaper] (2020)

LITB extended till borders fully reopen. [Newspaper] (2022)

Lifeline for tourism, retail sectors. [Newspaper] (2021)

Eat well: benefits of pineapple. [Newspaper] (2019)

Bank Muamalat terima Anugerah Kecemerlangan Perbankan Islam Dunia di London. [Newspaper] (2024)

Govt preparing to welcome international tourists. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pandemic teaches us the value of statistics. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah - A shifting tide in 2021. [Newspaper] (2021)

Fully vaxxed is passport to travel for Malaysians. [Newspaper] (2021)

Is vaccine optimism in the air for tourism sector in Malaysia? [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia recorded 'massive drop' of 83.4% in tourist arrivals in 2020. [Newspaper] (2021)

Total lockdown: 'Dying' tourism sector in Malaysia needs help to protect jobs. [Newspaper] (2021)

Hotel and tourism industry continues to plead SOS from govt, calls for lockdown to breathe long term. [Newspaper] (2021)

Nothing wrong having Chong Wei as Sabah tourism ambassador, says Daphne Iking. [Newspaper] (2021)

#Showbiz: Rizalman assists food entrepreneurs, families hard hit by MCO. [Newspaper] (2021)

Persatuan etnik diminta bangunkan adat, kebudayaan, bahasa. [Newspaper] (2021)

Flat dwellers to explore vertical garden, madu kelulut using Penjana fund. [Newspaper] (2020)

Modern farming, IoT application among those discussed at national agriculture convention. [Newspaper] (2021)

Motac focuses on revitalising domestic tourism, exploring int'l tourism bubble. [Newspaper] (2021)

More than 27,000 flock Penang's tourist hotspots after interstate travel resumption. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysian agritech — will 5G reap what NB-IoT sows? [Newspaper] (2020)

Advertising industry set for recovery. [Newspaper] (2020)

Jalin perkongsian pintar promosi sistem perbankan Islam di Russia. [Newspaper] (2023)

Johor hospitality sector all smiles as travel curbs lifted. [Newspaper] (2021)

Shangri-La Group ready to welcome back guests. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perbankan Islam perlu jadi pemain industri kewangan global. [Newspaper] (2024)

Melaka, Genting Highlands, Tioman dibuka kepada pelancong 1 Okt. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pulau Pangkor, Redang, Tioman dijangka dibuka dalam masa terdekat. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pulau Poh tawar pengalaman pelancongan moden, semulajadi. [Newspaper] (2022)

RHB, Axiata wujudkan bank digital. [Newspaper] (2021)

SOP baharu MKN ‘bantu’ pelancongan Melaka. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tarikan terbaharu Air Terjun Wong Pejik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Less than 200 hoteliers apply for Sabah govt's one-off grant. [Newspaper] (2021)

STB keen to promote places of worship for tourism. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah boosts development of rural tourism operators. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah to push local entrepreneurs' transition into digital business. [Newspaper] (2020)

Some recovery in medical tourism expected by end-2021. [Newspaper] (2021)

Blockchain can help smoothen the supply chain network. [Newspaper] (2021)

'Promote Miri as choice destination for MM2H'. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kedatangan pelancong asing dijangka dibuka lebih awal. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kempen galakkan orang ramai membeli-belah dilancar. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kongsi idea lebih proaktif selamatkan industri pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penggerak industri bas, pelancongan perlu bantuan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kepentingan komunikasi bersemuka. [Newspaper] (2019)

Beri keutamaan vaksin kepada pemain industri pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

PENJANA: Sektor pelancongan dijangka terima impak positif. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pemain industri perlu berganding bahu perkasa pelancongan negeri. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tackling food insecurity in the midst of food security. [Newspaper] (2020)

Good for Islamic banking subsidiaries to list. [Newspaper] (2023)

Aplikasi pintar untuk pendidikan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Invest in IR4.0 tech to reduce dependence on migrant labour. [Newspaper] (2021)

Jadual perjalanan terkawal perlu dirangka elak penularan COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sektor pelancongan akan dibantu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Melaka can become a technological powerhouse. [Newspaper] (2021)

PdP dalam talian tuntut komitmen penuh. [Newspaper] (2021)

FELCRA rintis teknologi dron, robotik untuk model pertanian pintar. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pengusaha pelancongan digalak tawar pakej menarik. [Newspaper] (2020)

Capaian internet bergantung keadaan, teknikal. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pelepasan cukai pendapatan pelancongan domestik dilanjut hingga 2022. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pulau Langkawi projek perintis destinasi gelembung pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sektor pelancongan terima peruntukan keseluruhan RM1.6 bilion. [Newspaper] (2021)

Motac sedia RM20 juta bantu inap desa, pelancongan terjejas banjir. [Newspaper] (2022)

Gamit pencinta alam. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pulihara segera hutan bakau Tanjung Tuan elak jejas ekosistem. [Newspaper] (2021)

Inisiatif bantu industri pelancongan bertahan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pelancongan digital bantu pemain industri terjejas. [Newspaper] (2021)

Aktiviti penuh makna. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bagai menyusur terowong. [Newspaper] (2021)

Moh ke Perak. [Newspaper] (2021)

Panorama dingin dalam negara. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sokong pasar jenama tempatan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Persekitaran digital cabar kepemimpinan wanita. [Newspaper] (2021)

MATTA tunggu keputusan kebenaran tunai umrah. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tiada hotel di Negeri Sembilan tutup. [Newspaper] (2021)

Adopt latest tech for Ramadan bazaars. [Newspaper] (2021)

Saring maklumat di media sosial sebelum sebar. [Newspaper] (2021)

Langkawi's Kilim Karst Geoforest Park is more than just a park for tourists. [Newspaper] (2021)

Climate change threatens our food security. [Newspaper] (2020)

Negara perlu segera bangunkan lebih ramai bakat teknologi. [Newspaper] (2021)

DNeX, UiTM team up to undertake IT research. [Newspaper] (2019)

Orang bukan Islam lebih yakini perbankan Islam. [Newspaper] (2014)

RM1.3bil international circuit and resort city for Langkawi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Citrawarna Keluarga Malaysia jadi penanda aras penganjuran program lain. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penganjuran Citrawarna dengan SOP ketat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Islamic banking assets up 8.1% to RM1.3 bil at end July, says MOF. [Newspaper] (2023)

Tingkat usaha transformasi sektor pertanian. [Newspaper] (2020)

Wawasan geopark Langkawi tuntut perubahan minda komuniti. [Newspaper] (2021)

Langkawi to be pilot project for tourism bubble, says PM. [Newspaper] (2021)

Biar kreatif bina untung. [Newspaper] (2021)

Collecting data no easy job. [Newspaper] (2021)

Explore Sarawak's culinary landscape. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sarawak optimis terima 1.2 juta pelawat tahun ini. [Newspaper] (2022)

Buah tin bukan tanaman 3T. [Newspaper] (2020)

Gadis pencinta pulau. [Newspaper] (2022)

Semangat belia ceburi bisnes. [Newspaper] (2021)

199 penggiat industri pelancongan Melaka terima bantuan RM253,500. [Newspaper] (2021)

Melaka sasar jadi negeri pelancongan pertama pulih COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM Holdings partners Ingress Corp to mark its RE commercial sector debut. [Newspaper] (2021)

Zoo hibrid tarikan pelancongan baharu Pahang. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pangkor Island not ready for tourists yet. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pembukaan Langkawi penanda aras pulihkan sektor pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

The case of thedwindling numbers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penurunan bilangan pelancong bersifat sementara. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pulau Undan tarikan baharu ke Melaka. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kota Marudu has huge tourism potential. [Newspaper] (2021)

Prioritise safety before taking up cheap Semporna tour packages, say professional divers. [Newspaper] (2021)

STB to assist rural communities achieve ASEAN Tourism Standards. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah cabinet approves science and innovation council to support development plan. [Newspaper] (2021)

'Sabah can be water sports destination for all'. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah finetuning products for 'dark' tourism sites in Sabah Parks. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah moves toward cashless tourism activities. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah pins hope on Chong Wei to boost state tourism industry. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah to find ways to have travel bubble with Singapore. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah to implement endangered wildlife action plan next year. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah to launch TSA to collate data on state's tourism sector. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah to woo international tourists at Dubai Expo. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tourism in Kota Belud improves with zoning and travel bubble. [Newspaper] (2021)

Agrobank komited laksana segera inisiatif Belanjawan 2021. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bajet 2022 boleh beri nafas baharu industri pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Mantap ejen pengembangan bantu petani manfaat teknologi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tourism players give thumbs up to border plan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Muar, Mersing dan Desaru Coast perlu dimasukkan dalam gelembung pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Domestic tourism can lift gloomy clouds. [Newspaper] (2020)

Teknologi, pendigitalan pacu semula ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perbankan Islam mesti ada nilai moral. [Newspaper] (2017)

Guna sistem teknologi fertigasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Meluncur ombak Long Beach. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sabah lambai pelancong. [Newspaper] (2022)

Takah pengkoi menggamit! [Newspaper] (2021)

Berekreasi tempat menarik dalam negara. [Newspaper] (2021)

ICT pacu teknologi pendidikan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Covid-19 reporting must avoid any misperception. [Newspaper] (2021)

Dron baharu PDRM guna teknologi tinggi terkini. [Newspaper] (2021)

CBT is best concept to improve rural community income. [Newspaper] (2022)

KOPEL praised for successful community-based tourism in Kinabatangan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kinabatangan tourism depends on international market. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kiulu, an ideal relaxing holiday destination after pandemic. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kota Kinabalu-Kuala Terengganu route to further stimulate domestic tourism. [Newspaper] (2022)

Labuan tourism players eager to welcome tourists. [Newspaper] (2021)

Peninsula-based tour operators to explore Sabah's community-based products. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sabah community-based tourism an inspiration to Terengganu. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sabah encourages tourists to have travel insurance when borders reopen. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sabah records highest number of homestay tourists last year. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sabah to showcase attractions at Matta Fair. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah to showcase creative industry online. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah tourism goes virtual to revitalise industry. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sabah wants to implement VTL with Singapore to boost tourism. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sabah, Labuan to jointly promote domestic tourism. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tenom, a place to invoke the nostalgia of yesteryears. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tourism Malaysia Sabah to lead sales mission to Johor, Putrajaya. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kerjaya baru cef 5 bintang. [Newspaper] (2021)

Memang berbaloi kunjungi Labuan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Rezeki gubahan Juliana. [Newspaper] (2021)

Wujudkan pakej pelancongan berkaitan penyu. [Newspaper] (2021)

What entrepreneurs should know when raising funds post-Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

Timun Baby beri pendapatan lumayan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Penarafan 3 subjek UiTM meningkat. [Newspaper] (2021)

Untung & faedah dalam perbankan Islam dan konvensional. [Newspaper] (2022)

Johor mohon tiga kawasan pelancongan dibuka. [Newspaper] (2021)

Destinasi percutian kian sepi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Cybersecurity: The game-changer. [Newspaper] (2020)

ATV produk baharu edu pelancongan UPSI. [Newspaper] (2022)

Beralih kepada e-dagang. [Newspaper] (2020)

125 international tourists tested positive for Covid-19 in Langkawi. [Newspaper] (2022)

23 hotel di Langkawi ditutup akibat pandemik COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

COVID-19: Langkawi sudah bersedia rintis program gelembung pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kedah sasar tambah 50,000 pelancong lagi ke Langkawi. [Newspaper] (2021)

LADA laksana tiga inisiatif pulih ekonomi Langkawi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penggiat pelancongan lega Langkawi bakal dibuka kembali. [Newspaper] (2021)

Taman tema laut interaktif bakal dibuka. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tempahan hotel di Langkawi cecah 50 peratus - MAH. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tun M cadang pelancong selesai vaksin dibenar ke Langkawi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Institusi perbankan Islam kena adil tentu kadar keuntungan kepada pelanggan. [Newspaper] (2021)

PKP 2.0, ujian getir produk pelancongan Melaka. [Newspaper] (2021)

Industri pelancongan makin tenat. [Newspaper] (2021)

PEMERKASA suntik semangat warga industri pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ramai kakitangan industri pelancongan dijangka dibuang kerja. [Newspaper] (2021)

Turunkan cukai, insentif latihan antara tuntutan industri pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Strong Islamic banking push within Affin group. [Newspaper] (2024)

INTERACTIVE: Tourism sector workforce needs to evolve. [Newspaper] (2020)

Russians are ready to visit Malaysia again. [Newspaper] (2021)

Trade, tourism boost impossible without translation. [Newspaper] (2021)

MATTA: reopen borders in stages. [Newspaper] (2022)

Battered Malaysian tourism may lose out if border reopening is further delayed. [Newspaper] (2022)

Embracing online teaching during the pandemic. [Newspaper] (2020)

Work Matters! Personal reflections for work. [Newspaper] (2021)

Keeping food heritage alive. [Newspaper] (2019)

UMT, Big Bee join forces in strawberry farming. [Newspaper] (2020)

UiTM's role honoured in top climate change report. [Newspaper] (2019)

How to revive interest in STEM education. [Newspaper] (2021)

Why mastery of mathematics is important. [Newspaper] (2021)

7 teras utama Daken 2021 bakal dilancarkan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Homestay programme should be revitalised. [Newspaper] (2022)

Implikasi ketidaksepadanan maklumat perkongsian keuntungan dalam Perbankan Islam. [Newspaper] (2024)

Zalimkah mekanisme pengapungan kadar dalam perbankan Islam? [Newspaper] (2024)

Pertingkat literasi digital rakyat elak bandar pintar jadi 'lesu'. [Newspaper] (2021)

Orang ramai mula biasakan diri dengan SOP baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kementerian kenal pasti zon pelaburan pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2020)

SGPD 2019 - a deal-maker for Islamic banking? [Newspaper] (2023)

Empati dalam komunikasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Mita seeks another round of financial aid for tourism players. [Newspaper] (2021)

MITA urges government to prepare for tourism recovery and support industry through MCO 3.0. [Newspaper] (2021)

Nicol dilantik duta pelancongan Pulau Pinang 2022. [Newspaper] (2021)

Cadang guna cukai warisan bantu pelancongan Melaka. [Newspaper] (2020)

Melaka perkenal subsektor pelancongan agama. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM Cawangan Melaka mampu bersaing dalam industri kasut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Perbankan Islam zalim? [Newspaper] (2023)

Perbankan Islam tawar pelbagai bantuan untuk mangsa banjir, gantian kad percuma. [Newspaper] (2024)

Ubah cara amalan perbankan Islam untuk kekal relevan. [Newspaper] (2024)

Are our students ready for the IR4.0 workplace? [Newspaper] (2019)

Cybersecurity centre of excellence at UiTM next year. [Newspaper] (2018)

Developing skilled personnel and niche tourism areas. [Newspaper] (2019)

Emerging job trends. [Newspaper] (2020)

Putting Mersing on economic map. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pusat pelancongan di Perlis kembali 'meriah'. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tourism Malaysia pastikan program patuhi SOP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Masyarakat perlu bantu PKS bertahan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Blockchain technology offers ideal solution. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia estimates RM165bil in losses from tourist expenditure this year. [Newspaper] (2021)

Nancy explains what happened in CBN issue in 2010. [Newspaper] (2021)

Harnessing the miracle of mangosteens. [Newspaper] (2020)

Potensi 'river cruise' di Kuala Kangsar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tak ramai guna perbankan Islam. [Newspaper] (2019)

Industri pelancongan negara rugi RM135 bilion. [Newspaper] (2021)

Masjid Lapan Kubah suram tanpa kunjungan pelancong. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pelancong terkandas lega selamat tiba di Kuala Besut. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sasar usaha 1,000 hektar tanaman kenaf. [Newspaper] (2020)

SMEs can tap supply chain finance to grow. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kaki pancing dah boleh 'serang' Tasik Temengor. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perak jangka buka Pulau Pangkor 1 November. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pulau Pangkor sedia terima pelancong antarabangsa. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perbankan Islam dan kebajikan. [Newspaper] (2022)

3,036 Pahang hotel industry staff vaccinated. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tioman operators anticipating small window of opportunity before monsoon season. [Newspaper] (2021)

1,001 misteri laluan zaman purba. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pangkor sees surge in hotel bookings. [Newspaper] (2021)

#JOM! GO: A fruity destination. [Newspaper] (2021)

Miri's back with a bang and ready to welcome visitors, new residents. [Newspaper] (2022)

Limit Malaysia-Thailand border operating time to aid ailing local tourism sector. [Newspaper] (2022)

'Print media can survive with quality content'. [Newspaper] (2019)

Perbankan Islam digital bantu rancak ekonomi, pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2024)

Cover Story: Hotel transactions to pick up in the near term. [Newspaper] (2021)

Menghubungkan jurang prinsip perbankan Islam dan harapan digital generasi muda. [Newspaper] (2024)

Tourism operators should go beyond safety, security. [Newspaper] (2021)

TH perluas peranan perbankan Islam, salur bantuan. [Newspaper] (2024)

Malaysia to introduce Digital Content Ecosystem policy to boost gaming, animation exports. [Newspaper] (2019)

Boustead Plantations retain 9,457 staff. [Newspaper] (2020)

How will tourism bounce back. [Newspaper] (2021)

Almost 90,000 visited Langkawi under travel bubble programme. [Newspaper] (2021)

Konsep pelancongan bersejarah dipinggir? [Newspaper] (2022)

Sistem automasi bantu mudahkan tugas di ladang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kinta Riverwalk tak akan jadi 'gajah putih'. [Newspaper] (2022)

Perak peruntuk RM10 juta untuk sektor pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2020)

UiTM FSKM Student a Proud Representative of Malaysia in the Chiba Pan ‘n Shoot Excursion, Japan. [Newspaper] (2019)

AirAsia bakal perkenal kempen menarik ke Langkawi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bank digalak senarai unit perbankan Islam di bursa. [Newspaper] (2023)

Genting SkyWorlds dijangka dibuka Disember ini. [Newspaper] (2021)

MARiiKerja tawar platform cari kerja. [Newspaper] (2021)

Peningkatan kes COVID-19 terus jejas peruncitan, pelancongan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Proses bayaran balik tiket penerbangan ambil masa - AirAsia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sasar 5 juta pelancong sempena Tahun Melawat PD 2022. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sejukkan badan di Jeram Tebrau. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pelancong Singapura dominasi tempahan hotel Melaka. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysian student with list of achievements hired by Tesla as robotics instructor. [Newspaper] (2021)

As Omicron looms, tourism players keep eye on SOP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Hampir 400 pelancong terkandas di Pulau Perhentian. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pulau Perhentian, Jertih destinasi ekopelancongan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pengguna perlu buat semakan pilih peranti perubatan berdaftar. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tiada lagi hotel kuarantin di Pulau Pinang. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pengecualian yuran hotel, cukai hiburan Pulau Pinang dilanjutkan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Polis tingkat pemantauan patuh SOP di Langkawi. [Newspaper] (2021)

7-day minimum stay in Langkawi for int'l tourists before travelling to other Malaysian locations. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kedah welcomes proposal to open Langkawi to international tourists. [Newspaper] (2021)

Langkawi int'l travel bubble: Two private labs for Covid-19 screening. [Newspaper] (2021)

Langkawi tourism banking on interstate travellers, hoping for clearer SOPs. [Newspaper] (2021)

Langkawi transport operators gearing up for higher volume of inbound travellers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Prioritise hiring Malaysians instead of foreigners, hotel industry told. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tourism bubble: Langkawi ready to become Malaysia's gateway for int'l tourists. [Newspaper] (2021)

Travel bubble task force ready to welcome international tourists. [Newspaper] (2021)

Make PCR Covid-19 test prerequisite for Langkawi inbound travellers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ambil madu terus dari 190 sarang lebah. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM Pahang breeds stingless bees to produce high-quality honey. [Newspaper] (2020)

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 15:55:54 2025 +08.